Dreams what are they really?
Some people may say a glimps into the future some may say a connection with your past. And others say form of metapysical travel to certain places and dates in tim from the past to the future from your house to far away lands? So which is it that best defines dreams? Some say dreams are an alternate reality for people to escape their present delemas in life. I guess in the end dreams are how you inturprete them they are what you make them. They can be fun exciting sacrificial sad lonly terrible and frightening it is all how you choose to precieve them in the end one dream may touch on all these basis or just a few or even only one. Atleast these are how I see dreams.
Have you ever wondered why people say they feel lost? And people who are lost deny being lost? These are pretty trivial questions. But hey what can I say I have had a bit of time on my hands latly and this is one of the many things I have thought of. So figured would write it down maybe someone might have an answer.
OK so one night I was out walking it was totally dark outside except for the random street light. I was about hal way to the end of the street, when I heard voices but there was no one outside and the clothes building or anythign was all the way across a field. Anyways I kept walking listening to the voices they seemed to be having a casual conversation no big deal. WEll next thin I know there is this sharp shooting pain in my my knee I walked right into a parked car it was black and happened to be parked where there was not a street light. I fell to the floor holding my knee then I saw a car drive by so I got up and kept walking like if nothing happened lol I know they saw me fall but oh well.
the End
Questions always asking questions. Why do they feel the need to ask so many questions? they are only going to be upset by the answer or answers. But they still keep asking questions and I wish they would stop, guess that is just wishfull thinking though. Someday my wish will come true I hope it will anyways. So if you read this please for the love of the Gods and Goddesses please do n ask any questions.
No Questions
Home sick is it real does everyone suffer from it occassionaly? if so what are some remodies for those of us who are stuck and can't go home? What is it that makes us want to go home so bad? knowing what we have all said at one time or another those famous words I can't wait to get away from this place and just leave it behind and never come back. Saying that final good-bye. Or so we think it is the final Good-bye but in reality it is only a temporary good-bye because no matter how long away it is the un stopable happens and everyone returns home at soon or later and surprisingly for most people it is sooner then later.