DarkestDesires's Journal

DarkestDesires's Journal


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The Chronicles, Part VII

03:39 May 10 2006
Times Read: 725


I awake, the dream of my delicious cop cuming inside me still fresh....damn - that does it, he is so under my skin now, I've got to find him tonight and see if I can win him back with my charms....it would be too easy if I just turned on the vampire 'charm'. No, I want him on my own merit and see how long this can work out. I haven't wanted a human so bad before, what is it about this man that turns me on and wakes up emotions I thought I had exorcised long ago?

Syren's up. Sigh, need to talk to that girl about him and our next step. I hope Sundown will have a more level head and not go all religious warrior bitch on us. We need to form a plan and figure this out. Ok, I'm up and staggering down the hall....glad someone was smart enough to get the blinds down on the windows! Walking into the living room, I see Syren still crying into a bloody towel and Sundown trying to comfort her, but they both look frightened and confused. Oh great, I see where this is going to go.

"Hey you two, what's going on? What have I missed? Syren, you ok? What happened?" I sit down beside them, feeling very protective of my sisters and worried. "Syren, did you have another visit from....HIM?" For some reason, I couldn't even speak that asshole's name...why is he here and what does he want with us?

"Raven...yes he came to me while I was taking a shower...and well, all he had to do was to just touch me and I was like a dog in heat with him...he has some kind of control over me and I could not help myself." She sat up, taking strength in herself to go on...that's my girl.

"He made love to me, told me that we are now bound as one and that whenever he called for me, I have to go to him. Also told me I was his, and was always his… that we had been together before, and that he would take care of me and you two. Semesterey said that he is going to help us fight our sire, and he would reveal himself to us soon."

What the fuck did Syren mean about that? I looked at Sundown frowning, and seeing the confusion on her face as well.

Speaking of Sundown, “What about you? You look more confused than angry like you were.”

Sundown sighed. “I believe him now. He seems sincere. If he wanted to destroy us, he could have several times over. I was telling Syren we need to get him here in front of all three of us and answer our questions.”

Why was I so damned angry about this? I paced the room, unable to just sit and talk to my sisters. “The two of you believe in him? He’s bullshitting us and what’s there to trust?” I paced some more, fighting the urge to just fly out and find my cop and screw this!

“You damned right we need to demand his presence in front of all three of us. Enough of this cat and mouse game that he has been playing! I say we three call to him right now and get this done and over with!”

Syren and Sundown looked up at me and nodded….good girls; let’s do this I thought….have it out once and for all!


Panicking, I woke up, trying to dig myself out of the dirt. Holding my head, I focused, pushing what was left of that that horrible nightmare away. Whenever something really crazy goes on with us, here comes that nightmare back into my undead sleep just to frustrate me even further. It’s funny, but vampires can dream and once you’re over 100 years old, your sleep is not like the sleep of the dead, oblivious to anything and everything. Plus, the sleep is not completely from dusk to dawn, but some of us can awaken late in the day and spend a few hours inside, away from the sunlight. A nightmare that was almost all too real at one time in my life as the warrior I once was.

Tossing back the covers, I get up and open the window to let in the night and got dressed. As I walk out of my room, I hear Syren in hers crying…now what?

She’s got a bloody towel from all the bloody tears as she sits on her bed. “What is it? What has happened?”

“It was Semesterey….he came to me and told me how we had been together in the past and that he is here to save us and take care of us. I don’t know why I’m crying, I’m such a fool!”

Sitting down beside her, I hug her. For some reason, I always feel so motherly towards Syren. The hopeless romantic and for all of this, a good soul, like I would like to think I was or still am in some small way.

“Well thank god that Raven decided to come back to us… she made enough noise as she barged in right at the last minute before becoming a pile of ashes. She needs to learn to control herself!”

Syren just nodded, trying to compose herself. “Do you really think he is here to help us? He could have killed us several times over, but he hasn’t. Sundown, all he had to do was touch me and I would have done anything, his touch was that powerful over me. That frightens and angers me. All he has to do is call me, and I’ll go to him, helpless to stop myself. I do not remember him in my life before being taken by our sire. What does he mean? That I have been reincarnated? That he is going to after how many centuries take me and continue where we left off?” She even threw the towel across the room.

“Come on Sundown, let’s go talk to Raven. I’d like for us to get him here now to talk with all of us at one time.”

I nodded and together we went into the living room. Oh good grief, something set Syren off again and there she goes trying to fight back the tears. There’s more to this than she wants to tell, but I know better than to try and dig it out of her. She always tells us everything, and it’s just a matter of time.

In comes our dear wild Raven, the wild Raven I do love, but get so frustrated and angry with all the time. I talk, Raven rants, and Syren cries, but at least we agreed on calling Semesterey forth now, tonight.


I practically wake up crying, I’m so upset. But why am I feeling this way? I could still feel his touch on me and how every inch of me was crying out for him and that orgasm was nothing that I remember. My nipples harden as I remember.

Get out of bed and go talk to them, and I force myself out and walk across the room and open the curtains. I just stand there, leaning my forward on the cool glass and take in the lights of the night across the town, hearing the people on the streets below.

I finish dressing and once again, waves of something come over me and I grab the towel lying across the bed from when I took my shower and just let the tears flow. I have no idea why I am crying, it’s so blasted silly, but I cannot stop myself. Am I feeling frightened or what exactly is it the feeling towards Semesterey? I need to know when he and I were together, because it has not been within the past 600 years.

Dear, solid Sundown sees me and comes and sits next to me. There I go being the silly school girl with my crying, but at least with her with me, the helpless and sad feelings turn to action and curiosity.

“Come on Sundown, let’s go talk to Raven. I’d like for us to get him here now to talk with all of us at one time.”

At least Raven was quiet long enough for us to tell of how our nightly prowls had ended with the appearance of Semesterey and all that he had said to each of us. I thought Raven would literally explode when she listened to how he had seduced me and said that I belong to him. She then told us her story. This was all too much, his appearing at his own whim and taunting us like he has been doing. Enough – at least we all three agreed on that much.

I finally stood up and walked to the center of the room. “Sisters, come to me and let us call forth this mage, this protector, this watcher and benefactor of us three.”

Raven and Sundown walked over to me and us three clasped hands and stood in a circle, we bent our heads and each used what vampire powers we had to summon him. We screamed for him in our minds, calling him to us, demanding that he appear to us now as three together.

Moments later, there he was, standing there in the room his back against the window. Slowly, he walked towards us, as we turned as one and stood facing him.

“My dears, finally, you have united in summoning me. Tonight I shall answer your questions and lay your fears to rest.”



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