For those of you who do read my little ramblings and thoughts. I just want to appologize for the way I have been acting. For the way I have been trying to keep to myself and be disconnected from the world (be it online or offline). I am going through hell again and I just keep trying to feel better...inside as well as out. I just need to breathe and take some time to myself. Im hurting...and Im going through one of the darkest times I've ever experienced. I just need time for me. I miss my candles, my warm blanket and the freedom to ignore those who take my help for granted. Its time for me now. Time for me to clear my head and move along. As an old friend used to tell me, "ONWARD!"
So here I do just that. To plan ahead and continue to move...onward! *sighs and takes a deep breath*
The world shuts down for me now. I Better pack a bag...
The thing is, they usually admit to the other accounts, so I don't get it. The only reason to do it would be for disguise, which I think is what bothers you but to me is kinda cool except that it would be more time . . . here.
Some start out secret, but then they can't stand it and reveal themselves. What's even more mad are the people who have multiple accounts at the same coven!
totally understand the multiple account thing, irritates me too very much.
Alternate accounts are opportunities to interact with different societies, make broader groups of friends, and to experiment with different artistic preferences.
It bothers me when people have multiple accounts, and it is obvious that they are the same person.
just one.
Stay tuned kids...
There's even more insanity to come...*winks and smiles*
So, I see alot of bullshit rants about how so and so is an evil bitch and so and so is an asshole...and usually I laugh at how little these people are getting ticked off at.I too am amazed with the ammount of evil retards are on VR, trust that, I've been B U R N E D. So suck it the fuck up and put up or shut up. People actually create numerous accounts on here. So wait, let me get this straight, fucking with people has become a national passtime. It's official, we hold NO reverance towards our fellow man anymore. Fuck, block, delete and add is all we know. Wow, thats pretty fucking sad lol. It's fitting that when the downpour of dramatic emo vamp posers come on to VR with a big billy badass chip on their young little shoulders and put the riot act that they're monsters. Oh my god lmao. Laughable. They get butthurt when somebody else makes plans with some other significant piece of ass (probably going out to see the latest Twilight abortion, Oh I mean, Im sorry lol, right, movie).
Ya want drama, try investing YEARS of time into people you've met on here, only to find out they aren't who they are (or thought you knew them) in the slightest way to any detail they gave or promised. It's a real mind fuck that actually damages the person on the recieving end. My real point to all this, is for those souls who play with others as a passtime, be real fucking aware of what you think your clever little asses are doing before you do it. See when you end up reaping yours in the end, it's a real pain in the ass. Still unconvinced...well....just trust me on this, somebody out there is ALWAYS smarter, faster and a hell of a lot more freaking convincing as you think you are. Evil Genius? Hardly lol. Absolute soulless morons that should be whipped with an unholy belt? Yes, and I have a few blows I wanna get in when the avalache of bullshit comes tumbling down. Oh yeah, one more thing. You're not a star, you're a sheep. You are a unique snowflake that can be anything....just like everybody else in the world...
Just on a kick. Just on a rant while I was thinking about some real world class turds in vampire rave....especially in vampire rave.
To those little souls that think they know what dark is, what torment feels, you have NO IDEA how cruel the real world can be, how in depth people get at fucking eachother over when age and skill set in...and if you're mad and pissed off at the world and so and so now...LMAO...wait ten more years before telling me how fucking bad it gets lmao...and maybe we'll have something to talk about. Maybe. It's very unlikely though. If this entry sparks any 'higer up there' people that wanna suspend or have a talk with me. Just let me know and it wont happen again...and it's just like that...