Do Thy Will
Magickal currents pass as the Great Wheel swings endlessly to and fro
driven by words of power whose origin is inestimable. Spare was a watcher on
the threshold. AGAPE of the Christos had spent its force. It laid upon the land as a
shroud when once it had been a bright and shining spell of liberation. Under this
pall the scorpion bred consciousness in the charnel house of putrefaction.
Monsters arose and walked the earth in the guise of living men and women.
These are the hypocrites to whom the sermon was delivered. The Black Lion found
himself in a pigsty; speaking to swine bred on foul aethers. Where once there was
the sermon on the mount, now there need be a Sermon of the Midden. Nalsa eats
complacency and his leavings bear the name of Doubt. Nalsa heralds the onrush of
the Beast as John the Baptist once swept the path of the Christos. This time it is not
the oracles' head served upon the platter. Be not complacent. The anthem of Liber
L will, on Saturn’s touch, turn its melody inward and become a funeral dirge of
the Soul. If there is ought to be learnt it is this....we are the hypocrites to whom
Nalsa speaks. There is no hope. The Great Wheel turns. All that we love and will is
its grist. Nothing Remains. Will – Love
ANATHEMA OF NALSA: The Sermon to the Hypocrites
Hostile to self-torment, the vain excuses called devotion, Nalsa satisfied the
habit by speaking loudly unto his Self. And at one time, returning to familiar
consciousness, he was vexed to notice interested hearers-a rabble of involuntary
mendicants, pariahs, whoremongers, adulterers, distended bellies, and the prevalent
sick-grotesques that obtain in civilizations. His irritation was much, yet still they
And seeing, with chagrin, the hopeful multitude of Believers, he went down
into the Valley of Styx, prejudiced against them as FOLLOWERS. And when he
was ennui, he opened his mouth in derision, saying:
O, ye whose future is in other hands! This familiarity is permitted not of thy-
but of my impotence. Know me as NALSA the Black Lion, savior of myself and of
those things I have not yet regretted. Unbidden ye listened to my soliloquy.
Endure then my Anathema.
Foul feeders! Slipped, are ye, on your own excrement? Parasites! Having
made the world lousy, imagine ye are of significance to Heaven?
Desiring to learn-think ye to escape hurt in the rape of your ignorance? For
of what I put in, far more than innocence shall come out! Laboring not the
harvest of my weakness, shall I your moral-fed desires satisfy?
I, who enjoy my body with un-weary tread, would rather pack with wolves
than enter your pest-houses.
Sensation . . Nutrition . . . Mastication . . . . Procreation . . . ! This is your
blind-worm cycle. Ye have made a curiously bloody world for love in desire.
Shall nothing change except through your accusing diet?
IN THAT YE ARE CANNIBALS, what meat should I offer? Having eaten of
your dead selves savored with every filth, ye now raven to glutton of my
mind's motion?
In your conflict ye have obtained . . . ? Ye who believe your procreation is
ultimate are the sweepings of creation manifest, returning again to early
simplicity to hunger, to become, and realize-ye are not yet. Ye have muddled
time and ego. Think ye to curb the semen SENTIMENTALLY? Ye deny
sexuality with tinsel ethics, live by slaughter, pray to greater idiots-that all
things may be possible to ye WHO ARE IMPOSSIBLE. For ye desire saviors
useless to pleasure.
Verily, far easier for madmen to enter Heaven than moral Lepers. Of what
difference is Life or Death? Of what difference is dream or reality? Know ye
nothing further than you own stench? Know ye what ye think ye know for
certain? Fain would I be silent. Yet too tolerant is this Sun that cometh up to
behold me, and my weakness comes of my dissatisfaction of you solicit . . . .
but be ye damned before obtaining fresh excuses of me!
Cursed are the resurrectionists! Is there only body and soul?
Is there nothing beyond entity? No purchase beyond sense and desire of God
than this blasting and devouring swarm ye are?
Oh, ye favored of your own excuses, guffaw between bites! Heaven is
indifferent to your salvation or catastrophe. Your curveless crookedness
maketh ye fallow for a queer fatality!
What! I to aid your self-deception, ameliorate your decaying bodies,
preserve your lamentable apotheosis of self?
The sword-thrust not salve-I bring!
Am I your swineherd, though I shepherd unto goats? My pleasure does not
obtain among vermin with vain ideas-with hopes and fears of absurd
significance. Not yet am I over-weary of myself. Not ye shall I palliate
abomination, for in ye I behold your parents and the stigmata of foul
In this ribald intoxication of hypocrisy, this monument of swindlers'
littlenesses, where is the mystic symposium, the hierarchy of necromancers
that was?
