Now stay with me here if you are reading this....somthing new has happened....a new feeling has come over me and I feel mad, happy, sad, and just diff. Now I know I sound wried but I have not felt soo...soo...sooo alive. In a way it is wired and I sould not be writting this but, I don't know in a way I am like thoes people who have to let people know that they made that, that in some case's, that they killed that person..I don't know I want people to know that I feel this way. Some may think that I can not feel that way. But I DO FEEL...I feel pain alot, I also caues it, I feel sad latly, but I don't fear it..I feel happyness, when it is there.....And most of all I feel love, even when it kicks my ass..I do not fear it......but now in a way I hate it..but I love, it hurts but I don't care. I think that is way this is new I love it, but I hate it also....