DarkSinAngel's Journal

DarkSinAngel's Journal


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11 entries this month

05:26 Nov 29 2009
Times Read: 636

I feel like I could sleep for like 6 days straight. Okay maybe not that much but I am afraid if I crash tonight I will not get back up for a while. The last few days have been hectic but the end result went pretty well I think. My sister looked radiant today and everyone seemed happy with the way the wedding turned out.

But I still maintain I will elope...weddings are much to hectic




02:31 Nov 26 2009
Times Read: 639

Mom is working on the wedding cake...3 days until Echo's wedding. Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow and then Friday is making the food for the wedding...Kill me now.

I am so eloping when I get married.

Or maybe I just won't get married near a holiday. Or the family reunion, or any birthdays...mmh damn that really doesn't leave many months for me to get married...

So that makes January, February, June, July, November, December, and I am sure there are a few other months in there where I will not get married in.




09:17 Nov 24 2009
Times Read: 645

And they say us women are hard to understand...Why are men so difficult? I really don't know. I haven't figured them out yet, maybe I never will.

Talking helped...it cleared a few things up that were going through my mind...and his I am sure. God I am such a sucker for this man. I love him and I don't think I can live without him in some form in my life. I told him as much when he called...even if we don't stay together as a couple I really don't want to lose his friendship. I have come to value it and him way to much.

the first thing he said was he missed me and he was sorry. well that's two things but you know...





18:42 Nov 23 2009
Times Read: 661



02:53 Nov 18 2009
Times Read: 665

Okay I am giving everyone until March to decide what they want to do with their kids, before I start looking for a job so I can move out. I can only take so much...or maybe I will find a night job and save up so I can get a cheap apartment so I can watch the kids at my place during the day and work at night.

I just need my own space




20:42 Nov 17 2009
Times Read: 639

I don't get my oldest sister Jen sometimes...she was going on today how that all the rest of us used to want her out of the house and how we all hated her when she was living with us.

WTF? I was 4 years old when you went to be an exchange student in Mexico, and 5 when you moved out of the house. Honestly I don't really remember you or Kate all the much until I was older, as neither of you really lived with us much after I was 6.

And I am sorry you and the others don't get along for whatever various reasons. I have my own reasons why I choose not to visit you that often and why I dislike some of the things you do.

Get over your opinion that the others influenced how I feel about you. You did that all on your own





06:37 Nov 16 2009
Times Read: 643

my cousin who was hammered (bachelorette party last night) started to steal everything from the table when we went out for breakfast before heading home. I think I cleaned out a salt and pepper shakers, a bottle of ketchup, some of those little jam packets, the flowers from the table and I am sure there was something else from her purse before we left the restaurant.

ooh yeah she found a fork in her pocket when we got in the car...Sometimes I wonder about her




18:29 Nov 09 2009
Times Read: 670

The Bridal Shower for my sister is over, and I think it went really well. I spent about 16 hours over 2 days in the kitchen cooking my butt off for it and everyone loved the food.

*sigh of relief*

So nothing big until Saturday when we have her bachelorette party. And then the next week is gonna be great. Brad is home for two weeks on the 15th, his mid tour R&R :D

And then the next weekend is baking/cooking the stuff I can freeze for the wedding and prepping for Thanksgiving. And then it is "hell" week because the wedding is only 2 days after turkey day...and there is tons of people coming




Remember Me

04:26 Nov 09 2009
Times Read: 672

This had me thinking of my brother

Love you Bradley...stay safe

And for all our troops and their families




My Niece Cracks Me Up...

07:05 Nov 05 2009
Times Read: 656

This conversation just came up out of nowhere between my guy and me, and the results of it just made me laugh

J: I want a son named Lucifer

Me: ok

J: hehe really

J: you would let me name your son Lucifer?

Me: why not...

J: my parents would flip a tit

Me: lol

Me: why can't we name our son what we want?

So my family saw this conversation on my laptop and my niece was saying how I couldn't name my son Lucifer "cause we would put him through hell growing up" and on and on...about how the kids would tease the hell out of him and such...she was being all serious and stuff

My sister was like...it's lucifer, he would already be in hell and you can't tease the hell out of lucifer.

Total blank look from my niece. The kind where she tilts her head and tries to ponder what we just said...

I so want to Gibb slap her sometimes and say "Probie can you be any dumber?"

Ten minutes later she was like I get it...


Lucifer? Hell? mhm what is it about those two that go together?

She's 17 and really smart, but an air head sometimes...god I love her




06:33 Nov 05 2009
Times Read: 675

Damn You FaceBook and Cafe World...

and Sorority Life, Vampire Wars and uh I'm sure there is another one but yeah

Addictions I did not need, Vampire Rave was bad enough




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