Sang vampires, or to be more accurate sanguinarians, are those that need blood to survive. They don't just crave it or want it they have a physical need to consume blood and if they ignore or try to bury the urge they get ill, seriously ill.
As with Psi vampires there is not set "look" for a sang vampire, again your next door neighbour could be one and you wouldn't know. They don't usually have large fang teeth, although it must be said that many of them are rather pale and do have fairly prominent canines but no more so than the natural deviations found throughout humanity. Neither are they night-dwellers although they tend to be more photo-sensitive than their Psi counterparts.
When it comes to feeding they can exist just as happily off animal blood as human, although many find this quite unpalatable. Whilst many have willing donors some exist solely off "butchers blood" which they reheat. The need to feed varies from person to person but it usually in quantities and of a frequency that would make a non-sanguinarian feel sick to the pit of their stomach. Blood is a very rich food which can and does make people feel quite sick if they have more than a small amount at any one time, for a sanguinarian the consumption is often in the pints per week - hence the need to take from more than just living, human sources.
Blood is not a sexual thing to the sanguinarian although the feeding may be incorporated into a sexual liason with their chosen donor, often this is just to relax the donor sufficiently to make the actual act of blood letting less painful for them. This seperates them from the simple blood fetishist who does it merely for the sexual kick or for the texture or taste of the fluid, although they will often class themselves as a vampire they aren't a true sanguinarian - they could stop consuming blood with only an addicts withdrawal symptoms (purely psychosomatic it must be said) whereas a sanguinarian puts their entire life in danger by not feeding.