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12:56 Apr 19 2012
Times Read: 658

“[Satanism is] mankind’s original religion”

- Satan

Joy of Satan Ministries is committed to the restoration of True Satanism. We look to the True Creator of the religion now known as “Satanism” and the Creator is Satan, himself. For far too long, enemies and outsiders have been free to define Satan and Satanism to fit their own agendas. Satan has rarely ever been allowed to speak for himself and reveal who he really is and what he is really about. Satan is a real being. He has interacted with many over the past several thousand years and he has left us his doctrines of the Al Jilwah, the Qu'ret Al Yezid and other manuscripts. He is the original Horned God.

Satan does not in any way fit the Judeo/Christian or Muslim descriptions that have falsely defined him for so long, nor does he conform to the character depicted of him in Anton LaVey’s “Satanic Bible.” In order to really know Satan, one must go to him personally, without prejudice or expectations. One will find he does not conform to this or that denomination’s conceptions of “evil” which have been foolishly and thoughtlessly heaped upon him for centuries.

Unfortunately, looking for answers from outside sources has been a common theme in Satanism because so much knowledge has been systematically removed and destroyed by the Christian Church. The Christian Church invented a false history to conform to their agenda, which is keeping spiritual knowledge and power in the hands of a few to the detriment of humanity.

Some of the articles on this website are obsolete in light of more knowledge. Satanism is knowledge and I am endlessly involved in further research and study to uncover ancient knowledge that has been suppressed. I do my best to update this website whenever my time permits.

Joy of Satan Ministries does not acknowledge or recognize Judaism, Christianity, or Islam as legitimate religions. These are in fact programs to replace spiritual knowledge with lies and corruptions, while extorting trillions upon trillions of dollars, and psychic energy, along with exploiting human misery and suffering to keep untold wealth, and spiritual knowledge and power in the hands of a "chosen" few.

Judaism and Christianity are also extremely new, though they try to claim otherwise, with the latest major “religion” being Islam, which manifested itself less than 1,000 years ago.

We find these programs have their foundations built upon stolen, corrupted teachings and practices of the older religions and have nothing of their own. We take the same stance where “Wicca” and “Neo-Paganism” are concerned as well. Both of these are latecomers (both manifesting in the 20th century) and are corrupted versions of the original religions, that conform to the Judeo/Christian agenda of enslaving the world through the removal of true spirituality.

Our objectives are to enlighten people to the truth and expose all of the lies these recent so-called "religions" have created regarding Satan, Satanism, and Satanists.

We do not recognize nor do we acknowledge groups who characterize Satan or Satanism by Judeo/Christian concepts, or those, who like the late Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan members, do not acknowledge his existence as a real being.

The information on this site is the result of much research and the personal interaction of many disciples with Satan and his Demons who have guided us and instructed us as to the truth concerning the origins of real Satanism. We encourage you to read and study freely and with an open mind. Only when one’s mind is completely free and deprogrammed, can true enlightenment and learning come about.

August 23rd, 2009:

The Roots and Origins of True Satanism

© Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, Joy of Satan Ministries;

Library of Congress Number: 12-16457




Satan's Poem 3

12:54 Apr 19 2012
Times Read: 659

I have created the men of time

The seven earths and the seven heavens.

These are my suns shine on the worlds

Guide the perplexed and my secrets are hidden

I am who creates in the wombs as I like.

People and I made my miracles appear in my creations.

I am the being of beings and all the beings.

I am that who satisfied all the worlds in my creations.

I am God of Gods and all of the throne.

And all of heavens are of my inventions.

I am the one whose secret is venerated

To me are the thanks, praise to me, venerated is my being.

-So Saith Shaitan




Satan's Poem 2

12:53 Apr 19 2012
Times Read: 660

My honor is presiding over everything.

And for this I am the one, the most strong and the most perfect

And I call in my strength who is the rule other than me.

I am the great and the most high.

O my worshippers believe in me, do not disregard me

For disbelief is of the characteristics of the selfish.

I give the infidels an ever close fire to drink

And breezes to those who believe in me.

Praise be to me glorified is my ability

Elevated is my sublimity, Here I am the King of the Earth.

-So saith Shaitan




Satan's Poem 1

12:52 Apr 19 2012
Times Read: 661

The Knowledgeable one knows that the peoples learning

contains some of the sea of my knowledge.

The lotus tree in the seventh heaven is the place of my


For that I am all-hearing, the all-knowing;

glorified is my sanctity and elevated is my name.

