DestroyingAngel's Journal
9 entries this month
10:37 Apr 26 2011
Times Read: 633
I had been thinking about how a few cards in my deck turned out and got discouraged. I kept thinking that the art I was making for them just wasn't good enough. I do that though. I put myself down. I am my own worst enemy. It is NOT easy to put a modern day spin on such a thing as...The Rider Waite Tarot. It's even harder to do when you want it to also have a 'dark' feel to every card. I have to remain true to the meaning (even reversed) of each card. It's a pain in the ass. It's FUN and it's also rewarding. I love it and I hate it at the same time.
I spent quite a few restless nights creating this one. At first I thought it might get casted into my land of 'wreckage'. Im glad that I didn't give up on The World...
03:04 Apr 22 2011
Times Read: 660
I am a geeen-eee-iii! Dammit, im talking like Tom now. I have to admit, Im freaking happy with how this one turned out. The coloring was hard as hell to pull off. Here's my version of The Hermit card in my tarot deck.
00:47 Apr 20 2011
Times Read: 668
Ooooooh my. *big happy smile*She sent me her bunny. Mmmm hmmm...
Momma likes lol ;)
00:50 Apr 19 2011
Times Read: 682
No! No! No! No! No! No!
Dammit, If we're gonna do this shit right we're gonna need the black album...
Turned up at an ungodly volume. ;)
02:22 Apr 18 2011
Times Read: 690
Heavenly Father,
Bless these fists.
When I finally take a swing at his face,
I pray it hurts...
More than THIS.
01:02 Apr 17 2011
Times Read: 716
I don't know if I should be pissed or flattered. I was rating some profiles when I came across another image that I created for MY profile about a year ago. Somebody ripped it off, slapped some shitty colored glitter text on it at photobucket and made it into a protection stamp. It has the same color border and everything.
Ah well. But seriously, what the fuck?! This now makes six times that this has happened...and can somebody please tell me what is up with the seizure inducing text?
18:50 Apr 10 2011
Times Read: 737
Those freaking jackholes! Waking my hot mess ass up early. Freaking owner here and my freaking roomate had to move all my furniture around to get stuff out through the side door to the freaking side of freaking house at freaking 9am. I knew yesterday that that's what they were gonna freaking do. I couldn't freaking get to sleep till freaking 5am though! Damn you insomnia!
Im sleeping like baby when I hear an Edgar Allan Poe sized knocking at my chamber door. I growled. Bolted outta bed and unlocked the side door in my room. The flood of light from that evil ball of brightness in sky blinded me. I see those buttholes smiling at me. "Good morning!" says the owner with a bright smile.
I squinted. Growled. Made the sour face and pointed at him. " freaking...neuter you!" I replied. The owner laughed and pointed at my roomate. "It was his idea," he said. I growled again. "Then im gonna freaking euthanize him," I said.
Lance freaking calls me right after all of that and goes on in all of his flamboyant glory about a possible third sex and the city movie. He was so excited that he was squealing. Great. That's just what what we all need.
Sex and the city 3: Hot flashes in Manhattan.
Im gonna need more of Tom's freaking coffee. This day is gonna be too freaking long.
22:07 Apr 07 2011
Times Read: 759
I am DEEPLY afraid that one of my friends on here may have done something foolish with their life.
It's a feeling I have every right to be angry over and hurt about. Why? Because I care about them!
God, I hope that this feeling im having is wrong.
In any case...I am DEEPLY DISGUSTED with a few idiot VR members for not caring about that person and having the odacity to call themself that person's friend.
22:42 Apr 06 2011
Times Read: 769
People are fucking nuts out there. Public transit never ceases to amaze me...or amuse me. I was waiting for the bus that takes me home, with about fifteen other people. I have no idea if it was the warm weather getting to people or what...but they were all acting strange. Some dude was trying to get shade over by a brick wall and it really did look like he was choaking his chicken. I did a double take and discovered that he must have had an itch... *raises an eyebrow*
At least I hope it was an itch. About two minutes after that some chick kept talking to her umbrella. Swearing at it and calling it names. I held back a few giggles and pretended I didn't see her having it out with her umbrella.
THEN, as I went to fetch my vitamin water from my walgreens bag, this woman comes up from behind me and says, "EXCUSE ME, EXCUSE ME MA'AM...!" and I turn my attention to her. I was in her way and she wanted to check the route on the pole with the bus's number. She looks it over and mumbles something to herself. No biggie. As I went to find some shade, I look back over to where she was standing and she starts doing an erotic dance with the pole!
I almost choked on my vitamin water. I couldn't hold back the giggles. The flood of laughter was let loose. She didn't even stop, she just kept on trying to give the pole a boner or something. I shook my head and took my laughing ass further away from the stop. From the corner of my eye I could see the dude by the brick wall...trying to get at that itch again. She kept pole dancing and he continued to look like he was choaking his chicken. I looked around to see if anybody else at the stop found it amusing and everybody was in a daze lol. Totally oblivious lol.
The pole dancer finished her performance off with a pelvic thrust that popped her jeans wide open and I just lost all control. I was laughing so hard I could hardly walk to the bus once it got to the stop. The bus driver smiled and asked me how my day was going. "Very strange," I said with more giggles.
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14:00 Apr 26 2011
Extremely cool.