Where did you go? It seems like forever that you've left.
I miss you so, I feel so alone, a heavy burdon weighs down on me.
I feel that living has no purpose.
How I loved you so, You were always there for me,
I can barely cope, wish you were here still.
Where have you gone?
I want you to know that I still love you.
Whered you go? It feels like forever since you passed.
I never did get to say my farewell.
Sometimes I just wanna quit.
I feel so fucked up. Like I cant go on......
whoaooooaoo. ohwoaooo
So here's my good bye, my farewell.
I want you to know I will always miss you, I'll always love yooooooou.
Where'd you go? I miss you so.
I miss your embrace.
Well, good bye, I love you so.
Rest in peace my dear beloved
Rest in peace.
15:37 Apr 07 2013
This song just slammed into my mind while I was listening to one of my faveorite songs, "Where'd You Go?" by Fort Minor. The song is still "raw" and I will be working on it and intend to sing it at my school's poetry day on the seventeenth, if all goes like I want it to, I will have one of my friends record me and post it on youtube.
feel free to comment.