I work at a major California theme park and people never cease to amaze me . . . just a beginning of these rants!
We are all so frustrated with families that come to the park without any planning ahead with what to do wtih their children should they become separated...they panic and we run around trying to help find them and can be resolved so easily! Put cell phone numbers somewhere on the child - point them to a particular landmark or look up to see if there is a lost children office and go through explanations with the kids in case something happens..carry radios to talk to your party with or just pay attention! Contingency plans people, how hard is it!?!? We have had instances where we have a complete park search and waste man hours for something that never should have happened in the first place!
What do you think is going to happen if you put backpacks or shopping bags full of personal items in your stroller and then go enjoy the ride and wonder why things are missing when you leave? Come on people, human nature to take something from another, I'm sad to say.... get a locker or get used to carrying things with you!
Ok, sometimes it's hard to think of a good profile name....but oh come on!!!! and people bitch about no one understands me, no one knows me, wah wah wah.... I know I can't take these seriously with names like that and what little they have to say about themselves.... that the best you can do? Think you're clever???
Some profile names that I just do NOT understand the significance of choosing to represent yourself:
ThrobbingDesire does it pay to advertise?
xCutMexFuckMex nice visual
Popmuhcherry jut kinda rude
Cuntface ewwww
blastedguts nice visual
wolfcock advertising?
KandyKunt that's just rude
shortytita you have short tittys?
IHateSkanks well alrighty then, that the best you could do?
perkipussi never thought of pussies as perky much less perki
asskickulator WTF that supposed to mean?
starfuk star light, star bright, first star fuk tonight?
yourmybitch oh the hell I am NOT
lusafer see LaMuerte's rant on this one
I'll add more when I see them!
Sigh, how I wish I had a dollar for all of the uses of:
666 / 69
Vampire / Vampiress / Lestat
Evil / Stripper / Whore / Slut
How original can we get? So clever of you!! Does that make you sexy or are you also advertising? Does using 666 make you evil or satanic or what? The advertising that you are doing is NOT what you think you are or what you want to show to others, believe me!!!
What makes it worse is that most of the time Lestat and such are misspelled!!!!!! WTF is the problem here??? There's gotta be SOMETHING that means something to you to use for a profile name - unique of name and character that can describe you or even means something to you!
QUOTES: 'live in hell' / 'behind you' / 'under your bed'
Not clever, not original - ooooooooo I'm SO impressed.................NOT
Those who say I live in Hell - do us a favor - GO BACK!
As to WOLF - That is used in so many variances that mean something to the person and I like what I see - so no issues with that one!
OMG Give me a fucking break here.....
What's with the TEENAGERS that are bisexual, call themselves swingers, gods, vampires, older than legion, sorcerors, blood drinkers, having many lovers, W T F?????????????? Get a life and try to grow up!
What does a 13, 14, 15, and even 16 year old know about anything? Great oogly moogly, such dumbass crap! In junior high (oh excuuuuuse me, middle school) and high school..... they're KIDS!!!!!
They rant about living in shitsville, hellsville, BFE, and hate their lives....finish high school, get some college in then do what you want and where you want! Until then, buck up buckaroo, do your time in school, try to LEARN something, get a job and then feel free to go anywhere you want!!
What's with these KIDS with a roof over their heads, food on the table, and probably cell phones, iPODS, PSPs, UGH!!!!! Are they cranky because they are told to study and get good grades that they cannot stay up all night online? That go outside and have a life and not sit all day online? To sit up at the dinner table and not slouch? To say please and thank you? To act polite?
Most of these profiles prove that these KIDS cannot even spell, destroy any attempt at proper grammar, punctuation? They have NO
At least by 16 these kids are driving and out on the roads, and should have some common sense!
Hey, we all like make believe and have our other, secret selves, but to boast about how powerful you are, and walking the earth for centuries, loves to bite and drink blood . . . what does a 13, 14, and 15 year old know about that much less being in orgies and swinging???
From now on, I don't look at profiles without a drink in hand!
I used to look forward to looking at profiles... a great way to see what this person is about, to get a glimpse of the person behind the avatar and their life and what they're made of...
Did I say USED TO? OMG..... the over use of quizzes and the same stock photos over and over and over again...where is the personality of this person? The individuality of this person??? Not to mention the over use of cutsie stock images...guess it's ok when you're 14 to 16, I THINK but COME ON!!!!!!!!!!! Enough is enough!
We would like to see images of this person and/or their family/pets/places of interest to THEM - help to give us a glimpse of what this person is all about and read what they have to say about themselves and what is important to them and who is important to them....but NOT meaning listing every single band and song! And NOT saying I'm evil and don't fuck with me cuz I'll fuck with you! Oh, now how original and unique is that?
I find myself taken aback with someone actually talking about themselves like an adult and how so refreshing to see something UNIQUE in their profile that is talking about what and how they are! I sit there and actually touch the computer screen and say thank you thank you thank you!!
ARGH! A big pet peeve of mine is when people make something possessive when it is NOT!!! Come on peeps, let's go back to grammar school!!
"I love vampire's" --- come on now, not correct! Making the noun vampire possessive when in this case it clearly is NOT
Just keep seeing so many people in the forums and on their profiles putting apostrophes in words that have NO place being there and it drives me crazy - granted, not a long trip, but oh for the love of all that is holy and unholy - stop using 's when it's wrong!! Notice, I used it correctly! Just day after day after day I see this and just want to bloody scream!
This goes with spell check and paying attention! How hard is it??????????????? What's wrong with our schools today?
Oh come on people, how hard is it to spell? Something we all should have gotten the hang of in elementary school!!!!
There are dictionaries - real books that really can hep and hey! in this day and age, you can look up the Webster Dictionary ONLINE and have it RIGHT there for you in another window to help you with the hard and big words....
In profiles, starting with your name, then your quote, then the paragraphs about yourself - it's really hard when you start off misspelling something and do not even try to correct it! How lame is that? VERY!!!
and come on - leave the abbreviations for your instant messenger, NOT in a forum or on your profile or portfolio!!!!!!
In the Forum posts - take your time, type out your response, spell check it, then hit send!!! We all misspell a word or two, no problems, but when your few sentences have each or nearly each word misspelled, you look like a high school dropout!
I'm getting a bit nervous with the teenagers' profiles and their spelling.....what's up with our schools of today?
Ok, I've HAD it with those whelps and mosquitoes, and others that have not done a thing to their profile and expect a high rate! Or, someone thinks a TON of quizzes or the same old stock pictures makes a profile! Come on, be unique, be yourself...we want to know about YOU so show something!
I, like some others, rate according to content and most of us try to give people the benefit and rate a big higher than should be...just to be nice!
What I HATE and getting SO tired of is those that get a rating based on their lack of photos, talking about themselves, or too many fucking quizzes, or their rude discussions and being omnipotent in the vampire world - that they rate me back JUST to be spiteful! Does anyone message me to ASK why or what can they do to receive a higher rating? NOOOOOOOOOOO they just whip around and be a fucking Loser and rate me just for spite to make themselves feel better.....just pisses me off to NO end...
so come on, dumbasses (sorry, had to borrow my now favorite word) and grow up and rate like an adult!!!