For every action there is an event. Or for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. This was Newtons Law (one of them) The Chaos theory has similarity to this law..Ever wonder about descisions you made through out your lifetime? Or even in your everyday life? The what if questions about your descisons, like what if I has chose to take a left, or what if I had chose to not talk to that girl you saw at the mall. Then ask yourself what if you had? what would have happened? This in short is the chaos theory. Just like the phrase a butterfly flaps his wings in China and a hurricane hits Florida. The theory is basically saying that one small little thing can change the course of history or one small change can make a very large outcome. Now apply this thinking to your everyday life. in almost every descision you make through out your day the chaos theory has in some way a part of it. Say you chose to sleep with someone without a condom, then you get something but don't know it, then you sleep with someone else. and they sleep with someone else and so on and so on. then you have an epidemic of disease on a world wide level because you made a small descision not to be safe. and because you chose not to be safe many other peoples lives are ruined because of it. now what would have happened if you had chose to be safe? how many lives would have been saved? or how many lives would have been made because the people that didn't get the disease were able to live and have children and there children were able to have children. It's a large theory to think about. But this is just a scratch on the surface of the subject. Even me writing about this theory is not subject to the theory itself. What will you think after you read this? and will it change any of your future descisions? to put simply, your experienceing the chaos theory right now.
What is it in our human nature that makes us feel like we have to be with someone or be loved by someone to be or make our lives complete? Are you alone right now or do you have someone? And if you are alone do you feel like you need someone or wish you had someone? It's funny, I'm asking all of these questions like your sitting right in front of me and I know I'm never going to get an answer. Ever notice that when you are alone it's hard as hell to find someone to be with, but when you are with someone then girl or guys you would not expect to want you are interested in you. Sometimes I think that it's in peoples nature to desire the one thing that they can't have. If you knew you could have someone would that make you want them more or less. If your like most people then you would probobly try to go after the person that you know you can't have just to see if you can get them. Then that turns into drama, or if your more in tune with the scientific term it's called (the chaos theory) .