I had a day off today, Yay! nice to sit and relax. But now being a friday nigh i'm sitting here contemplating going out. I always thought I would never be the type to drink on my own but I just cant let a perfectly good friday night go to waste. So here I sit on my own woundering if I can handle another saturday at work hungover with no sleep. not that it really matters My last boss did request I go to work still drunk rather than hungover. The perks of working in sales. I just dont know. Is it an alcoholic if you only drink on your own on a friday? I'm gunna say no cause its not a problem till you admit it is. I think I should make friends then I wouldn't be in this situation. See the problem I have is I just don't like people and for some strange reason that make people not like me, odd no? But yeah I think I'll maybe just watch movies on my own. Wow I have such an exciting life movies and an early night so i can me fresh for work,Yay!
I'm never good with journals to put everything in basic words almost seems hard but I'll try.
I worked today as I do on most days. I enjoy my work, well atleast i did. I'm not to sure these days things have changed too much receintly and too quickly, but still I soldier on. Today though was a good day the kind of day where you can shoot you boss with a rubber band and not get fired. Its damn cold now though and leaving work is worse, ah the perils of night shift. I cant wait till winter is gone and the rain too and we're back to the warm nights of parties outdoors, they just as much fun held inside. Yeah well clearly i have nothing intersting to say I am actually talking about the weather soI should go.
09:28 Sep 29 2008
sound like a girl of my own mind.