People on this site take the whole vamp thing waaay too seriously..Honestly, some may need professional help!
Also why the fuck do people have more then 1 account?? I barely have time to upkeep this one let alone 2, 3 or 4 accounts! That's just ridiculous! What's the point? If you're an honest straight up person there should be no need for another account. Doesn't anyone on this site have a life off the Internet?
I heard that anger is just unresolved then no wonder people think I'm a homicidal sociopath!
Don't I deserve to be angry? At least a little bit! My mother disowned me, my father has a whole other life with a new family millions of miles away, my grandfather died, my grandmas too busy with all her "other" grandkids, the love of my life broke my heart and all my best friends won't talk to me.
So am I angry?? YES! I'm fukken furious!! Wouldn't you be??
Loyalty In this world is a joke......
The other day a friend of mine asked me if I had a heart. I said "no, it's broken"...he said "what'd you do with it?" I said "I put it in a shoebox for storage" which he replied:
"Where? I'll get it, glue it together and give it back to you!"
It was the sweetest thing anyone ever said to me, even though it's a hopeless venture lol
So in my efforts to look delicious in my bridesmaid dress (for my cousins wedding in October) I have put my self on a very intense diet and workout regiment. Last night I went on a 2 mile jog thru the zoo with Jezebel, then tonight I went on a mile hike....
I would like to take this time to say how much my legs hurt! It's not going to stop me because obviously I have to build up my endurance, but dammit if I don't need kisses all over :(
I had a salad for dinner and an applesauce for a bedtime snack, and at the moment my stomach sounds like a T-Rex!!!!!
So my former complacent attitude has been replaced with a great lust for blood that twirls the saliva in my mouth like a beautiful whirling dervish. I long to feel a face get pummeled under my knuckles as I straddle the body and feel it sporadically twinging in pain. I want to have their blood splash on my face and chest and drip down my fingers.
Motive? I have none. Simply something to tickle my fancy :)
yes, I have temper troubles, and while I'm never one to impede on anothers right to live happily (obviously a willing victim would be ideal) however in the real world it simply isn't easy to come by. Why should I deny my right to happiness for someone who would trample on me for theirs??
23:11 Mar 30 2010
Obviously not. Boy you have us figured out.
04:55 Mar 31 2010
Damn Straight!