I live beneath a skin of falsity
Curled into a ball; a fetal man
There is a shudder in the shadow
A beast lurking under the window
The growls smell wet and sound dreadful
Out of reach there remains the fetal man
Curled and hopeless; lost in lies
The shell mocks him and the shadow laughs
Foolish man who thought to live and died
Or rather, experienced something like death
Laying in the filth of his lies; living in them
The window is open and the breeze of truth glides in
Carelessly it wisps about the shadowy void
It caresses the beast into slumber; snores as wet as growls
The fetal man unfurls and sits and stares
Wonderment trickles down his spine and least of all, hope
He scuttles forward, or backward, progression toward the window
He stands; he stumbles; he falls
The beast wakes groggily; too late, too late
Fetal man leaps for the window and the beast stares
A cowardly piece of shit, it is all bark and no bite
The beast growls and howls and scurries into the void
The golden chain leashed to its torso snaps hard, and the beast dies
Fetal man, no longer fetal man
Tenderly he moves his head through the window
His countenance brightens on the stars, the moon, and the expanse of life
Naked and alone; he doesn’t care
He is free
He is free
A calendar written in the flowing green moonlit grass
It reads, “Died, December 17, 2002. Freed, December 17, 2012.”
Freedom man smiles
Naked and alone, his pisses on the spot marked by the tombstone words
Freedom man, not fetal man
Exuberant shouts fill the sky, fill the vivid living world
And he runs; Freedom man, now free.