DemonKitty's Journal

DemonKitty's Journal


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3 entries this month


06:02 Mar 28 2010
Times Read: 492

She winced every time he hit her. She didn’t dare cry out for help, but she always tried to run away from him. He hit her across the face and she fell to the floor. She crawled to the couch and leaned her back against it. She touched the bruise under her eye and wiped the blood from her mouth. Tears were streaming down her swollen cheeks. He turned his back to her and she ran for her room. She slammed her back up against the back of the door and tried to catch her breathe. She peeked out of her bedroom window just in time to see her father speed down the street. She turns her head away and turns on her table lamp that lights her room. She sits down on her bed and stares at her beaten reflection in the mirror across the room. Tears stream down her face again as she touches the new cuts and bruises on her face and arms. She has a cut that starts above her right eye and ends just below her jaw. “Damnit!” She says to herself. “I hope this doesn’t scar.” Tazara runs her hand along the cut and hisses in pain halfway to the end of it. She hears a knock on the door before it opens. Her 18 year old brother walks in her room and sits down on her bed. He bows his head and stares at the floor before he speaks. “Taza, I’m so sorry I wasn’t here to stop him. I-” She interrupts him, “Save it Sam. You don’t have to say anything I need to learn to fight him better.” A tear runs down her face and drops to the floor. Sam reaches up and begins to wipe her face off when the door to the house slams open. Sam jumps up and looks out of Taza’s room. She rushes past him to hug her boyfriend who looks furious. He takes her head in his hands and turns it from side to side, looking at her new cuts and bruises. Sam sighs in relief to see it’s only Jake at the door. Jake holds Taza against him tight while he questions Sam about what happened. “I don’t know. I just got home.” Was Sam’s answer to everything. Finally Jake gives up on Sam so he starts asking Taza. “Baby, what happened to you?” Taza answers by bowing her head in shame. Jake lifts up her chin with two of his fingers and looks into her eyes, pleadingly. “Father just lost his temper. He always loses his temper when he’s drunk. And I can’t fight for shit so I couldn’t do anything.” Jake kisses her cheek; the one that isn’t still bleeding. Taza wipes the blood from her neck that seeped down from her cut and licks the blood off her hand. Sam turns his head away in discuss, but Jake continues to stare at the cut. “If I didn’t know better I would say that you two were vampires.” Jake and Taza just laugh but Sam keeps a serious face. Jake speaks, “So what if I am? Besides haven’t you ever once looked at her sister’s neck?” Taza puts a hand over her neck but Jake holds both of her hands in one of his and tilts her head back with the other. Sam stares at his sister’s neck with wide eyes. He runs his hand over his sister’s neck and over two small holes, just left of her wind pipe. Taza closes her eyes tight when Sam touches her neck, Jake leans forward and licks the small wounds on Taza’s neck and within seconds she falls asleep. “Now if you don’t mind,” Jake says as he picks up Taza. “I think I’m going to take her someplace safe. ‘Cuz if you haven’t noticed this place isn’t the least bit safe for her.” Jake walks outside and lays Taza down on the back seat of his car, then walks back inside and into Taza’s room. He gets her suit case from under her bed and opens it on her bed. Jake begins taking Taza’s clothes off of the hangers and shoves them into the suit case. When the suit case was full, he starts filling another one. By the time the second is full, he closes it and picks up both of the suit cases and disappears. He reappears with the now empty suit cases and begins filling them up again with Taza’s stuff. After he’s done filling the suit cases and disappears again then reappears he heads out to the car. Sam tries to stop him but fails. Jake climbs into the car and speeds down the road. Two hours later, Jake is driving down the highway when Taza begins to stir. Jake looks back long enough to see her begin to open her eyes. Jake turns his eyes back on the road and pushes the gas pedal all the way to the floor with his foot. Taza slammed against the back of the seat and opens her eyes all the way; completely awake. Jake looks back at her again then shifts his eyes on the cars he’s swerving around. Rubbing her eyes, Taza carefully finds her way up to the front of the car. She sits in the passenger seat and stares out the window. “Where are we? Farther more where are we going?” Taza asks. Still staring at the road ahead Jake answers, “My home.” Taza looks at him questionably but doesn’t argue with him. He reaches over with his free hand and strokes Taza’s cheek and whispers to himself, “Finally your mine.” Jake puts both hands on the wheel and somehow makes the car go faster. Taza glances over at the speedometer and sees the pin hit the end of the dial. “150 miles per hour,” Taza whispers in shock. Jake looks over at Taza and smiles. “We’re going a lot faster than that.” He closes his eyes and let go of the wheel for half a second and the car speeds up again. Taza feels as though she is being sucked into the seat. Jake’s hands return to the wheel and little by little the car slows down to where the pin slides back to 60 mph. just as the sun starts to come up Jake turns off of the highway and onto a dirt road. The dirt road is completely is shadow and when the road stopped so did Jake. He took the keys out of the ignition and shoved them into his pocket. He gets out and closes the door. Taza was asleep in the passenger seat. Jake went around to her side of the car and picked her up. He shuts the door and begins walking down a long winding path. Jake walked for an hour before he reached a small cabin. Jake kicks in the door and turns side ways to avoid hurting Taza. He lays her down on the couch and begins putting her clothes away that he brought to the cabin from before. After Jake was done her leaned up against the side of the couch and watched Taza as she slept. He brushed the hair out of her face and neck and kissed her cheek. Jakes eyes fall on Taza’s neck where he could see her pulse. He leaned his head down and brushes his teeth over her neck. His canines grew long and sharp and he slowly bit down on her neck. He sucked slowly and carefully on her neck savoring the taste of her blood rolling over his tongue. Taza moaned slightly and Jake pulled himself away from her wiping the blood from the corners of his mouth. Taza rolled over and Jake stared at her face and neck that were covered in blood. Jake ran into the bathroom and got a bowl full of water and a wash cloth and brought it out to Taza. He soaked the cloth in water and began wiping the blood off. By the time he was done the once white cloth was now a deep red. Jake walked back to the bathroom and got some bandages and gauze pads. He came out and kneeled down next to Taza and started putting the bandages on her. He put two bandages on the small holes that weren’t bleeding anymore, and put gauze pads over and under her eye. Taza moaned again and slowing began to wake up. Jake smiled slightly and picked up the wrappers off the floor and threw them away. He took a cup off of the kitchen counter and brought it over to Taza. Jake wrapped an arm around her and pressed the cut to her lips. “Drink,” whispered Jake. Taza swallowed the liquid several times before she tried to push it away. Jake still held the cup to her lips and forced her to keep drinking. When the liquid was all gone, Jake threw the cup over his shoulder and Taza shuddered at the sound of breaking glass. Jake laid her back down and ran his fingers over her eyes; closing them. He whispered in her mind one word, “sleep” and Taza fell into a deep sleep, filled with dreams of her past.

