In an old mind there sat a musty old couch...a thought appeared sitting on the couch, thinking."Do Couches reeally sit or do they actually stand? Oi and if they stand do they really stand fer people and things such as thoughts sittin' on em? Why hasn't anyone thought to ask the couch how it feels " thought the thought" Are couches actually Non-binary? do they have names?" the thought pondered."Why ain't there no chairs?" the thought wondered. Imagination popped in "here ya go a pair of right lovely ones at that "
A creative thought stood there surveying the old mind and thought" a really nice rug would tie this all together you know, I mean someone once said 'if you are going to spend 75% of your time in your head, You may as well make it a nice place to be"The owner of the mind said as he stared up at the ceiling at 4 am "this is the last time I eat on an empty stomach."