I stand upon a desolate hill, ravaged by battle, looking upon sheer chaos. The gods and men at war, fighting to the death. With a breath, I summon the armies of the abyss, and charge into battle, mowing down any who dare step in my path. When Chronos suddenly awakens and bellows with a voice so powerful, the heavens quake, "ENOUGH OF THIS MORTAL FOOLISHNESS, HAVE YE FORGOTTEN THE VERY LAWYS YE SWORE TO UPHOLD?" Then Chronos appoints some of the more powerfull demons to take place of the felled gods, bringing balance back to the universe. After taking a good look at me, the great god of time appoints me the god of the undead, and cosort of Lillith. Now that balance has been returned, the mortals look upon the gods of olde and now the newer gods with renewed hope, they fall to their knees begging for forgiveness of their wrongs committed upon the gods. In an effort to uphold the newfound peace, however frail, I grant them their forgiveness, though they must now learn to deal with the undead which now roam the dark, waiting for their next victem to claim, for they are there as to remind the mortals of their crimes, bringing chaos nite after nite, and peace rises with the sun.