Sam helped 9 year old Taza off of the ground after their father left. Taza limped into the house with her brother’s help. Jason ran out of his room to help Sam with Taza. Jason is 17 years old and is huge compared to Sam and Taza. Jason had to catch Taza before she fell; she was just too much weight for Sam to hold up. Jason carried her all the way to her room. Jason laid her down in her bed and covered her up and left her to sleep. He shut the door to Taza’s room and sat down on the couch, while Sam paced back and forth in front of him. “Is she going to be okay?” Sam asked hurriedly. Jason just nodded in response. “Why does he only beat her and not us? It’s not fair to Taza.” Jason stood up and walked into the kitchen, Sam followed not far behind. “Why?” Sam kept asking. Finally Jason spun around and said, “You want to know why? You really want to know?” Jason was shouting at Sam, and Sam nodded and took a step back. “It’s because she’s weak and defenseless against him. She’s pathetic. She cowers in her room all day and does nothing! But the worst part is,” Jason’s eyes shift to the floor. “We do nothing. Even worse…I do nothing. I just stand around and watch.” Jason punches the wall making Sam jump.

Taza wakes up and rubs her neck to get the kink out of it. She gets up from the couch and tries to stand but she only falls to the floor. She tries again and uses the couch for support. Taza takes a few wobbly steps then walks fine over to a small window. She looks out up at the sky and only sees a slight purple light through the trees. “Looking for the sun isn’t a very good idea.” Taza turns around and searches for the voice that spoke to her. “Your not going to see me anywhere…Kitten. I’m in your head.” Taza didn’t understand what this voice was talking about, there’s no way that someone could be in her head. She didn’t know what else to do other than to answer with her mind. “Uh…um…who are you? Your voice sound familiar but I can’t place it.” She heard a sigh before the voice spoke again. “Kitten, its me, Jake. Please tell me you remember me.” A figure appeared in front of Taza and she took a step back and planted her back up against the cold, wooden wall. A light clicked on and Taza blinked. The figure reached out to her and she braced herself at the thought that she was about to be hit. A hand brushed over her cheek and a memory slid past her eyes. “Jake,” she whispered. The light clicked off and she could see him. She lunged forward and hugged him with tears in her eyes. Jake held her by her shoulders and looked deep into her dark blue eyes, which were in the process of turning black. “Kitten, I need to-” Taza interrupted him. “Since when do you call me Kitten?” Jake ignored the question and continued. “-ask you a very important question.” Taza nodded. “Do you know what you and I are? Think hard.” Taza looked down at the floor deep in thought. She looked back up into Jake’s eyes and said, “I…I don’t know.” Jakes eyes turned pure black and Taza took in a sharp breath. The breath would have knocked her to her knees if Jake hadn’t been holding her up. “Kitten, we, as in you and I, we are both vampires.” “How can that be?” Taza asked. “I changed you, Kitten. I’ve been a vampire for over 6 centuries, and you, only a few hours.” Taza sank to the floor with her head in her hands. Jake sat down beside her and hugged her. A tear rolled down her cheek and seeped into her bandages, Jake stared down at the floor; hurt. Jake found that he had no words to say. Taza leaned against him with her head on his shoulder. Jake had an arm around her waist and the other was draped around her shoulders, his fingers running through her hair. Taza stared at the floor when she finally broke the silence. “Will I ever die?” She turned her head and starred up at him. Jake looked down at her the starred up at the ceiling. “No, Kitten, you won’t ever die. Your going to live forever just like me. Are you mad at me Kitten?” Taza looked back at the floor before she answered. “Not anymore. Well I guess I never was really mad at you in the first place... I was just a little scarred I guess. I mean when you said you were a vampire I guess I didn’t think that you were serious. But now I’m one too.” Jakes smiled and kissed her forehead. He stood up and helped Taza stand and he walked over to the window. He turned back to her and held out his hand. Taza starred at the hand for a few seconds then reached out to grab it. Jake pulled her against him and walked over to the door and opened it. He looked up at the sky which was now a deep blue and stars twinkled brightly. “Good. The sun is down.” Jake says as he turns back to Taza who is clinging to his arm. Jake smiles down at her and strokes her cheek. “Well I guess I should show you how we vampires get around.” Jake removes his arm from Taza’s grip and walks a small distance from her into a small clearing. He looks up at the sky and spreads his arms wide. His shirt rips in the back and black feathered wings grow from his back. He tears the rest of his shirt off leaving his pale shin shining in the moon’s light. The wings fold down and Jake walks over to Taza. She smiles at him and he smiles back. “Can I grow wings like yours?” Taza asks him. Jake still smiles at Taza’s beautifully moon lit face, then nods. “How?” Jake grabs her arms and puts the around his neck and puts his own hands on her waist. “Just think of them growing out of your back and picture how beautiful they are. That’s how,” Jake explains. Taza closes her eyes and concentrates. Within seconds large black feathered wings grow from her back and tear her shirt to shreds. Jake runs into the house and searches for a new shirt for Taza. He finds a black halter top and brings it to Taza. She puts it on grateful that she had one. She smiles at Jake thanking him. Jake closes the door to the cabin and walks back over to Taza; spreading his wings. “Just fallow my Kitten, okay?” Taza nods and shoots into the sky. Taza spreads her wings and fallows. Jake flies higher and higher and Taza struggles to keep up. “Kitten you need to fly higher if you don’t want to humans to see you!” Jake yells down to her. Taza flies a little higher but still remains far below. Jake swoops down to her and grabs her wings and pulls upward on them. Taza feels herself climb in altitude and Jake laughs. She looks down and sees small lights of the North Carolina’s largest city. Jake lets go of Taza’s wings and he falls behind her. Jake lands in an alley way and his hands disappear from his back. Taza lands beside him and her wings disappear into a small pile of feathers on the ground. Jake walks farther down the dark alley and turns a corner. Taza rushes after him and walks beside him. He bends his knees and jumps high up into the air and lands on what looks like a tall apartment building. Taza copies him and lands then falls beside him on the roof. Jake laughs and helps her up, she smiles and walks around him. “Do you know where we are, Kitten?” Jake asks Taza. She looks down off the side of the building and looks around. She looks back at Jake and answers. “I have no idea. I’ve never even seen this part of town before. I didn’t even know this place his here.” Jake laughs. “This part of the city pretty much belongs to our kind. We’re standing on top of a building with everything we need in it. First we need to get you some new clothes and get rid of all these piercing.” Jake strokes Taza’s cheek and grabs a hold of one of her piercings and tugs gently on it. Taza grabs his hand and peals it off of the shining silver ring. “Get on my back. Now hold on tight.” Jake jumps down through a hole in the roof and lands lightly on the floor. Taza climbs off of his back and stands next to him. Jake starts walking and Taza clings to him arm. “Try not to be afraid. Show the rest of the vampires that you’re not scared to be around them, or they will take advantage of it. Now let’s get you some new clothes.” Jake laughs a little and walks down the hall; lit only by a small candle. Jake turns the corner and stops at a door labeled; “Clothing Dept.”