Paradise is my wine and Hell is the heat of my scorching


Constellations prostrated to me until I was elevated.

Like the prostration of servants to the served.

And all those in the universe said to me

O God, Lead us into the straight path.

-So saith Shaitan




Peace Be Unto Him

12:47 Apr 19 2012
Times Read: 662

My understanding surrounds the truth of things,

And the truth is mixed up in me,

And the truth of my descent is set forth by itself,

And when it was known, it was altogether in me

And all the habitable parts and deserts

And everything created is under me

And I am the ruling power preceding all that exists

And I am he that spoke a true saying

And I am the Just Judge and Ruler of the Earth

And I am he that men worship in my glory

Coming to me and kissing my feet

And I am he that spread over the heavens their height

And I am he that cried in the beginning

And I am he that of myself revealeth all things,

Verily the all-merciful has assigned unto me names,

The heavenly-throne, and the seat, and the heavens, and the earth.

In the secret of my knowledge, there is no god but me.

These things are subservient to my power.

O mine enemies, why do you deny me?

O men deny me not, but submit.

In the Day of Judgment, you will be happy in meeting me.

Who dies in my love, I will cast him

In the midst of paradise, by my will and pleasure;

But he that dies unmindful of me

Will be thrown into torture in misery and affliction.

I say I am the only one and the exalted;

I create and make rich those whom I will.

Praise it to myself, for all things are by my will,

And the universe is lighted by some of my gifts.

I am the king that magnifies himself,

And all the riches of creation are at my bidding.

I have made known unto you, o people, some of my ways.

So saith Shaitan




Qu'ret al-Yezid Revelation of Melek Ta'us

12:45 Apr 19 2012
Times Read: 663


Wherefore, it is true that my knowledge encompasses the

Very truth of all that is,

And my wisdom is not separate from my heart,

And the manifestation of my descent is clear unto you,

And when it is revealed to the children of Adam it will

Be seen by all.

And many will tremble thereby.

All habitations and desert spaces are indeed of my own creation, set forth,

All fully within my strength, not that of the false gods;

Wherefore I am he that men come with their rightful worship,

Not the false gods of their books, wrongly written;

But they come to know me, a peacock of bronze and gold,

Wings spread over Kaaba, temple, and church, not to be overshadowed.

And in the secret cave of my wisdom it is known that there is no god but myself,

Archangel over all the host, Melek Ta'us.

Knowing this, who dares deny?

Knowing this, who dares fail to worship?

Knowing this, who dares worship the false gods of the Koran and bible?

Know that who knows me will I cast into paradisiacal gardens of my pleasure!

But the Yezid who knows me not will I cast into affliction.

Say then, I am the only and exalted archangel;

And I make prosperous whom I will,

And I enliven whom I will.

Say then, I alone am to be praised from the Towers of Lalish,

And from the mountain of Ararat to the western sea.

Say then, let the light of knowledge flash forth from the ziarahs,

Flash forth from the river of Euphrates to the hiddeness of Shamballah.

Let my Sanjak be carried from its safe place into the temple,

And let all the clans of Yezid know of my manifestation,

Even Sheikan, and Sinjar, and Haliteyeh, and Malliyeh, and Lepcho,

And the Kotchar who wander among the heathen.

So saith Shaitan




The Al Jilwah The Black Book of Satan

12:38 Apr 19 2012
Times Read: 664

Chapter I

I was, am now, and shall have no end. I exercise dominion over all creatures and over the affairs of all who are under the protection of my image. I am ever present to help all who trust in me and call upon me in time of need. There is no place in the universe that knows not my presence. I participate in all the affairs, which those who are without call evil because their nature is not such as they approve. Every age has its own manager, who directs affairs according to my decrees. This office is changeable from generation to generation, that the ruler of this world and his chiefs may discharge the duties of their respective offices everyone in his own turn. I allow everyone to follow the dictates of his own nature, but he that opposes me will regret it sorely.

No god has a right to interfere in my affairs, and I have made it an imperative rule that everyone shall refrain from worshipping all gods. All of the books of those who are without are altered by them; and they have declined from them, although they were written by the prophets and the apostles. That there are interpolations is seen in the fact that each sect endeavors to prove that the others are wrong and to destroy their books.

To me truth and falsehood are known. When temptation comes, I give my covenant to him that trusts in me. Moreover, I give council to the skilled directors, for I have appointed them for periods that are known to me. I remember necessary affairs and execute them in due time. I teach and guide those who follow my instruction. If anyone obey me and conform to my commandments, he shall have joy, delight, and comfort.