Honest was Sodom! YOUR theology is a slime-pit of gibberish become
ethics. In YOUR world, where ignorance and deceit constitute felicity,
everything ends miserably-besmirched with fratricidal blood.
Seekers of salvation? Salvation of your sick digestion; crippled beliefs:
Convalescent desires. Your borrowed precepts and prayers-a stench unto all
good nostrils!
Unworthy of a soul-your metamorphosis is laborious of morbid rebirth to
give habitance to the shabby sentiments, the ugly familiarities, the
calligraphic pandemonium-a world of abundance acquired of greed. Thus
are ye outcasts! Ye habitate dung-heaps; your glorious palaces are hospitals
set amid cemeteries. Ye breathe gay-heartedly within this cess-pit? Ye obtain
of half-desires, bent persuasions, of threats, of promises made hideous by
vituperatious righteousness! Can you realize of Heaven when it exists
Believing without associating ye are spurious and know not the way of
virtue. There is no virtue in truth, nor truth in righteousness. Law becomes
of desire's necessity. Corrupt is the teacher, for they who speak have only
spent words to give.
Believe or blaspheme! Do ye not speak from between your thighs?
To believe or unbelieve is the question. Verily, if you believe of the least-ye
needs must thrive all things. Ye are of all things, of all knowledge, and, be
like, will you or stupidity to further self-misery!
Your wish? Your heaven? I say your desire is women. Your potential desire
a brothel. Ah, ye who fear suffering, who among ye has courage to assault
the cloudy enemies of creeds, of the stomach's pious hopes?
I blaspheme your commandments, to provoke and enjoy your bark, your
teeth grinding!
Know ye what ye want? What ye ask? Know ye virtue from maniacal
Sin from folly? Desiring a teacher, who among ye are worthy to learn?
Brutally shall I teach the gospel of soul-suicide, of contraception, not
preservation and procreation.
Fools! Ye have made vital the belief the Ego is eternal,, fulfilling a purpose
not lost to you.
All things become of desire; the legs to the fish; the wings to the reptile.
Thus was your soul begotten.
Hear, O vermin!
Your desires shall become flesh, your dreams reality and no fear shall alter
it one whit.
Hence do I travel ye into the incarnating abortions-the aberrations, the
horrors without sex, for ye are worthless to offer Heaven new sexuality’s.
Once in this world I enjoyed laughter-when I remembered the value I gave
the contemptible; the significance of my selfish fears; the absurd vanity of
my hopes; the sorry righteousness called I.
And YOU?
Certainly not befitting are tears of blood, nor laughter of gods.
Ye do not even look like MEN but the strange spawn of some forgotten
Lost among the illusions begot of duality-are these the differentiation’s ye
make for future entity to ride your bestial self? Millions of times have ye had
re-birth and many more times will ye again SUFFER existence.
Ye are of things distressed, living down the truths ye made. Loosing only
from my overflow, perchance I teach ye to learn of yourselves? In my
becoming shall the hungry satisfy of my good and evil? I strive me neither,
and confide subsequent to the event.
Know my purpose: To be a stranger unto myself, the enemy of truth.
Uncertain of what ye believe, belike ye half-desire? But believe ye this,
serving your dialectics:
Subscribing only to self-love, the outcroppings of my hatred now speak.
Further, to ventilate my own health, I scoff at your puerile dignitaries'
absurd moral clothes and ovine faith in a fortuitous and gluttonous future!
Dogs, devouring your own vomit! Cursed are ye all! Throwbacks,
adulterers, sycophants, corpse devourers, pilferers and medicine
swallowers! Think ye Heaven is an infirmary?
Ye know not pleasure. In your sleep lusts, feeble violence and sickly morale,
ye are more contemptible than the beasts ye feed for food.
I detest your Mammon. Disease partakes of your wealth. Having acquired,
ye know not how to spend.
Empty of cosmos are they who hunger after righteousness. Already are the
merciful spent. Extinct are the pure in heart. Governed are the meek and of
Heaven earn similar disgust. Your society is a veneered barbarity. Ye are
precocious primitives. Where is your success other than through hatred?
There is no good understanding in your world-this bloody transition by
procreation and butchery.
Of necessity ye hate, and love your neighbor by devouring.
