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Thanks fer sharing sis...I didn't laugh tho it was too wicked cool :) was like wow
18:05 Jan 17 2012 Times Read: 626
I haven't been online or on VR much. Recently, I have been trying to adjust to life...and the start of my new year wasn't good at all. It was terrible. I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Damned brother in law totaled my sister's beautiful green Honda and damn near totaled himself. The very next day after he totaled her car (going almost 90 mph on the freeway) he was supposed to go to court to 'fight' his previous speeding ticket!
Oye Vey. I mean...REALLY?
This was an issue for some time with him. Home boy would pick up paper left and right...and we would lecture him about what a crazy driver he was and that he needed to slow the fuck down. It went in one ear and right out of the other until this accident. This was seriously the wake up call he needed...but again...this could have been avoided.
He's extremely lucky he only ended up with a bruised shoulder and that there were no other drivers involved. This whole thing could have turned out so grim. Now good ol' speedy has a second car payment to make and he's finally driving normally. I think my sister might just murder him if he starts drving like an asshole again lol.
Poor girl was hystarical for DAYS.
This morning I woke up sore, feeling exhausted and invisible. I burned my arm and hand making dinner last night. It was throbbing and stinging. Hurt like all hell and it's still giving me shit this morning. My legs are screwing with me too. My knees and ankles are worthless..............and this cold weather jacks me up badly. It feels like the hurt is in my very soul today.
I have somebody near and dear to me who apparently does not understand that I have and live with a chronic illness. It's not cool and im getting really fucking tired of feeling like I don't matter. No matter what I do recently, nothing is ever good enough. I suppose that's why I woke up having some serious thinking to do because this cannot continue and most importantly...I will NOT let it continue.
I'm totally burned the fuck out and today I would like to be catered to. I wan't attention and affection.
Dear person who doesn't seem to understand good to me. Just be good to me! I've been so damn patient with everything to have it any other way. Please, just do something to make me smile or make me happy. I can't believe I even have to say this (or write it). It should just be a given.
I'm sorry that the new year had a bad start for you. And I'm concerned about your health...I was wondering where you've been - I miss you.
Please take care of yourself. I hope that that person who doesn't quite get it will open his/her eyes and give you some genuine love and support, because yes - you do deserve it.
02:20 Jan 29 2012
o.O Somehow, I have no desire to ask ...
02:58 Jan 29 2012
o.O wow... either way you take that sounds good :D
22:06 Jan 29 2012
Now I feel intimidated.
22:33 Jan 29 2012
LOL guys. :P