. He opens the door and gestures for Taza to go inside. Inside there are more candles lighting up the various rooms and aisles. A woman with a tape measure around her neck walks up to Jake and Taza. The woman bows not meeting Jake’s eyes. “Good evening Milord and Milady…Milady I’ve never seen you before so I will introduce myself. My name is Sara, and I’m the head seamstress here. I would gladly design and create all of your clothes for no cost at all. Simply tell me what you want and I will make it. Now what can I do for you two?” Jake smiles at Taza and steps forward. “Sara,” Sara turns back to Jake. “Kitten, here, is going to need a few new outfits. First help her with everything she needs, then come back to me here in 3 hours. I have some things I have to take care of. Have fun you two.” Jake smiles and kisses Taza’s slightly scarred cheek and disappears. Sara turns to Taza and speaks. “Well Milady” “Please call me Kitten or Taza.” “Okay. Well Kitten if you will fallow me I will get your measurements for a shirt and pants and shoes then you can tell me what you want. Oh, my, but first we need to take care of all these piercings.” Sara leads Taza to a bench inside of a small room and tells her to sit down. One by one all of her piercings are taken out of the hole they were once resting in and thrown to the floor. Taza rubs her ears where there once was 5 piercings in each ear and feels the holes close up. Taza stands up and Sara measures her from top to bottom and everywhere in between. Sara rights the measurements down on a small slip of paper and looks at Taza. “Now what would you like for shoes?” Sara asks Taza. Taza thinks for a second then answers. “For shoes I would like 2 inch platforms. In the front I want a long piece of leather to come up from the bottom of the shoes and up to and inch from my knee. I also want straps to wrap around my leg and latch onto the other side of the leather.” Sara writes all this down on her little piece of paper then looks back up at Taza. “What would you like for pants?” Taza thinks for a second then answers quickly. “I would like long black baggy pants.” Sara writes this down then asks, “Now what would you like for a shirt?” Taza doesn’t take anytime to think this time she just starts talking. “I want a shirt that is going to hang down low and I want sleeves that aren’t attached to the shirt but are held up on my arms by straps.” Sara writes down on the paper once last time, smiles, then walks out of the room. Taza stares after here and tries to wait in silence but finds it hard to do. She hums quietly to herself to pass the time. What feels like forever finally ends when Sara re-enters the small room. “Here you are Kitten. Your new and fresh clothes. I hope you like them.” Sara outs the clothes down on the bench and walks out of the room. Taza tears off her old clothes and begins putting her new ones on. She notices that the back of her shirt is cut very low and has a strap that runs around the back of her neck. She puts her pants on and tightens the straps at her thighs and around her hips to keep the pants from falling down. She slides her shoes on and tightens the straps at the back of her legs then stands up to look at her hazy reflection in the mirror in the corner. The clothes quickly go from clear to a haze in the mirror but Taza gets a good look at herself before she looks like nothing more than a black cloud. She smiles and turns away from the mirror and starts walking towards the down she came in. When she sees Jake waiting for her she rushes to him. “Wow Kitten you look amazing.” Taza smiles and hugs Jake. They walk out of the clothes and outside the door. Sara bids them farewell and Jake and Taza walk down the hall. “You seem to be comfortable around Sara. Did you know that she is blood bonded with the vampire that changed me?” Taza stops dead in her tracks and leans up against the wall; holding her head. Jake’s smile disappears from his face and changes to a look of fright. “Kitten, what’s wrong?” Jake asks her. “I feel light headed,” Taza manages to squeak out before she faints. Jake catches her easily and carries her down the hall. He stops at a small speaker and pushes the button and speaks. “This is Jake. I need a donor on the 27th floor, NOW!” Jake’s finger comes off of the button and he stares at the speaker. After a second a women’s voice comes through the speaker. “Right away Milord.” A small click follows the voice and within a second two people walk towards Jake. “Here’s your donor Jake.” The man pushes a small boy towards Jake, but pays no mind to him. “I never thought you would ever need a donor Ja-” “I don’t need to donor, Tigris!” Jake spits the name, “She needs the donor; Kitten needs it.” Tigris looks at the limp body in Jake’s arms and walks forward. One of his hands hovers over Taza’s body and Jake pulls away. “Don’t you dare touch her!” Jake growls at Tigris. Tigris smiles and disappears. Jake hears Tigris’s taunting voice in his head laughing. The voice dies away and Jake leans Taza up against the wall and tries to wake her up. He drags the boy over to Taza and makes him kneel down next to her. The boy lowers his head so that his neck is only inches away from Taza’s lips. Jake takes a knife out of his pocket and cut the boy’s neck making him tense. Jake covers his fingers in the boy’s blood and cotes Taza’s lips in it. Taza wakes up and sinks her fangs into the boy’s neck killing him almost instantly. Taza holds up the body and drinks his blood greedily. After a few minutes she tosses the body away from her. “Kitten! Jake!” Sara calls to them. Jake helps Taza off of the floor and helps her walk, while she licks the last traces of blood from her lips. Jake and Taza stop at the door of the clothing dept. to see Sara waiting in the doorway for them. “Jake I’m sorry it took so long, but, I have finally finished the coats you requested. And here they are.” Sara pulls two long leather jackets from beside her and hands them to Jake and Taza. Taza now standing on her own reaches forward and takes the slightly small jacket from Sara and puts it on. Jake smiles as he puts his own on. Sara smiles with Jake as they watch as Taza’s inner child comes out and starts spinning around. “I guess I don’t have to ask you if you like the jackets do I?” Sara laughs. Jake shakes his head in response to her. Taza stops spinning and turns to Sara and bows. “Thank you Sara. I love it.” Taza stands up straight and kisses Jake. Jake also thanks Sara and turns to join Taza. They walk down the hall together their new jackets swaying as they walked. A figure is leaning up against the wall next to the candle and is playing with the small flame. The figure closes its arms and smiles in Jake and Taza’s direction. “So this is the new vampire that has been added to Black Night’s vampric community? She looks like a keeper Jake.” Taza stares at the man that just spoke and looks at Jake to see a small smile on his face. “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Ross. How have you been? Oh and yes this is the new vampire. Her name is Kitten.” Jake smiles even bigger. “She loves cats.” Jake hugs Ross and Ross bows to Taza. Taza clings to Jake’s side and Ross laughs making Jake smile. “Don’t worry Kitten; Ross is a good friend of mine. He’s harmless,” Jake says. What Jake said only makes Ross laugh even harder. Taza tries to smile and ease up a bit but finds it hard to