When you're nice to everyone you would expect the same from everyone but well, some people are just manipulative unappreciative jerks, and others just like to take advantage of others. But I do have a breaking point and I'm tired of wasting my emotions on uncaring people.I just need to know how to not be nice!
Had my first kiss today. It was magic, nothing else mattered. His scent still lingers... I hope he felt the same
No doubt I like boys! Some of them, A lot and yet I never fail to get grossed out by them and have this bile rising when they talk and yet at the same time be melting inside!! How do you deal with that???!
It's the same for them about girls. It (more than likely) will never change, get used to it.
Hopefully I will
Giving away all your woman secrets,Us guys get so nervous when it comes to woman,we don't know if were coming or going,now i find out woman get nervous too.man.Ill have to remember that.I thought it was just us guys.LOL.
19:17 May 14 2015
Some people are just not nice. What you do is remove the jerk's from your friend circle and replace them with positive, nice people.
20:22 May 14 2015
Thanks I guess thats what I should be doing.
16:40 May 15 2015
Dakotah is 100% right!