Its not a sicret that i have a native blood im me. Im very proud of that. I belong to the canadian Crow tribe, but because of my grandma (she is a white) i don't know who is my grangpa. All i know is that he was from Crow tribe,...
But anyway i see what is going on on the World. I see that white people had peradise on Earth. But because of greed they slowly deastroy it. I strongly belive and i fell deep in my bones that soon white people will be punished because of that. After all creator gave to humans a tree for food and shadow not to cut a tree and make a money out of it. Now people live in lala land, infront of tv screen too lazy to change a chanal. So i say good hearted people get off your lazy asses and start takeing care for our beatiful Mother Earth. If you think you can find a new planet out in a space you are wrong! THERE IS NOTHING SO BEATIFUL AS EARTH IN UNIVERSE!
16:13 Jan 17 2014
Very nice..:)
17:51 Feb 12 2014