My friend, where have you gone?
You left me here in a place all alone.
Why? Why did you not stay?
I thought it was because you couldn't see me every day.
But i was wrong, so wrong to think so low of you.
I only wish, wish that i knew.
If only i had known, known what was real.
Then i would have known that i loved you still.
But it wasn't fair, it wasn't went you had to go.
I hope, hope that you know . . . i love you.
It wasn't fair when you were taken away, taken away and yet i had to stay.
It wasn't your time to go, not when i loved you, i loved you so.
There now nothing, nothing that i can do.
All i have are my tears and the words i miss you.
Watching as the night sky turns dark and cold, watching as you lose your soul.
Watching as it tears away from your body in a scream of pain.
Dropping to the floor, you fall limp.
All the dead people that you see in your mind, watching them tear at you.
You watch your blood bleed away with nothing you can do.
All the people of the land of dead waiting for you to come join them.
In a sea of hell we wait, seeing what you do.
Waiting on the chance to drag to hell.
When the light burned bright by your face i could see your love, blind now i feel so lost in your heart.
I feel you walk away in the night's darkness while your thoughts drift to another place.
Why did you let me fall?
I watch your words melt away in my mind as though they were ink disappearing on paper.
Even in truth you walked away and left me here bare.
I watch your eyes look back as if only to say, say that you wish you could stay.
I wanted to tell you how i felt, but you never gave me the chance.
Would you believe me if i said what it was i wanted to stay . . . . . all i wanted . . was for you to stay.