Three out of the five states I have lived in, including my current home, have now decriminalized marijuana...I don't know the details of these new laws. Honestly, I don't even vote...progress seems to be following me just the same though.
I still get a kinda sketchy vibe from it all...and I'm wondering what the employment drug tests will become? Do I still need to worry about detoxing while job hunting in the state of Oregon?
22:07 Nov 06 2014
That's exactly what I've been jobs in those states have the right to continue drug testing and depriving people of employment if smoking is legal?
Also...I'd really like to move, ugh. I live in one of the most conservative places, and it's just...fucked up.
The same people doing the hating are the ones that meth on the "down low" lmao.
22:20 Nov 06 2014
Haha exactly...
I'm going to have to do quite a bit of research before I'll feel capable of trusting this "decriminalization".
Simply not being a criminal doesn't make you employable...and if they treat it like alcohol what will constitute a DUI? Uggh...I'm going to have to start watching TV or something, that's a pretty lazy road to understanding politics though haha.
22:56 Nov 06 2014
So please move to Florida. Medical marijuana was defeated here on Tuesday though 58 % of the voters approved the constitutional amendment. takes 60% here .
00:49 Nov 07 2014
Florida is one of my five states already...I've lived there twice. Hopefully my magic works down there for you guys soon :)