do. She stares up into Ross’s black eyes and gets lost in them. Ross stares back for a second then looks away and down the hall. “Look Jake your favorite vampire is coming down the hall.” Ross looks at Taza. “I would be careful, Kitten he doesn’t like new vampires. At least show him that you’re not afraid of him.” Taza nods and clings to Jakes again; tightening her grip on his arm. Ross stands in front of Taza when a tall man rounds the corner. “Hello Seb,” greets Ross and Jake at the same time. Taza takes a step back from Jake. “Both of you, out of my way!” Ordered Seb. Jake and Ross move closer together to try and hide Taza. “Fine then! I’ll move you!” Seb grabs Ross and Jake by their throats and throws them to the side. Taza tries to run to Jake side but Seb grabs a hold of her neck and drags her down the hall. “Jake, help me!” Jake looks up and runs after Seb and Ross pulls Taza from Seb’s grip. Ross holds Taza tight against him and after a second Jake dies away and a living room appears. Ross lets go of Taza and she falls to the floor. Ross kneels down next to her. “Where’s Jake?” Taza asks. Ross doesn’t answer her. “Where the hell is he?!” Taza asks again. This time Ross just sits on the floor. “He’s still fighting with Seb. He told me to get you out of there, before you got hurt. Seb could have killed you.” Taza sat next to Ross on the floor for a long time. They after a little while got up off of the floor and sat down on the couch. “I’m going to go look for him,” said Taza getting up off of the couch. Ross grabs her arms and pulls her back down. “That’s a bad idea. You’re going to have to wait until the sun goes down, and trust me that’s going to be a long time from now, seeing as how it just came up. Why don’t you try to get some rest.” Taza nodded and laid down. Her head landed on Ross’s lap and he stroked her hair. Ross smiled slightly and Taza fell asleep, not long after so did Ross. They slept all day until the sun went down and Jake still hadn’t come home. Taza sits up, yawns and looks around the room. She sees Ross leaning up against the wall playing with the flame of a candle. “Morning sleepy-head. Did you sleep well?” Taza nods and gets up off of the couch. She licks her lips and finds a small trace of blood there. The blood sends shivers down her spine at the bitterly sweet taste. “If you want some more I can give you some.” Ross says to Taza. She nods absently and Ross leads her over to the hall way and into a bed room. Taza glances around the room but there isn’t much to look at other than blackout curtains on the window and a small dresser next to the king sized bed. Taza sits down on the bed and Ross closes the door after he comes in. Ross lies down on the bed and stares at Taza. Ross gestures for Taza to lie down but she hesitates. Finally Ross leans forward and grabs Taza’s waist and pulls her down so that she is lying next to him. Ross lies on his side and pulls Taza tight against him. He grabs her ass and pulls Taza even tighter against him. Now that there’re body’s are completely touching Ross tears his shirt off exposing his pale chest. He pulls her head down toward his shoulder so her lips are touching his skin. “Drink softly, Kitten. Savor the taste,” Ross says. Taza bites down slowly on his shoulder and cool blood flows into her mouth. She does as she was told and sucks softly on his skin, drawing out the sweet blood. Ross tightens his grip on Taza and she pulls her head away from his skin. Ross brings her head up to his and kisses her lips, steeling back some of the blood that she had taken. He tries to deepen the kiss but Taza pull away and runs out of the room. Ross growls and runs after her. Ross grabs Taza’s arm and starts to drag her back to his room. “Let go of me!” Taza demands. “Jake!” Yells Taza. Ross covers her mouth to try and keep her quiet but Taza bites his hand. He pays no mind to his hand and drags her farther down the hall. Jake appears in front of Ross and punches him in the face. Jake growls as he tears Taza from Ross’s grip. Jake backs Ross into a wall and smiles. “What do you think you were doing Ross?” Jake purrs at Ross. Ross puts his hands up defensively and says, “I wasn’t doing anything. Just though that I should bring her to my room and teach her how to be a true kitten.” Ross smiles wide and Jake growls again. “She isn’t your kitten to play with. She. Belongs. To. Me.” Jake spits each word at Ross. “She is my kitten! She is my pet!” As soon as Jake says this last word Taza shifts into a little panther kitten. Jake and Ross both blink in surprise. Taza walks over to Jake and tries to climb up his leg. Jake picks her up and she licks his hand. “How did you turn into a kitten, Kitten?” Jake whispers to Taza. Ross laughs and says, “Well I guess she really is a kitten now.” Taza’s ears flatten and she hisses at Ross. This time Jake is the one to laugh. “Yes but she knows who her enemies are. She has claws now so I would keep my distance if I were you.” Jake sets Taza down on the floor and she starts climbing on things. Ross disappears for a second then comes back with a small bag. He reaches into the bag and takes out a small ball of yarn. He rolls it past Taza who takes off after it. Jake laughs then grabs Ross and they both disappear. Taza rolls around with the ball of yarn and chews on it. Jake and Ross appear in a dark alley. “Don’t think for one second that I’m going to forget what you tried to do to Kitten. Your going to pay deeply for it.” “Oh no I’m so scarred of the big bad Jake.” “You should be.” “And why is that.” “I’m going to cut your heart out of your chest.” Ross’s eyes grow wide. “You…You’re kidding right?” “No” Ross begins to back away from Jake but he grabs Ross’s neck and slams him down on the cold alley pavement. Jake puts his knees down on Ross’s legs and holds his hands down with one of his hands. Jake takes a knife out of his pocket and flips it open. “Please Jake, don’t dos this to me. I’m your friend. You wouldn’t do this do your best friend would you?” Jake gets up off of Ross and picks him up off of the pavement. Jake throws Ross in the brick wall of a building and holds his knife to Ross’s throat. “If you ever touch her the way you did again, mark my words Ross, I will kill you.” Ross’s eyes widen again and Jake lets go of him. Ross runs down the alley a ways before growing blood red wings and flying off. Jake disappears from the alley and reappears on the couch. He smiles at the sight of Taza; still a kitten, curled up around the ball of yarn sleeping on a pillow. Taza purrs softly in her sleep and this makes Jake smile even more. “I guess you can stay a kitten a little longer.” Jake whispers to himself. He runs his fingers through her pure black soft fur and turns into an adult panther and curls up around Taza then falls asleep himself. A few hours later Taza wakes up to find herself lying against a panther and covers her mouth to try not to scream. The panther opens its eyes and yawns. It licks Taza’s face and she relaxes. “Good after midnight.” She hears in her head. The panther begins to shift into a human and she smiles at the sight of Jake. “How did you do that?” Taza asks him. He smiles again and kisses her cheek. “You slept half the night as a panther kitten you know. I was trying to figure out how you had changed into one myself.” Taza looks at him questionably then shakes her head. She tries to run her fingers through her hair but they get stuck. She runs to the bathroom and begins to brush her hair; letting out a small squeak every time the brush went through her hair. She walks out of the bathroom holding her head and rubbing it gently. Jake stares at her as she walks into the kitchen. She opens the fridge to find it empty. “Where can I get some food