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Holy shit that was too eyes are still watery from laughing sooo hard and I love cats soooo much. Highly entertaining, quite silly but also a smart idea. Thanks for sharing Di your the best!!!
I'm glad you all liked this because I was worried that some might find it mean towards cats. I personally LOVE, LOVE, LOVE cats and all things that are cat related...but that being said...a lot of outdoor cats will spray/mark anything that stands still. Just watching his photo's of how many things got marked by cat pee (by so many cats) made me cringe. I thought that this Video was pure genius too lol! As he stated in his truly is a HUMANE way to teach these critters a lesson...give em' a taste of thier own medicine lol.
Regardless if you love cats or are not a fan of them at all...this video was friggin' amazing and worth the view. So well done lol! :P
Digs out decoder ring. S equals K to M if M is greater that negative 25 then S to the 5th power of 3.
You know this is getting complicated
I'll get back to you on this.
17:02 Feb 11 2012 Times Read: 634
I can't seem to get enough coffee in me this morning. I should just have an I.V. of it. I slept horribly last night. Freaking pain kept waking me up. I took my Lyrica and some Ibuprofen right after I opened my eyes. It's working a tiny bit. Just an itsy bitsy.
If he is hungry I'll be making him the motherload breakfast.
Big ol' biscuits made from scratch with country gravy and sausage. Fluffy scrambled eggs. Hash browns and a tall glass of orange juice.
The woman in this card is my sister, Julie. I wanted to make this card beautiful. In the original deck, the eight of wands was sooo dull to me. I wanted to brighten it. Give it a modern feel while keeping the meaning of it...even reversed.
Wow...just look at those EYES!!!! Stunning sis...stunning card...stunning work. Excellent job :)
22:14 Feb 08 2012 Times Read: 680
I am Hell. I am so freakin' tired of this god damn bullshit. I'm so sick of it. Is this what y'all do here?! Jesus old are you?! Sad. It's just sad.
This one is for you! This one is all about you! And you...and you too. Nameless in this damned journal. God forbid I type out your name. Your user names. God forbid I let it all out here and tell you that you are a shitty friend...and a shitty person. I had you all wrong. Hey, did you ever stop and think that there are two sides to a story? No. You didn't. Perhaps you were too busy listening to an idiot's side.
Learn your lesson. You're old enough.
Somebody I don't even freakin' know. Somebody who desires to be vicious...and say things that hold no truth. Ask me! Talk to me! Listen to me! Did you ever do that? Have I ever lied to you?! Fuck no! You listen to cry baby bullshit and 'drama'. You love it. You eat it up. You can't get enough of it...then you write about how stupid it is when this shit goes down. How about staying the hell out of it, like a big girl? I remember when somebody here was trying to screw with you and I stood by you. I stayed your loyal friend. Funny how when it happens to me you are gone. I can't believe I prayed for you. For your family. For your happiness and safety. For everything to be good for you. I feel so stupid that I ever cared for you or called you my friend.
I don't want you. I don't need you.
Now, on to you.
I don't even fucking know you. Don't contact me. Don't ask me shit. You will not get an answer. You won't get one god damn word from me. That person is MY friend. I stand by MY friend. What I talk about or do with MY friend does NOT concern you. That's MY life. Not YOURS. Now, do me a favor and...get lost. Go back to YOUR life. Stay out of MINE. Mind your own business.
Bye Bye.
As for you...
Dude, what the fuck? Really? Don't let this happen again. I've been through emotional hell with you. Sooooooo many things. Soooooo many reasons. You are my friend and NOTHING changes that. Yes, I may get pissy about shit. I may lash out when the shit goes down. I will swear like a trucker and your name will come up several times with four letter words. That's how I do shit lol. I calm down and think. I still remain your friend. I will always be there for you. You have loved me and cared for me. You have been loyal and dear to me. I never forget ALL of your efforts. All of your help. I owe you my life. I really do. I can NEVER thank you enough. Forgive me for acting out. For being so cold. I didn't know how to react. I am still very sorry because I care for you...and I always will.
As for the rest...
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Words and stuff. It's all verbal diarrhea...and you're eating it up. *cringes*
Wipe your damn face off and grow up. You're being so fucking ridiculous. Are you happy? Are you pleased with yourself now? Karma really isn't a bitch. She's worse than that. The kind of karma YOU'RE gonna get is gonna be ice cold...and I can't wait to see how she's gonna serve it up to you. But...that's on YOU. It's YOUR life. It's YOUR business. It is NOT mine.
If you're still here for me...stand up and be counted.
Know that I'm true to you and I will never let you down.
I feel ever so mad when anyone pisses you off to this point and hurts your feelings!!! Makes me wanna bash a skull in to read you so upset...I know you got it...your a trooper, but know I will always have your back if you ever need me.
00:44 Feb 07 2012 Times Read: 702
Oh my god ROFL!!!
This is probably the BEST cat clip I've seen on YouTube. I can't believe how loud the crash was lmao!!!
So funny....but it's sooo messed up. Check it out lol.
I swear to god, I must have hit replay about a dozen times after I watched it lol.
01:17 Feb 26 2012
03:01 Feb 26 2012
LUCKY!!!! have fun sweetie (=
04:05 Feb 26 2012
Damn...I need to be there with you so that I can practice for my future shooting of Big Momma.
14:42 Feb 26 2012
You are going to have an excellent time. Watch out for the 50 cal - it's gonna kick like a sonofabitch. Heh. :)
00:24 Feb 27 2012
Oh my was one of the greatest things I've EVER done! *still doing the happy dance*