Okay so I know it is crappy weather we are having and we are so unused to it but come on people use your common sense...Don't step out into the street from the sidewalk until you know the cars are going to stop completely.
Stupid Human: Waiting to cross the street - light turns and I notice a car starts to whip around the corner. I pause cause I know that the streets are ice and I will let the car turn before I cross the street cause I can stop easier than he can. the stupid bitch next to me steps out as he is making his turn and he has to slam on his brakes cause she didn't' even look.
Fucking slides and almost hits another car and her. Really you couldn't wait two more seconds for the all clear before stepping into the street.
Ms. I have a stick up my ass walks right on...not paying attention. And what the hell...if you are so worried about the cold you shouldn't be wearing ballet slipper type shoes and fucking skirt. Uh hello? We are having Winter Storm? Snow? Ice? Freezing Temperatures?
I laughed so hard when she slipped and fell about a block later. Deserves you right...and yes that was me walking right by you not offering to help you up due to your own stupidity.
I don't even know where to begin today. I feel like something has been ripped from my soul. I feel like giving up right now. Just saying screw this and I am done with it all.
I am so lost and I don't know where to turn to now. I have had a pretty clear view of things for a while but lately...I don't even know how to describe it. I feel like I am not who I was even a week ago.
I am tired of defending myself and asking if everything is okay when I know now it is not okay and will probably never be okay again. Which is my own fault and I admit that freely.
Where do I go from here? Maybe I will find my way again.
(as put on my AlexandriasAwakening journal- didn't feel like typing it again)
I was talking to my mom last night about what we were doing for Christmas...and when I could come home. Which for me is Christmas eve after work...staying most of Christmas day before coming home that night because i have work in the am the next day.
And I don't drive so uh they have to come up and get me and then bring me back. (they live about an hour away so its really no big deal)
So it was decided since she gets off at 3 that day she will just come up and get me and wait while I get off work before we leave. Cause my sister doesn't get off til 4 and dinner is usually at 630-7 ish (tacos, nachos, and enchiladas are our Christmas Eve Dinner and has been like for 20 years now) and that way we have enough time to go back and help fix it.
Then she was like "shit...i can't come up and get you cause it will end like last year."
Mom- It will be okay this year...as long as you don't use your lead foot
We were pulling...and I say pulling into our driveway when police lights flashed- fucker pulled us over for speeding in our driveway...cause she sped 2 miles back...but hadn't pulled her over til then.
And of course I go into the house and tell my sister and dad and no one believes me..."hey mom just got pulled over in our driveway for speeding" nothing they just kept cooking...."uh sis...one of DPD just pulled mom over in the driveway...see the flashing lights?"
Mom- I will not let you speed this year I promise
wow you have lots of great stuff going for you...just gonna piss a ton of people off and wow you are so cool doing so...*rolling my eyes*
Show some respect for your coven master...
I don't know if it is the time of year or what but I feel so lost in my life right now.
I am jealous of my sister and her baby...who will be 6 months old in 3 days (happy 6 months Fox) and that I don't have a baby yet...but I am so happy for her that it only last a few minutes each time I think about it.
I feel like I have lost something dear to me and things are different and I don't know how to go back to make it the same. But maybe it shouldn't be the same.
I have changed a lot in the last two years...some days I don't even recognize myself. I have gained more confidence in who I am with the help of a great person who I am honored to have in my life.
I still am struggling though to find me...and its hard because there are days where I am so certain I am on the right track of who I want to be and then there are days that I find myself wondering if I have made the right choice. I guess we all feel like this sometimes though.
I was told I copy someone way to much the other day...ouch.
I am lost in the shadows again...not sure where I am going or where I belong.
Little things that make you smile
People who make you feel special