I miss you...
The aroma of homemade bread rising, the scent of the herbed chicken and stock simmering on the stove, and the knowledge that even though she is no longer with us my grandma is always here with me in what she left behind.
Sitting here waiting for a response from my sister if she and her family want to come to dinner tonight I can not help remembering my grandma do just what I am doing now...not the typing on the computer of course but making the meal the family will enjoy. Or making food and then saying come over for dinner cause I can't eat this all on my own.
I can't recall the number of times I watched her throw flour, eggs, a dash of salt and a sprinkle of water together and then carefully roll out the pasta...no pasta machine for her (or for me). Then once that was done she would make the bread...her wrinkled hands kneading the dough.
I loved watching her and later when I was older she taught me how to do it. And here I am 7 years after she has passed and I have her because of what she shared with me.
Does scent revive memory or does it live a life of its own in our brain. And how does color interact with scent. Seems intertwined for me.
This is one of my favorite Christmas movies aside from Die Hard...
06:14 Dec 23 2010
Aw hun HUGS.