We all love this time of the year when you can dress up go out a scare the holy hell out of someone. It’s a rush that feeling that we all get. I love watching the little kids go to house to house asking for candy saying those words Trick or Treat. But, no one on the other side as thought of side hmm, okay do or show me your trick Then If I like it enough I will give you some candy. There will come a day in time that Halloween will be no more and it will be changed to something like The Purge. Yes, as creepy and scary as that might sound it could be the real thing happening. Just think of it how scary would that be to see something like that come to life. I am speaking with my mind here not really want to have or see it happen. But, a real nightmare for the world if it don’t clean up its act and real fast soon.
05:20 Nov 10 2018
What purge