Chapter II

I requite the descendants of Adam, and reward them with various rewards that I alone know. Moreover, power and dominion over all that is on earth, both that which is above and that which is beneath, are in my hands. I do not allow friendly association with other people, nor do I deprive them that are my own and that obey me of anything that is good for them. I place my affairs in the hands of those whom I have tried and who are in accord with my desires. I appear in diverse manners to those who are faithful and under my command.

I give and take away; I enrich and impoverish; I cause both happiness and misery. I do all this in keeping with the characteristics of each epoch. And none has a right to interfere with my management of affairs. Those who oppose me I afflict with disease; but my own shall not die like the sons of Adam that are without. None shall live in this world longer than the time set by me; and if I so desire, I send a person a second or third time into this world or into some other by the transmigration of souls.

Chapter III

I lead to the straight path without a revealed book; I direct aright my beloved and chosen ones by unseen means. All my teachings are easily applicable to all times and all conditions. I punish in another world all who do contrary to my will.

Now the sons of Adam do not know the state of things that is to come. For this reason, they fall into many errors. The beasts of the earth, the birds of heaven and the fish of the sea are all under the control of my hands. All treasures and hidden things are known to me; and as I desire, I take them from one and bestow them upon another.

I reveal my wonders to those who seek them, and in due time my miracles to those who receive them from me. But those who are without are my adversaries, hence they oppose me. Nor do they know that such a course is against their own interests, for might, wealth and riches are in my hands, and I bestow them upon every worthy descendant of Adam. Thus the government of the worlds, the transition of generations, and the changes of their directors are determined by me from the beginning.

Chapter IV

I will not give my rights to other gods. I have allowed the creation of four substances, four times and four corners; because they are necessary things for creatures.

The books of Jews, Christians and Muslims, as of those who are without, accept in a sense, i.e., so far as they agree with and conform to my statutes. Whatsoever is contrary to these, they have altered; do not accept it. Three things are against me and I hate three things. But those who keep my secrets shall receive the fulfillment of my promises. Those who suffer for my sake I will surely reward in one of the worlds.

It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them. Now, then, all ye who have followed my commandments and my teachings, reject all the teachings and sayings of such as are without.

I have not taught these teachings, nor do they proceed from me. Do not mention my name nor my attributes, lest ye regret it; for ye do not know what those who are without may do.

Chapter V

O yea that have believed in me, honor my symbol and my image, for they remind you of me. Observe my laws and statutes. Obey my servants and listen to whatever they may dictate to you of the hidden things. Receive that, that is dictated, and do not carry it before those who are without, Jews, Christians, Muslims and others; for they know not the nature of my teaching. Do not give them your books, lest thy alter them without your knowledge. Learn by heart the greater part of them, lest they be altered.




The Doctrines of Satan

12:25 Apr 19 2012
Times Read: 669

The Yezidi Devil Worshippers of Iraq

There have been many conflicting articles concerning the Yezidi Devil worshippers of Iraq. The Yezidi people originally came from Southern Iraq and migrated north to Mount Lalish. It is believed they are descendants of the Assyrians who sought refuge after the fall of Nineveh in 612 BCE. ¹ Eridu also known as “Enkidu” was an ancient city in Southern Iraq. This was Father Satan's (Enki’s) city. The valley of Baten El Ghoul which is right over the buried ancient city is now known as "The Devil's Hole." "Belly of the Beast." The Jordanians and many others consider it to be haunted. Demons have been seen by many who have spent the night there, mostly soldiers in bivouac (camps). Those who have been there for any length of time claim it has a powerful energy which RHP people label as "evil."

Those who have spent the night there also claim the entire area is "bathed in a strange bluish grey light." "Apparitions" are also seen. (The above information was taken from the book "Psychic Warrior" by David Moorehouse). The author was a US Army soldier who was hit in the head by a mortar shell while camping with his platoon in that valley and experienced psychic phenomena and abilities he never had before the incident. He was eventually assigned to the US Army Psychic Warfare Dept.

Iraq has many ancient artifacts and evidence of Satan. Mount Lalesh is near the ancient Assyrian city of Nineveh and along a three hundred mile stretch are the Ziarahs; the Seven Towers of Satan with the center tower on Mount Lalesh. The "Seven Towers or Power houses -a high white cone shaped structure with bright rays flashing from its pinnnacle."²


Each tower is topped by a brilliant heliographic reflector, and was intended to serve as a power house from where a Satanic/Yezidi Priest could beam his will to influence events in the world.