The prophets are nauseating and should be persecuted. Objects of ridicule,
their deeds cannot live through their tenets. Actions are the criterion, then
how can ye speak other than lies?
Love is cursed. Your desire is your God and execration. Ye shall be judged
or your appetite.
Around me I see your configuration-again a swine from the herd. A
repulsive object of charity! The curse is pronounce; for ye are slime and
sweat-born, homicidally reared. And again shall your fathers call to the help
of women. Ye vainly labor at a rotten Kingdom of Good and Evil. I say that
Heaven is catholic-and none shall enter with susceptibility of either.
Cursed are ye who shall be persecuted for MY sake. For I say I am
CONVENTION entire, excessively evil, perverted and nowhere good-for ye.
Whosoever would be with me is neither much of me nor of himself enough.
Nalsa tired, but loathing his hearers too much, he again reviled them saying:
Worm-ridden jackals! Still would ye feast on my vomit? Whosoever follows
me becomes his own enemy; for in that day my exigency shall be his ruin.
Go labor! Fulfill the disgust of becoming yourself, of discovering your
beliefs, and thus acquire virtue. Let your good be accidental; thus escape
gratitude and it sorry vainglory, for the wrath of Heaven is heavy on easy
In your desire to create a world, do unto others as you would-when
sufficiently courageous.
To cast aside, not save, I come. Inexorably towards myself; to smash the
law, to make havoc of the charlatans, the quacks, the swankers and brawling
salvationists with their word-tawdry phantasmagoria; to disillusion and
awaken every fear of your natural, rapacious selves.
Living the most contemptible and generating everything beastly, are ye so
vain of your excuse to expect other than the worst of your imagining?
Honesty is unvoiced! And I warn you to make holocaust of your saints, your
excuses: these flatulent bellowing of your ignorance. Only then could I
assure your lurking desire-easy remission of your bowdlerized sins.
Criminals of folly? Ye but sin against self.
There is no sin for those of Heaven's delight. I would ye resist not nor
exploit your evil: such is of fear, and somnambulism is born of hypocrisy.
In pleasure Heaven shall break every law before this Earth shall pass away.
Thus if I possessed, my goodness towards ye would be volcanic.
He who is lawless is free. Necessity and time are conventional phenomena.
Without hypocrisy or fear ye could do as ye wish. Whosoever, therefore,
shall break the precept or live its transgression shall have relativity of
Heaven. For unless your righteousness exist not, ye shall not pleasure freely
and creatively. In so much as ye sin against doctrine, so shall your
imagination be required in becoming.
It has been said without wit: "Thou shalt not kill." Among beasts man lives
supremely-on his own kind. Teeth and claws are no longer sufficient
accessory to appetite. Is this world's worst reality more vicious than human
I suggest to your inbred love of moral gesture to unravel the actual from the
Rejoice ye! The law-makers shall have the ugly destiny of becoming subject.
Whatsoever is ordained is superseded-to make equilibrium of this
consciousness rapport with hypocrisy.
Could ye be arbitrary? Belief foreshadows its inversion. Overrun with
forgotten desires and struggling truths, ye are their victim in the dying and
begetting law.
The way of Heaven is a purpose-anterior to and not induced by thought.
Desire, other than by the act, shall in no wise obtain: Therefore believe
SYMBOLICALLY or with caution.
Between men and women having that desire there is no adultery. Spend the
large lust and when ye are satiated ye shall pass on to something fresh. In
this polite day it has become cleaner to fornicate by the wish than to enact.
Offend not your body nor be so stupid as to let your body offend ye. How
shall it serve ye to reproach your duality? Let your oath be in earnest;
though better to communicate by the living act than by the word.
This God-this cockatrice-is a projection of your imbecile apprehensions,
your bald grossness and madhouse vanities. Your love is born of fear; but
far better to hate than further deception.
I would make your way difficult. Give and take of all men indiscriminately.
I know your love and hate. Inquire of red diet. Within your stomach is civil
Only in Self-love is procreative will.
What now! Shall I attempt wisdom by words? Alphabetic truths with
legerdemain grammar? There is no spoken truth that is not PAST-more
wisely forgotten.
Shall I scrawl slippery paradox with mad calligraphy? Words, mere words! I
exist in a wordless world, without yesterday nor to-morrow-beyond
All conceivableness procures of time and space. Hence I spit on your
tatterdemalion ethics, moldering proverbs, priestly inarticulations and
delirious pulpit jargon. This alone I give ye as safe commandments in your
pestilent schisms.
