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03:49 Sep 24 2007
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I thought I would post as much useful information that I could about Absinthe (especially with how many people have asked me about it recently and it’s grotesque knockoffs underground), with a few extra ‘tips’ that any potential Absinthe drinker might want to know about. In any case…this entry is an interesting read.~~~

[ A slotted spoon is placed on a glass. On it rests a cube of sugar. A greenish liquid is poured over the cube, just barely rounding the top corners. A little chilled water comes next, nearly finishing off the cube, which is tipped into the glass and stirred. The louche liquid turns a cloudy, yellowish green……. ]

Toward the end of the nineteenth century, this anise flavored herbal became a favorite among writers, musicians, artists and of course…Occultists. More than just a strong liquor (some versions often exceeded 140 proof, yikes!), Absinthe contains wormwood and other narcotic herbs. What these herbs share in common is Thujone, the chemical that makes Absinthe such an experience (definatley worth having).

In the 1800’s, Absinthe was a highly potent drink. The Thujone level in the drink exceeded a ratio of thirty parts million (ppm) or milligrams per kilogram (mg/kg). Some believe the Thujone level may very well been as high as 260mg. Put simply, a glass would allow the narcotic effects to kick in quickly. As with Chartreuse, Absinthe is a substance where you race against your reaction to excessive alcohol content in the hopes of feeling something from the other ingredients. A hundred years ago, it wasn’t much of a race at all. In fact, the Thujone won every single time, bringing on hyper states of euphoria and vivid ideas.

Unfortunatley, the Thujone’s dominance over a drinker’s physiology may not have been temporary (there's always a debate, huh?). Scientists continue to argue, even to this day, over the long term effects Thujone has caused to Absinthe drinkers of the past…But we’ll never be for certain. The “good stuff” was outlawed in many countries in the early 1900’s (of course).

While the U.S. doesn’t allow the sale of real Absinthe, it flows freely and legally in Europe, with a weakly enforced Thujone-level limitation. The so-called, “safe versions” of Absinthe are 10mg/kg in Europe, but stronger versions, even if the legalities are not so clear, can be found. To prevent legal trouble, most distillers keep the Thujone down to 10mg/kg or less. Because of this low concentration, most people who drink Absinthe today feel so let down when they drink the 10mg/kg version. So…what if you want the “good stuff”? Don’t fret…Di-Di is here to pass the information right along lol.

The good news is that if Absinthe ever did cause people to go insane (like so many have said about van Gogh…absinthe wasn’t to blame here – it was a raging case of syphilis), You wouldn’t even be close to getting the amounts of Thujone that drinkers, of the past, such as van Gogh, received. Van Gogh could have very well been drinking up to 260mg/kg of Thujone!

Again, most of today’s Absinthe is absolutely safe – Some say way too safe. So, as somebody who manages to score 40-60mg/kg bottles on a pretty good basis, I can safely say that even the harder-to-find “stuff’ does not cause insanity. Hope is not lost to Americans who want to experience the magic of Absinthe. You need one of two things. A friend in Europe willing to send a locally obtained bottle to you, or a credit card and a little bit of luck. As for the credit card technique…pay attention here.

There is a fun little legal loophole in the U.S. While you are not allowed to sell or buy Absinthe in America…The law is not defined one way or the other about whether you are allowed to own or possess it. Interesting, huh? Several companies online provide ways to order Absinthe with overseas transactions. The (sometimes) tricky part is if your bottle gets confiscated by Customs, and then you get a lovely note in the empty box telling you so. You can imagine that those bastards are enjoying your pricey bottle, too, which is the worst part…trust me.

To avoid a hundred dollar (or more) letdown, look for online companies that use couriers. Breaks down like this – Eventhough you place the order overseas, some companies use local couriers in the U.S. to actually ship you the bottle. Works like a freaking charm!

So, when shopping online throw little caution to the wind and try to get a bottle with a higher Thujone level. About 40% of these brands actually list the concentration numbers on the label. This is where you should use a little caution though…only because many times, it is hard to see a clear picture (online) of the Thujone concentration level on the bottle. Just a little digging is required here but most of the ordering sites mention the Thujone concentration of each bottle. Many even group their wares just by concentration level. To those companies...Thanks, for making it that easy lol.

If you are fortunate enough to get a good bottle with a higher Thujone concentration level, take a bit of caution on your first sitting (it is very different than most other alcoholic drinks). Have only one small drink to see what happens first and slowly go from there. Prepare your first glass (as mentioned in the description of the first paragraph of this entry) using about 1.5 to 2 ounces of Absinthe and about 5.5 or 6 ounces of water. The best way to prepare this drink is by putting the water in a glass, then pour only the Absinthe over a slotted spoon and sugar cube. With a match, ignite the wet cube and immediately stir the spoon into the mixture in the glass. I find that the burning technique is better for a quicker onset (bringing on a quicker…longer lasting euphoria) as opposed to the pouring method, which is better for gradual sipping.

Expect to feel enhanced clairity followed up shortly by a little ‘body mellow’ and euphoria. Many describe extreme (and often sensual) sensations of being hyper-aware of every little nerve ending in their bodies. Some have ‘swimming-like’ sensations and others have described how much Absinthe ignites their imagination…vividly.

*The letdowns that so many people have with Absinthe are caused by nothing more than the unfair expectations of it, or have in their minds of it, that it’s going to be like what they have seen in movies…or on television. Avoid the knockoffs! Anything with the name Absente, don’t even think about perchasing it. It’s expensive garbage with little to no Thujone concentration. Don’t be fooled, don’t waste your time with Absente (where the wormwood and thujone are decidedly “absent”).

**If you cannot find a company online, that offers Absinthe with a decent thujone level, let me know…I’ll send you back the link to the one I use.



11:55 Apr 03 2011

Ha ha...it made me fall out of the shower and have a 2 day concussion which was fun..

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