The Yezidis have often been described as a secretive people who are not permitted to reveal their religion to outsiders, they keep their real beliefs hidden. Modern Yezidism has changed somewhat from the old ways due to outside interference. The Yezidi people have been severely persecuted and are very suspicious of outsiders. It is obvious their doctrines have been altered to conform to xian beliefs as in the Qu’ret Al Yezid, Satan dictates he is a God and in other places it reads he is an “archangel.”

Satan dictated the Al Jilwah directly to Yezidi prophet Sheik Adi in the 12th century. The Al Jilwah is the most important doctrine in Satanism and every Satanist should be familiar with its teachings. I asked Satan if the Al Jilwah was from him and he confirmed it was, but stated that the Muslims altered some of the Yezidi doctrines.

The Yezidis have been victims of mass murder and genocide at the hands of others, mainly of those of the xian and muslim religions. In the year 1415 CE, Muslims desecrated and burned the tomb of Sheik Adi, ransacking his grave and removing his bones and burning them in front of the Yezidis. “Some of the Yezidi multitude they took as prisoners and made slaves of them, others they murdered. “Badr al-Din further ordered the execution of two hundred members of the sect and had Sheik Adi’s bones disinterred and burned.” ³

In 1892, Farik ‘Omar Pasa invited several Yezidi Chiefs to Mosul. His agenda was to collect 20 years back taxes and to try to convert them to Islam. A few xians were present at the meeting. He began to tell them that “if they would give up their Devil-worship, they would be rewarded with high place and rank, and would please the great Allah.” When they refused to answer, Farik threw them into prison, marched on their village and “slew about 500 of them.” 4

Most Yezidis are illiterate and the few doctrines they have are passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. In order to avoid persecution, the Yezidi people have purposely deceived outsiders concerning their beliefs and doctrines. This explains why there are so many conflicting accounts of their faith. The Yezidis have very few scriptures; in the Al-Jilwah, Satan instructs: “I lead to the straight path without a book.”

”Melek Ta’us taught “first by oral tradition and secondly by this book Jilwe.” 5

The Yezidi people are forbidden to say the name “Shaitan.” They refer to Satan as “Melek Ta’us.” Melek means “King.” He is known as the Peacock Angel because of his beauty and pride. He is the “Proud One” and “Ruler of the Earth.” He is a God of light rather than of darkness and is concerned with the destinies of the world. 4 The Yezidis represent Satan by both the peacock and the snake. “The peacock represents the beauty of the worshipped God and the snake represents his wisdom because he is both beautiful and wise.” Their holy relic is the copper sanjak, an image of the peacock. 6

They play the flute and tambourine at their festivals and dance; “a worship which led to every excess of debauchery and lust.”7

”The Jalwah and the Resh are the authentic holy scriptures of the Yezidis. The Yezidis not only acknowledge the loss of many copies of their scriptures but also Shaikh Hayder’s recording of the Book of Resh. The latter no doubt the Resh scripture was set down from memory.” The Yezidis indeed avoid mentioning the very name ‘Satan’ or any of his attributes; have kept themselves aloof for centuries and their books a mystery. They also are forbidden to wear the color blue as this is the sacred color of Satan. 8 The Yezidis sometimes use the name “Ankar” for Satan and the name Angar-Manyu for Ahriman in Zoroastrianism. 9 The Mishaf (Scripture) Resh (Black) the Yezidis believe was written by Shaikh Hasan al-Basri has been called “Black” because the word Satan is covered in it. Some believe it was the Quran with the words for Satan covered by wax. It measures 28 x 21 cm. and has a leather cover. The Yezidis also have a reputation for being adepts at black magick. 10

¹ The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed 1975

² Adventures in Arabia: Among the Bedouins, Druses, Whirling Dervishes & Yezidee Devil Worshipers by W.B. Seabrook 1927

³Yezidism- its Background, Observances and Textual Tradition

by Philip G. Kreyenbroek 1995

4 Ibid.

5 The Yezidis: A Study in Survival by J.S. Guest 1987

6Peacock Angel by E.S. Drower 1941


8The Yezidis, their Life and Beliefs by Sami Said Ahmed 1975


10 Devil Worship 1919: The Sacred Books and Traditions of the Yezidiz

by Isya Joseph





13:09 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 683


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