(I posted this a while back with the title 'All the same when you're insane'. It now has a new titled plus revisions that came after it I had it reviewed on Zoetrope. Hope you enjoy.)
A man with his mind was claimed to be mad.
He's kind like a dreary mocking old man.
He sat upon a funny looking rock,
looked strangely like his lumpy cooking pot.
His mind was a mess and contained all sorts
of thoughts for inventions, most made of quartz.
One lacked propulsion, it was hard to use
as it had fins where instead should be shoes.
Neurotic, nautical, nerve-racking thing.
I know I am strange but this thing had rings.
With its abnormal flesh and glaring eyes.
The being with things made me feel my demise!
The thing stares with thoughts that can scare bold men.
The mad old man drew it all with a pen.
I ignored the man's maniacal plot,
rumors had it he was a wizened sot.
-Jacob D. Lujan
I believe there are answers to all my questions. I believe dreams come true but with discretion. I know that I'm naive and that's okay. I know I'm happier when I'm this way. I'm pessimistic and cynical to boot. I over think my precarious pursuit. I can not wait 'till I succeed. I can not wait 'till I exceed. I have fears of that which I do not know. I have strengths to overcome within me though. I philosophize the world that is today. I philosophize but I do not stray. I think that the world lacks respect. I think that decency is what's correct. I wish that things were different now. I wish that this could be allowed.
-Jacob D. Lujan