well my bf broke up with me today.
finally! i mean i still love him and all but it gets on ur nerves when u get ignored for three days straight. and we decided to still be buddies, which is super good. so now hes my bud and im open to other guys.
ummm.... thats all 4 now see ya
i came to school yesterday and my best friend comes up to me and asks if im still dating my bf.
i said yeah and asked y.
she told me that her and her cousin were at a concert on saterday and saw him and some gurl makin out.
they asked him if we were still goin out and he said no that he had dumped me a while ago.
i dont kno i guess he forgot to tell me
anyway now he wont talk to me because i found out.
i really want to make things better between us but its hard to do when he completely ignores me and refuses to talk to any of my friends either.
are all guys like this?
no im sure theres some good guys out there somwhere.
oh well life goes on even if it sux ass.