around here? I’m starving.” Jake laughs. If you want food you’re going to have to go into the city and drink a little blood. That’s where you’re going to get some food.” Taza nodded slowly at Jake. Jake smiled slightly then walked outside. Taza followed him but when she went outside she didn’t see him anywhere, it was like he just disappeared into thin air. “I’m up here, Kitten.” Jake said. Taza turned around and looked up to see Jake sitting on the roof. Taza jumped up onto the roof and sat down next to him. Jake grabbed Taza and pulled her back so that they were both lying on their backs. Jake pointed up at the sky and Taza starred up. “Isn’t it beautiful out tonight my love?” Taza’s eyes shifted back and forth at all the twinkling stars in the sky, once in a while following a shooting star. “Yea it’s very beautiful.” Jake put and arm underneath Taza’s shoulders and they lied on the roof looking up at the stars until the sky began to turn pinks and purples behind them. Jake look behind them at the sky and swore under him breath. Orange rays began to cover the sky and Jake picked up Taza and jumped off of the roof. He ran fast inside and slammed the door shut behind him. Jake sets Taza down and walks around carefully closing the blinds, and blackout curtains. “If you want to stay awake longer just remember not to go near the windows. You don’t want to get burnt do you?” Taza stared down at the floor, and then answered. “No, I don’t want to get burnt.” Jake smiled and kissed Taza’s cheek. “Come on. Why don’t you get some sleep? You must be really tired.” She nodded and Jake started walking done the hall. Taza followed him and he turned into a dark room. Taza looked around the room and she saw Jake standing in a corner, he looked like he was shaking. She walked over to him and stood beside him; leaning against the wall. “What’s wrong Jake?” He didn’t say anything in return just stood there shaking. “Jake,-” He put a finger to his lips and slid down the wall and sat on the floor. He pulled Taza down too and held her against him. “Shhh, you need to be quiet,” whispered Jake to Taza. “Or they will hear you talking.” “Who?” Taza whispered back. Jake leaned close to Taza and whispered in her ear, “the wolfs.” Taza stared at him in question. “The wolfs?” Jake nodded and dragged Taza toward the window. He stared up at it and spoke. “They can smell us. They know that we are here somewhere. This is the closest they have ever been before and I’ve never felt them this strongly. I just hope they don’t find us.” Taza now scarred as all hell hid herself in Jake’s arms. “Don’t be afraid Kitten I’m not going to let them hurt you.” Jake whispered to Taza. Jake kissed her forehead and the door slammed open to the cabin. Jake and Taza heard shattering glass and Jake pushed Taza into a closet and he jumped onto the bed. “Stay in there, and stay quiet. Don’t come out unless I tell you to. Ok?” Taza nodded and closed the door to the closet. The door to the room opened and Jake simply turned over on the bed. “Get your ass out of bed you damn leech!” Jake yawned; ignoring the man. The man growled and walked toward Jake. The man grabbed Jake by the neck and held him up in the air. Taza gasped then covered her mouth. The man’s gaze shot over to the closet door and he dropped Jake. “No!” Yelled Jake. Taza remembered what Jake had said to her. “You slept half the night as a panther kitten…” She thought maybe she could turn into one if she tried hard enough. She concentrated but nothing happened. She was about to give up when she thought of how Jake had looked when she saw him as a panther. She pictured him in her head and she felt herself shift. She looked at her paws and let out a triumphant meow. The door to the closet opened and she looked at the man which was staring down at her. She got up and rubbed her head up against his leg hoping that he wouldn’t hurt her. “Awww, what a cute little cat.” The man grabs a hold of Taza and lifts her up gently and scratches under her chin. Taza purrs slightly and licks the mans hand. “I think I’m going to keep her, that is if she yours.” Jake was still wide eyed and started to get up. “Yea she’s mine.” Jake held out his hand. “Can I have her back, please?” The man tightened his grip on Taza who let out a frightened meow. He tightened his grip again and Taza bit his hand drawing blood. Jake watched as the blood dripped onto the floor and Taza’s teeth still sinking into the mans hand. “If you loosen your grip on her wolfie boy, I’m sure she will stop biting you.” Jake said with new found courage in his voice. The wolf man let go of Taza and she fell to the floor licking the blood off of her mouth and teeth. Jake kneeled down on the floor and Taza ran to him. “That’s a good girl,” said Jake. “I’m so glad that you’re ok,” Jake whispered to Taza. She meowed happily then turned to the werewolf and her ears flatten and she hisses at him. The werewolf growled and Taza hid her face behind Jake’s hand. The werewolf laughs and kicks out Jake’s legs from under him. He holds Taza tight against him when he falls to the floor. “Kitten change back and get out of here, now!” Taza stares at Jake in shock then starts to run for the door. “Don’t let that cat get out of this room!” Ordered the werewolf to the other werewolves standing outside the door. Taza shifted and tried to charge through the men at the door but failed. “Ah, what have we here? Another blood sucker and such a young one at that. No wonder I didn’t smell you.” Taza starred at the man with wide eyes and struggled to get free from the two werewolves that were holding her. The man only laughed at her attempts as he got closer to her. Jake knew that he could do nothing so he just stood there beside the bed and starred in silence. The man raised his hand and brushed it over Taza’s cheek, but she turned her head away as if she had just been hit. “Don’t touch her,” Jake said in a hoarse voice. The man turned back to Jake and smiled at him mockingly. He looked back at the men holding Taza and said, “Take her outside and wait for me there. She is going to join our clan. She still so very young it wouldn’t take long to teach her to change into a wolf and leave her cat form behind.” He laughed and the men tugged on Taza pulling her out into the hall and towards the front door. “Jake!” Yelled Taza but she heard nothing. It was as if she hadn’t made a sound. “Fet wants you to join us. He likes you, and that’s a weird thing. I think he likes your talent to change shape. Not many vampires have that ability. You’re very special and kinda cute.” Taza hisses at him but he only laughs at her. “We will teach you to be scary.” Both men laugh. “I don’t want to join you. I want to stay with Jake and learn how to be a vampire, because I am a vampire. Not a werewolf.” Both of the men stare at her in shock. “I don’t think he can teach you anything anymore.” Fet says coming out of the cabin. He laughed. “If you smell the air I bet you could smell his blood.” Tears formed in Taza’s eyes not believing what she was hearing. The men’s arms dropped to there sides and Taza fell to her knees and sobbed into her hands. “He is still in one piece if you want to see him before we leave. He is covered in blood though, and his eyes are open. We will give you time to say good bye.” Taza starred up into Fet’s yellow eyes and slowly tried to get up from the ground. Fet stepped out of her way as she walked back towards the cabin. The smell of Jake’s blood was stronger now and she knew Fet had hurt him bad. She walked into the bedroom to find Jake laying on the bed staring in her direction. She sat down next to him and brushed the hair out of his face and kissed his cheek. “I’m so scarred Jake, I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I