Better is it to go without than to borrow.
Finer far to take than beg.
From Puberty till Death realize "Self" in all.
There is no greater virtue than good nourishment.
Feed from the udder, and if the milk be Sour, feed on . . .
Human nature is the worst possible!
Once I lived among ye. From self-decency now I habitate the waste places,
a willing outcast; associate of goats, cleaner far, more honest than men.
Within this heterogenousness of difference, reality is hard to realize;
evacuation is difficult.
These spiritualists are living sepulchers. What has decayed should perish
Cursed are they who supplicate. Gods are with ye yet. Therefore let ye who
pray acquire this manner:
Self my God, foreign is thy name except in blasphemy, for I am thy
iconoclast. I cast thy bread upon the waters, for I myself am meat enough.
Hidden in the labyrinth of the Alphabet is my sacred name, the SIGIL of
all things unknown. On Earth my kingdom is Eternity of DESIRE. My
wish incarnates in the belief and becomes flesh, for, I AM THE LIVING
TRUTH. Heaven is ecstasy; my consciousness changing and acquiring
association. May I have courage to take from my own superabundance.
Let me forget righteousness. Free me of morals. Lead me into temptation
of myself, for I am a tottering kingdom of good and evil. May worth be
acquired through those things I have pleasured. May my trespass be
worthy. Give me the death of my soul. Intoxicate me with self-love. Teach
me to sustain its freedom; for I am sufficiently Hell. Let me sin against the
small beliefs. AMEN.
Concluding his conjunction, Nalsa said:
Again, O sleep-walkers, beggars and sufferers, born of the stomach; unlucky
men to whom happiness is necessary!
Ye are insufficient to live alone, not yet mature enough to sin against the law
and still desire women.
Other than damnation I know no magic to satisfy your wishes; for ye believe
one thing, desire another, speak unlike, act differently and obtain the living
Assuredly inclination towards new faculties springs from this bastardy!
Social only to the truths convenient to your courage, yet again beasts shall
be planted.
Shall I speak of that unique intensity without form? Know ye the ecstasy
within? The pleasure between ego and self?
At that time of ecstasy there is no thought of others; there is NO THOUGHT.
Thither I go and none may lead.
Sans women-your love is anathema!
For me, there is no way but my way. Therefore, go ye your way-none shall
lead ye to walk towards yourselves. Let your pleasures be as sunsets,
Was the original purpose the thorough enjoyment of multitudinous self, for
ecstasy? These infinite ramifications of consciousness in entity, associating
by mouth, sex, and sense!
Has the besetting of sex become utter wretchedness-repetition made
necessary of your scotomy?
bloody-mouthed! Shall I again entertain ye with a little understanding? An
introspection of cannibalism in the shambles of diet-the variating murder
against the ancestral? Is there no food beyond corpse?
Your murder and hypocrisy must pass before ye are uplifted to a world
where slaughter is unknown.
Thus, with a clean mouth, I say unto ye, I live by bread alone. Sleep is
competent prayer. All morality is BEASTLY.
Alas, there has been a great failure. Man is dead. Only women remain.
With tongue in cheek I would say: "Follow me! That ye realize what is
hidden in all suffering. I would make your self-mortification voluntary, your
wincing courageous."
Still will ye be with me? Salutation to all suicides!
With a yawn Nalsa wearied and fell asleep. In time the stench awoke him-for he had
slept amidst the troughs- and he observed that the crowd were no longer with him-
that only SWINE remained. And he guffawed and spake thus:
Not yet have I lost relationship and am thereby nearly asphyxiated! Caught
up am I in the toils of sentiment, the moral hallucinations within the ebb and
flow of hopes and fears?
Shall age alone transmute desire? Not yet have I disentangled illusion from
reality: for I know not men from swine, dreams from reality; or whether I did
speak only unto myself. Neither know I to whom my anathema would be the
more impressionable . . . .
My insensible soliloquy is eaten as revelation! What I spake with hard
strived conceit to increase enterprise brings forth only swinish snorts. Water
is not alone in finding its level.
I have not me tragedy, no, not in this life! Yet, whether I have spewed their
doctrines upon the tables of the Law or into the troughs, at least I have not
cast away the flesh of dreams.
And turning towards his light, Nalsa said:
This my will, O Thou Glorious Sun. I am weary of my snakes descending-
making slush.
Farewell antithesis. I have suffered. All is paid.
Let me go forth to recreate my sleep.