DestroyingAngel's Journal
4 entries this month
18:06 Aug 28 2012
Times Read: 522
My kidneys feel like they're going through failure again.
My Dr. is out until the 30th for vaccation. I went to the local hospital where they were so swamped at 3am that they didn't help me. They released me and told me that I was free of infection. Less than 5hrs later my roommate took me to the hosiptal in the next city (the new one) where they told me that I DID have an infection moving on to my right kidney.
*heavy sigh*
My sister says she might be a match if I need one. That's sweet of her. It's not like my mother would give me one.
I have escaped needing kidney treatments and such.
But...a transplant?!
I cannot even wrap my mind around that.
This is scaring the hell outta me.
I can't get the right kidney to stop doing this.
I'm weak.
Running high fevers......and quite matter what pain medicine they give....NOTHING works. Not even 10mgs of percocet at 6 times a day.
I guess this is where it's gone.
What's really happening.
I'm not ready.
Shrimp and Lemon Fettucini by Di01:49 Aug 17 2012
Times Read: 541
I learned to cook a few years ago. I'm still not that great at cooking things but I do try very hard. I make some pretty good yummies every now and then. I had a challenge with a beloved friend of mine after wanting to make us some Fettucini Alfredo one night...
however...I learned...he's allergic to alfredo sauce! Jeeeeeeeeeesus god...REALLY?! Lol. I had no idea how I was gonna pull this one off. Then...I literally pulled this recipe outta my ass lol. He and I BOTH loved it. My sister is ALWAYS buggin' me for new recipes and her whole family loved this one too. Here it is. Give it a try. It's purdy freakin' yummy. I swear. ;)
Shrimp and Lemon Fettucini
Ingredient List:
1 Half Package of uncooked Fettucini
1 half pound of cleaned uncooked shrimp (tails off)
1 package of Knorr Garlic & Herb sauce mix
1 large Roma tomato
1 half pound uncooked Broccoli (optional)
1 small red bell pepper (optional)
1 small Lemon (the juice)
1 Tablespoon of Butter
1 cup of 2% Milk
To Prepare:
Cook Fettucini until desired tenderness. Drain. Rinse with cool water and set aside in a covered container.
Cut broccoli into florets. Cut Red bell pepper into thin strips and steam both veggies with a dash of salt. Set aside. Dice Roma tomato up and set aside as well.
In a small sauce pan prepare the Knorr Garlic & Herb sauce mix making sure to reduce the milk by a half of a cup. Keep on a very low flame (or warm). Sauce should be thick.
In a large skillet melt your 1 tbs of Butter and add uncooked shrimp. Cook shrimp for 3-4 mins in melted butter. Add a dash of salt and Pepper to taste.
Add your steamed veggies, Diced Roma tomato, sauce mix, Cooked Fettucini and lemon juice into the skillet. Cook for another 2-3 mins and serve.
Instead of shrimp you can use cubed chicken breast.
Instead of Knorr Garlic and Herb sauce mix you can use their white cheddar or alfredo flavor.
About 4
18:20 Aug 12 2012
Times Read: 556
You better not give me any shit over this.
01:35 Aug 03 2012
Times Read: 584
The past couple days have been hell on earth for me. We've been reaching some pretty high triple digit weather and that never helps how I feel. I've been warned by several doctors I have seen that with Lupus (I have SLE), the patient has to be very careful about heat and sun exposure which is very hard to do (if not impossible) when you live in the high desert. You just cannot avoid it. It sucks. It literally zaps the life outta me and I burn in less than 3-5 mins in direct sunlight. I've been walking around in it, been running errands and just going through the happy dappy things I just gotta do. Just rush, rush, rush, rush, rush (and I know im not the only one who feels that way too). It's taking a toll in a lot of ways. My scottish freckles have been popping out on my face and all over my arms. I fuckin' hate that. It makes me look like a little girl lol. I do what I can to keep in the shade or indoors so it doesn't happen. Recently the senistivity to U.V. rays has showed up on my physically. I get the redness on my skin across my cheeks and on my nose (they call that the Mylar rash aka butterfly rash) *shrugs*
I need a break but seriously...what am I supposed to do...just stay in doors and be house bound because of it? Noooooo. I don't think so lol.
Other things:
I am almost ALWAYS checking out and reading my favorite journal section and I go through all of them to read my friends entries. Recently...with all the crap offline...I'm feeling guilty that I haven't been as active within your guy's journals. I am so sorry about that. I'm making it a point to get back to normal and read them on a daily or every other day basis since I love their thoughts/entries so much. I look foward to them and feel bad when im late to comment and read them. :(
Some other things that have been bugging me have been the fact that recent drama within VR has made quite a few of the 'real friends' I thought I had here just bail out on talking to me, reading entries and so on. It's amazing how shallow some people can be on here...that they'd rather take sides and stay apart of the VR bitch/snob clubs rather than to just stay true to their word...but...hey, whatever. Good luck to those users and no...those people will NOT be missed by me. It only goes to show me that they were fake as fuck and I simply DO NOT need them in my life...even on VR.
What else is bugging me:
My coven master. I won't go into details...but I do care a great deal about him as a friend. I've been his main ACM for years and have fancied that I've done what I can with the time I have on here now days. I have sent him a few messages (just shits and giggles and to say I am sorry for not being as active as I used to be eventhough i'm always here for my coven members...which I expressed in a society message to them all). It's like he quit communicating with me. Wtf?
He never reads my journal so I doubt he'll ever see this...and how I feel about it. In the rare case he reads this...I wont sugar coat it and this is how I feel in a nutshell.
I support and care about ALL the things that go on in his life. I support and encourage his writing and artistic projects. Quite a talent he has. I'd like to think im one of his biggest fans in his novels and what he journal writes. I get quite a few messages from him from time to time to check out his chapters minutes after he posts them. He says to check them out and I set my other tasks aside, drop everything and read his work. Then...I post my heartfelt comments about how I love his work...and when it comes to lets say...checking out a new card I do...he makes a rare appearance and says nada (usually)...but he has been (for the most part) just too busy to care about what I worked on or completed. Kinda hurts a bit...but...perhaps im being silly about the whole thing.
That would make any 'friend' feel like crap. I cannot see why the hell he'd have hairs to split with me about coven issues (I do EVERYTHING I can with all considering). As for our a chick that's been there through the good times and the worst of times really sucks.
I sure hope it doesn't stay this way. That would just blow.
Sometimes, I just do not know what people are thinking.
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21:52 Aug 28 2012
I don't know what to say...I'm so sorry.