should trust them or not. They are so scary and big.” She heard a small whisper that seemed to hang in the air. “Go with them. And leave me to rest. I’m always watching.” The words drew more tears to her eyes as she realized that they must have been from Jake spirit. She closed his eyes with her fingers and folded his arms over his chest and kissed his cheek once more before heading to the door. She took one last look at his bloody body on the bed before she shut the door. She walked out of the house and she saw the 3 men waiting outside with torches in their hands. “What are you going to do?” Taza asked them. She walked closer to them and one of them threw a torch at the cabin. The torch went threw a window and the couch caught on fire. “No,” Taza said to herself. She ran to Fet who still had his torch in hand and grabbed his arm. “Please, don’t do this.” Fet smiled at her the pushed her aside and threw his torch through another window. The last man threw his torch and within seconds the cabin was a blaze. “NO!” Taza screamed at the burning cabin. She tried to run to the cabin but Fet caught her and held her against him. “Shhhh, its ok. There, there. Now come on, we will take you to your new home.” Fet put an arm around Taza’s shoulders and began walking. He changed into a wolf after he said, “Get on my back,” and Taza did as she was told though she didn’t want too. She held onto Fet’s hair as he ran. Two other wolves ran beside them, one on either side. They stopped at a large house even deeper in the forest. Taza climbed off of Fet’s back and walked toward the house. “Cody, find a room for Kitten, and be quick about it the sun will be coming up in a few minutes.” A wolf nodded and changed into a teenage boy, probably about her age, but a lot taller. Cody held out a large hand than offered for Taza to take it, who reached out slowly. “Its ok I won’t hurt you, Kitten, I’m only going to help you.” Taza took Cody’s hand and he pulled her along to the house. He picked her up and started running when the sky began to turn orange and red. Taza looked up at the sky and shivered slightly. “Don’t worry I’ll get you inside before the sun comes up.” Cody stepped inside the door and rushed Taza up the stairs and into a bed room. He put her down and closed the blinds and curtains to the room. Taza sat down on the bed and Cody sat down next to her, putting an arm around her shoulders. “I bet you miss watching the sun come up over the horizon. I know I love seeing how beautiful it is, well you must think that it’s just a stupid human thing don’t you?” Taza shook her head surprising Cody. He gets up off of the bed and walks over to the window and pulls a curtain back, letting sunlight enter the room. Taza gets up and walks over to it putting her hand out into the light. She hisses in pain and pulls her hand back. Cody closes the curtain and goes over to Taza. “Let me see.” Cody takes Taza’s hand and carefully checks it over. He runs his fingers over the small burn mark and Taza hisses in pain again. Cody brings Taza’s hand to his mouth and kisses the burn, then drops her hand. Taza walks back over to the bed and lies down on the soft material. “Can I ask you something Cody?” He nodded and sat down on the edge of the bed and starred down at her. “Why did Fet have to kill him? Why?” Cody looked away from her and didn’t answer. Taza sat up and put a hand on his shoulder and look into his eyes pleading for the answer to her question. Cody opened his mouth to speak but shut it and shaking his head. “Please,” Taza begged him. Cody signed and drew in a deep breath. “It was sort of an insurance policy. It made it so that you had no one else to go to but us. Killing that le- Jake made it so you had no other choice. You know that you are the only vampire to ever enter this house.” A tear rolled down Taza’s cheek and Cody wiped it away. “Why are you being so nice to me? Don’t you want to kill me like every other werewolf in this house?” Cody shook his head. Taza closed her eyes tight and laid back down. “What’s wrong?” Taza could feel the urge to kill something and take its blood but she tried to hide the feeling from Cody and try to tell him that she needed blood. “Cody,” she began. “I need blood.” She squeaked out. Cody’s eyes grew wide and he rushed out of the room. A moment later Cody re-entered the room with another werewolf at his side. “She said that she needed blood.” Cody said to the werewolf. “Greg, she needs it now!” Greg walked over to Taza and took a knife out of his pocket. He cut his wrist and let the blood drip onto Taza’s lips. She licked her lips and fangs grew in and her eyes turned black. Cody’s eyes grew even wider and he edged toward the door. Greg stood up and looked over at Cody. “We have to get her to the basement where she will be able to feed in peace once we find a human she can kill.” Cody nodded slowly and went around to other side of the bed. “Try to calm her down first Cody so she doesn’t hurt you.” Cody nodded again and whispered in Taza’s ear. As Cody whispered Taza’s eyes went back to their normal color and her fangs shrank. Taza hugged Cody and kissed his cheek. “Come on now. Greg and I need to get you to the basement so you can feed on a human when we get one. You will be safe from the sun down there too, so that’s where you’re going to sleep during the day from now on.” Taza nodded and got up from the bed. She started walking to the door when she stopped in front of the sun light flowing throughout the hallway. Cody swore under his breath. Greg ran out into the hall and started closing the blinds to all of the windows. Taza stepped out into the hall with Cody at her side. They walked down 2 flights of stairs before they reached a pitch black room, other wise known as the basement. Cody pushed the webs and chains out of his way to get to the other side of the room. “Do I want to know why there are chains everywhere?” Cody didn’t even look back at her he just kept walking forward. Taza walked faster and stopped in front of him. “What’s wrong?” Cody asked while staring down at her. She starred up then put a hand on her head and started to sink to the floor. Cody caught her and carried her over to a chair in the corner of the room. He brushed off the cob webs and sat her down. “Hang in there Kitten, the human will be here soon.” Greg came down into the basement and walked over to Cody and Taza caring a limp body in his arms. He leaned the body up against Taza’s legs and took a knife out of his pocket and flipped it open. He cut what looked like a women’s neck and Taza’s eyes fluttered open. Greg and Cody backed away from Taza and watched as she grew fangs and sank them into the flesh. “Let’s let her feed in peace. In the mean time we should get a bed down here for her to sleep in and a bowl of water to she can wash up.” Cody nodded at Greg and the two walked back across the room and up the stairs. Cody took one last look into the darkness before shutting the door. They walked up stairs and began tearing apart the bed and throwing it into a pile. Cody made trips bringing down the bed pieces to the basement door. An hour later the bed, sheets, blankets, and pillows were sitting in a pile waiting to be brought down to the basement. “Do you think she is done yet?” Cody asked Greg. They both starred at the door for several minutes before Greg reached forward and turned the rusty door knob. Cody grabbed as much as he could and started walking down stairs. Cody starting walking forward and tripped over something that he couldn’t see. “What the-,” “Shhhh!” Greg said to Cody. Greg pointed to the corner where they would see a body leaning up against the wall and a small furry creature curled up on the chair. “You don’t want