Nightmares woke me up again. Nightmares have me awake.
I want sleep. Peace and quiet. A hug. I just want...
I saw what you said and this is why I can't believe you when you say what you do.
I dont even know what think or feel. I don't even know what to say.
It's all a lie. The whole thing.
That's all it will EVER be.
Some other issues that have me wide awake. My eyes. My vision is becoming an issue. If I don't see funny spots and odd lines then it seems that my vision just blurrs in the corners. It's a sharp stabbing feeling. It hurts. It makes me cry sometimes. Toight is one of those nights. It's very intense.
I don't want to do this anymore. It fucking hurts! Everything, inside and out. It hurts and I don't want to do it anymore.
I know that something very bad is going to happen. I don't know why and I dont know how...but I KNOW. I can feel it and no matter what I do to try and ignore it, it won't let go.
I've had this feeling several times before in my life. Each time...I have been right.
Not again.
Not again. Please, not again.
Im not ready!
the laws of attraction, think positive and attract good things and vise versa.....dont give into the negative.
And thinking a million dollars would some how magicly appear! No, it wouldn't. Shit does happens.
There are secrets in life is ment to be revealed at certain events in life.
20:07 Nov 30 2010