DarkVampyricPrincess's Journal


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03:11 Apr 27 2007
Times Read: 534

The room is spinning; you’re spinning, helplessly out of control. You can’t breathe, can’t speak, can’t move, can’t open your eyes, can’t close your eyes, you’re paralyzed, and, yet, you know you can move, if you really try. It’s a dream, yeah, that’s all it is, nothing more and nothing less.

You’re safe, and, yet, you don’t know; seeing these things surrounding you, these evil things, scary and dark. Yet they are as light as the gods, maybe they are angels. But this is a dream, you aren’t dead. The last thing you remember before this horrible experience is going to sleep, or were you just getting home? Who was following you? Or was anyone even with you? The room is still spinning, or is that just your head now? Your limbs, they feel like jell-o, you feel as if a ten-ton brick is crushing all of you, and you still cannot move, no matter how hard you try. And then you realize the creatures looking at you again, the evil things, they’re everywhere. They keep vanishing. These things, these creatures, some of them look as if the flesh is slowly, rotting off of their bodies. Others look as if they were angels at one time, with knobs, or bones sticking out of their shoulder blades, bloody and wet, as if they had just been cut off not too long ago. Are these fallen angels? Are these things with flesh rotting, dripping off of their bones demons, or are they worse creatures than that? Is there anything worse than that in this world? You think there very well may be worse things than demons themselves in this world and these creatures may very well be it. Suddenly you feel as if you have opened your eyes, and yet the creatures, they are still standing all around.

Now you can lift only your head, and what you see is the most terrible sight you could ever be forced to see. You’re lying on a cold hard table. You couldn’t feel it before, but for some reason you can feel it now. As you look down you feel excruciating pain everywhere. You see now why they are all standing around you, all looking down at you, not even with the slightest bit of emotion in the blackness that is their eyes that is like the darkest night. You now see your body, naked and bloody, numb but in the worst pain of your life. You’re cut up, in many pieces, and they are sewing you back together. But how are you alive? Your arms aren’t even attached, and there is not blood running from any part of your body, it’s just bloody. You see now why you cannot move, and you know why it feels like there is a ten-ton weight on you, because you’re in so much pain that it just feels like you are being crushed. Taking a look again at the pieces of your body scattered all over the cold metal table, you see, these parts aren’t just yours. They are from other people as well, you don’t recognize some of the pieces, and suddenly you have the feeling you should look around, examine the room more than you have been. You look past the creatures and see, there is more than just one table, and there are hundreds, as far as the eye can see. There are hundreds of people going through what you are going through right at this very moment.

You pass out and wake up in what you think is your bedroom, not knowing how long it had been, or it what you saw was real. It feels like you have been sleeping for days, or maybe only hours. You close your eyes, and open them again, you’re scared, and you realize once again you can’t move any part of your body. You close your eyes and tell yourself it was just a dream; that you need to calm down and you’ll be able to move.

When you open your eyes again, you see yourself in that chilling room once again. What you thought looked like demons and fallen angels are surrounding your body, which is in pieces on the table. Unfortunately for you, it’s only been a few minutes; you will be here until they are done reconstructing you to their liking, and you can’t speak any words, because, until they are finished, your lungs don’t work, your heart doesn’t beat, your lips won’t move, you can’t stop the spinning feeling you have that is giving you an increasingly bad headache every second you stay here, and you are dead to yourself, and to the world.



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