to wake her up do you?” Cody shook his head and carefully put the bedding on the floor and walked back over to the stairs. He made trips bring everything down stairs and setting everything on the floor carefully as not to wake up Taza. When everything was down stairs, he wondered how he was going to put it all together without waking her up. He watched her sleep for hours, simply listening to her purr every so softly in her sleep. He leaned up against the wall across the room and folded his arms across his chest and watched her until he fell asleep. When he woke up he felt around on the wall for something to help himself up with and found a bar on the wall. When Cody started to get up he felt something roll off of his lap and hit the floor. He leaned over and felt around for what it was and found something fuzzy. He felt small teeth pinch his hand and then felt larger teeth sink into his hand. He lifted his hand up and the teeth let go. “Sorry I didn’t know it was you that I was biting.” Taza said to Cody. Cody helped her up and they walked over to the stairs together. “Stay here,” Cody told her. He walked up the stair and cracked the door open and peeked out. He looked out the window across the hall and could see nothing but the lamps lit outside. “OK, its safe you can come up stairs now.” Taza walked up the stair and stepped into the light of the hallway. She looked to left of her and saw the door to the house open and she ran for it. Cody ran after her but she was faster than he was. Greg stepped into the doorway with his arms across his chest. “Where do you think you’re going, bloodsucker?” Taza stared up at him then turned around to Cody. “Tell him I just want to go outside and spread my wings.” Cody’s eyes went wide and Greg’s did the same. “You… you can grow wings?” Cody stammered out. Taza nodded at him and Greg’s arms fell to his sides. Taza reached behind her and unzipped the two holes in the back of her jacket and her black feathered wings grow from her back. They fold down and Cody takes a step back from her. “Greg, let her go outside!” Fet ordered from the top of the stairs. Greg and Cody stare up at him and watch him walk down the stairs. He walks around Taza and examines the feathers. He pulls out a feather and Taza flinches slightly. He holds the feather up and then drops it. It sinks to the floor and hits the floor hard before it shimmers away. “Interesting,” Fet says under his breath. He starts to walk back up stairs then turns around. “I said to let her go outside. Oh, and Cody, you can watch her since she trusts you. Keep a close eye on her.” Cody starts walking towards the door and Greg moves out of his way. Taza fallows at a close distance and holds onto his arm as they pass Greg, who stares at her angrily. Taza keeps her head down as she passes him and walks even closer to Cody. Greg grabs a hold of Taza’s wing and pulls hard on it. Taza grows claws and digs them into his skin until he lets go. “Don’t touch me!” Taza hissed at him. Greg growls and changes into a wolf. Taza’s wings shimmer away and she turns into a fell sized jaguar. They growls at each other for a while before Greg jumps on Taza and bites her shoulder. Taza cries out in pain and bites Greg’s paw and pushes him off of her with her hind legs. Greg lands on his back but rolls over and pounces on Taza. Greg bites her shoulder again and Taza cries out in pain again. Greg bites down harder and Taza’s painful growl gets louder. Cody watches horrified. Taza sums up enough energy and pushes Greg off herself and lies on the ground breathing hard. She stands and limps over to Cody and changes back to her human form and leans up against a tree. Taza holds onto her shoulder that quickly stops bleeding and heal. Greg changes back into his human form and walks over to Taza. He puts a hand on the tree next to Taza’s once hurt shoulder and leans in close to her. “You’re not a bad fighter for a cat. We should spar sometime.” Greg winked at her before turning around and walking back into the house. Cody walked over to Taza and put and arm around her shoulder and walked her into the forest and away from all the lights. Cody rubbed her once hurt shoulder as they walked. Taza leaned against him when they stopped walking. “You can fly around now for a while if you want. You’re not being held prisoner here.” Taza looked up at him before grow her wings and flying up into the air. She flew back down to him and kissed his cheek and whispered, “Thank you,” in his ear. Cody smiled and she flew off again. He stayed there and watched her fly off into the distance. Cody turned around and started walking back to the house. A hand grabbed him from behind and slammed him up against a tree. “Where is she going Cody? Off to tell all her little vampire friends that she is being held hostage.” Greg growled in Cody’s face. Cody pushed him away and kept walking toward the house. “I asked you a question you little punk!” Greg growled at Cody as he walked away from Greg. Taza heard Greg yelling at Cody but she tried to ignore them as she searched for the building Jake and her had been to get her cloths. She searched the ground for something familiar that might lead her there. She saw something fly up into the air and she flew towards it. “Please be someone I know.” She said to herself. The vampire started to fly towards her but stopped a little ways away. She squinted at the figure but then she noticed the figure as if she had seen it only seconds ago. “Ross?” She questioned the vampire. “Is that you?” She started at the figure for a long time before it answered. “Kitten? What are you doing here? Wait, where’s Jake?” Ross flew closer to her just as Taza started to cry. Ross watched as her tears fell from her face and dropped to the land below. Ross held her against himself and he forced both of them to descend to an alley way. A human say them and ran off in fear. “Shh… don’t cry Kitten. Just tell me what happened. Shhh.” Taza cried into his chest while he patted and rubbed her back to try and calm her down. “They killed him,” Taza finally choked out past the tears and sobbing. Ross stared down at her with wide eyes. “Who killed him Kitten?” Ross asked trying to keep his voice steady. Taza wiped her eyes and looked up at Ross. “Werewolves killed him, and when I came out of the house they burnt it down. Then they took me in… but I don’t want to be with them. Not after they killed him. I don’t want to be with them. I don’t… I don’t…..” Ross patted her back again and stared off into the direction of the cabin. “Come on why don’t we go get a few more of my friends and we can teach those pups not to mess with vampires.” Taza nodded and Ross’s wings grew and they shot into the air. Taza held onto Ross really tight as they flew towards the building that Taza had wanted to find earlier. They landed in front of the door and Ross pushed it open. Taza gripped Ross’s arm tight with tears still streaming down her cheeks. He carried her up two flights of stairs before they walked into a large room. When Ross pushed open the door all the vampires inside looked up at them. “Kitten has something to tell you all.” Ross announced to the group. Taza looked up at Ross with wide eyes and hid behind him when the vampires’ gazes fell on her. “Don’t be afraid, its ok you can tell them.” Ross whispered to her. Taza walked forward and wiped her eyes. “Jake has been….um…..killed by werewolves.” Over half the vampires stood up in shock. One walked forward and stood in front of Taza. “You’re that new vampire that Jake was holding in his arms a few nights ago. He told me not to touch you. I think I can now that he’s dead.” Taza stepped back and the tall vampire laughed. “Leave her alone Tigris!” Ross growled. A woman vampire