Why is it that family members seem to betray one another faster then strangers? Someone in my family has recently started to spread lies about me but I am not only talking about that. How could my Grandmother call the police on her own children as they were growing up? Not to get them help or because she couldn't handle what they were doing, but because she wanted the attention from other people. Oh look there is poor Mary with those kids that belong to the devil... Yeah right she didnt care what they did with their life. My family oftens betrays one another just in hopes of getting ahead a little more. But isn't blood supposed to be thicker then water? Uh huh sure, do they even care what happens from their lies, betrayal and deceit? I really doubt if they do anymore. My aunt had my cousin going to school selling weed for her. He got sargus and she got off scottfree (sp?). Damn it, most people all they care about is attention and the interests of theirselves. That is all.