stood up towards the back and walked forward. She stroked Taza’s cheek; wiping a tear away. “Don’t worry I won’t let those pups get away with this.” She whispered to Taza. “Jake was a good guy we can’t just stand by and watch as those dogs kill our kind. They are getting stronger and we are getting weaker.” “Speak for yourself Diamond!” Another vampire growled from the back of the room. Diamond’s eyes turned black and black sharp nails grew from her fingers. “That would be a lie if I said I was getting weaker.” The vampire that had raised his voice sat back down and Diamond’s eyes and nails went back to normal. Tigris stood next to Diamond and spoke. “Diamond is right. We can just let Jake die and not do any thing about it. We need to teach those mangy mutts who’s in charge of this city and in charge of this world of darkness. They do not rule the night, we do! Anyone who does not fight against them tomorrow night at dusk will be punished worse than death.” Tigris turned to Taza and stared down at her. “Where are they located?” He asked her. Taza led them outside and pointed north. They all grew large wings in a variety of dark and gloomy colors and took to the skies. Taza grew her wings and flew up in front of them. She started flying and 30 other vampires fallowed her. The vampires landed in the forest a small distance from the werewolves house and Taza landed next to it. She knocked on the door and Greg answered it. “What the hell do you want? Don’t your little leech friends want you?” Taza pushed past him when she saw Cody standing behind Greg. She ran to him and hugged him. “You have to get out of here or they will kill you too.” She whispered in his ear. Cody starred down at her. “Vampires are waiting for the werewolves outside and they are going to slaughter them once they get outside. You need to leave as faster as you can; without being seen.” Cody continued to stare at her in disbelief. Taza stood in front of Cody until he turned into a wolf and ran off. Once she made sure that Cody was well out of sight of any vampires that surrounded them she turn back to Greg who was watching the vampires flying around and killing any werewolf that gets in their way. He heard her coming up behind him and turned into a wolf and was growling in her direction. She turned into an adult panther and lunged at him, her claws out and ready to tear him apart. At the same time Greg jumped into the air at Taza and when they collided it sounded as if thunder had rumbled through the air. The sound trickled back to them off of the mountains and instantly they were back on their feet, shaking off the collision. Diamond flys down beside her and takes a swipe at Greg knocking him into a tree splitting it into so many peices it could never be put back together. Taza growled at Diamond who nodded and left to find a werewolf to destroy. While Greg was down Taza jumped on him and bit into his neck. She pulled at what she got her teeth around and when she couldn't break his neck by pulling slowly, she leaned down then pulled back hard, snapping his neck. Finally she had killed him. She felt releived. She stood up and changed back into a human. She turned around when a warm wind brushed up against her neck. She extented her claws and stood ready to fight what was behind her. She lowered her arms when she saw that it was Cody standing there. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her, happy that Greg had not hurt her. Shocked that Cody had returned and probably had seen her killed his friend she struggled against his kiss, but soon found an emotion growing in her heart that she thought had died with the death of Jake. She hadn't known that it was possible that she could love another besides Jake but she did. She loved Cody. She stopped struggling and kissed him back closing her eyes. He broke off the kiss and turned toward the mansion that was now ablaze and the smell of burning flesh wafted to their noses with the gentle cool breeze of the dawn. Taza gasped as a small stream of sunlight hit her arm through the trees. Cody huddled around her hoping to block out the sun. But it was too late the sun was coming up and the sun light was too much to shade. Taza knew that she shouldn't live. She was a monster. And Cody was a werewolf. They couldn't be together. She moved out of Cody's dieing shadow and the run engulfed her. She turned to ash and the breeze carried her away. A tear dropped from Cody's face but he knew it was right.





06:01 Mar 28 2010
Times Read: 493

With hands shaking she holds the knife to her own throat. she can't wait for the pain to end but is terrified to end it. Tears stream down her face only to end when she is dead. She closes her eyes tight which only shows her the pain she felt throughout her her life. The memories of the past she never wanted to see again. The many times she had to stitch her heart and soul back together. The masks she wore to hide her pain. The emotions she faked and the ones she kept locked deep inside. The ones she never showed around her friends and family. She opens her eyes and looks over at the clock. With quivering lips she says the time out loud to herself. "2:27 a.m." She knows that if she kills herself now, no-one would find her until morning at 6:00 p.m. when her grandmother wakes her up for school. To think that today is going to be her 16th birthday. She wonders to herself in the darkness of her room if anyone will care that she is dead, if anyone will cry, or weep, or think twice about her pretty much non-existent life she lived. If they will ponder over why she killed herself, what reason she had for ending her own life. Will anyone miss her; her friends, her family, the man she loved more than anything in the world that she wasn't allowed to be with. The man who said he loved her and will love her forever, who said he wished he had met her first instead of the girl he was with now. the man she spent countless nights crying over into her pillow because she found out about his other girlfriend. The man she wishes she could have hugged just once. She smiles at the thought of his arms wrapping around her. She lights a small candle, "Happy birthday." She says to herself. She blows out the candle and slits her own throat.




Fallen Angel

06:00 Mar 28 2010
Times Read: 494

Fluttering wings. Crows everywhere. Picking at her remains. So many people. No-one seems to notice the gory scene. Not noticing that they are walking through her blood. She watches as the crows devour her body at a distance. Bare feet. Plain black dress. Broken wings. Black broken feathers. Pale face. Empty eyes. People walk through her. Fallen angel. A ghost in the world. Death brought by her own hand. No-one saw. No-one saw. No-one sees. She is invisible. The crows fly away. Bones picked clean. Nothing left. Nothing. Maggots burrow into her bones, getting what the crows missed. Eats her marrow. She stares with empty eyes. No soul. Heart long gone. No breath. No warmth. Skin like smooth stone. Cold and hard. The rain begins to fall. Blood washes away. Soaks her hair. Blond hair turns black in the rain. People run to get somewhere dry. Soon she is the only one on the sidewalk full of puddles. She has no reflection. A broken feather falls. Floats a short distance to the ground. Sends more ripples in a puddle it lands in. The world slows. The noise ends. People freeze in place. She stares into the distance at a frozen figure. She knows him. He looks sad. His frozen figure is looking in her direction. She turns away and the world seems to come back to life. She walks down into a dark alley and shimmers away as she approaches a wall. Gone forever. No-one sees. No-one sees. No-one saw.



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