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9 entries this month

Found it on Hulu

17:14 Mar 28 2012
Times Read: 365

I was kind of browsing wishing they would bring back Forever Knight and I found Vampire Prosecutor. It is actually pretty interesting, and I am having fun with this series.

I am seeing a comparison, Prosecutor Min is just like Nick Knight in some cases, though way too silent. Nick was able to hold a conversation and maybe was a little older than Min.

Min's partner is a loud mouth and rather annoying, just like Skanke. At least this guy doesn't wreck Min's car in the first episode and that's a plus.

Then again, it follows some of the Asian beliefs that vampires had Blue eyes and not red. So that's interesting.




Going to StarFest

03:09 Mar 26 2012
Times Read: 368

I'm kind of going on Saturday, mostly to see my friends and also hopefully getting some fun out of the deal. Hopefully I will see more vampires at the convention, though I'm going to have to say, I'm not easy to find.

Anyway, my Fiance is going to be there, as my bodyguard and enjoy the fun and games. Maybe a few games or more of wandering the dealers room.




My apologies to one and all

06:32 Mar 22 2012
Times Read: 381

Old drama from the Anime Community showed himself and I'm sorry to say, that I'm upset and a little drained. I haven't told my fiance or anyone in my home about what happened.

The person was supposed to be a friend, then turned psycho on me. He basically slandered me and also did some pretty bad stuff to me. So he's actually a key reason I left the anime community, I'm still friends with some people there, but I'm pretty closed off. I'm saddened by what happened, and ended with him getting in trouble.

I'm not sure how to talk about it and I don't really want to, let's leave it that he was a bad friend. So that's that.

So if I seem a little wigged out likely to double check friends on here, I am so sorry. The problem with this is because of what this guy did to me and to others.

I feel bad for all the people he hurt and I wanted to help them. He really did a number on me.

It was scary enough, because he threatened a few people, he also started to calling me some things that were very unpleasant.

I just can't believe this person who is supposed to be gone is back and attacking my DA.




Annoying People

03:36 Mar 17 2012
Times Read: 388

Sorry to say, but at the moment, I'm a little annoyed. I have a guest at the house that I wish would realize that I'm not going to listen to his rudeness. Nor will I put up with it.

He's been rude to me ever since I refused to pay him for some DVDs that he promised to help me get some old VHS tapes restored. He did such a horrible job and it didn't even play on my computer that I was about to strangle him in the figurative sense. he DEMANDED 90 dollars for the deal. And though I was warned the quality was bad, I was finding it hard to believe how terribly done they were. I decided to return the discs and he still demanded payment. I out right refused considering that the quality was bad and I couldn't get them to work.

Later he found out I spent some money on Sailor Moon manga which I do happen to have a fondness and proceeded to complain that I valued manga more than paying him. I was about to tell him off and held my tongue, I'm about to tell him right off that we're not staying in a hotel room at our next anime convention and staying in one with another friend who isn't going to chase people out of the room.

I'm so annoyed at the moment that I'm ready to just scream at him. I really want to just say, "Look, it didn't work, I'm not going to pay you for a product that is defective. Also we're not staying with you at Nan Desu Kan, find your own damn room." Sorry to curse, but its that bad at times.

What made me laugh was this friend is a total idiot, he was talking about another version of Sailor Moon, I was wanting to tell him. "What you mean, Sailor Moon and the Seven Balls?" A hentai made to make light of Dragon Ball Z and Sailor Moon. I was laughing so hard at him making an ass of himself as I was looking up research materials on Sailor Moon Stars. He's seriously needing to stop and realize he doesn't know everything, nore do I agree with him.




Animeland Wasabi success

05:02 Mar 15 2012
Times Read: 393

I am happy to say, the panel I was running was a success and one of the groups on here was a great help because the information that was on their page actually helped.

I lost some of my research from nearly three years of research due to my computer crashing. So I went to Transilvanian Dark Romanticism and they had all the information I could ask for. Thank you so much, not to mention, I was happy because I was actually talking to some other vampires.

Oh yeah...one of my friends is out of the hospital, she has a form of hemaphilia propheria (sp?), so she's been ill since childhood. What is screwed up is how she got in the hospital in the first place.

She started high school, well, she's been homseschooled due to this illness, but since her family is low on funds, her mother got a job. So my friend had to go to a local high school. Apparently the school wasn't very understanding of her condition and said if she doesn't have downs or any other noticable special needs, she HAS to take gym.

Well...she has to have this prescription sunblock, it has something in it that can or has the potential to cause heavy metal poisoning. So during class she fainted and had to be taken to the ER, from what I heard from the e-mails her mother sent out, she's fine, but now the school is under a lawsuit for not taking into consideration of the illness.

I can't believe her school is that stupid! I know its a rare illness and strikes maybe 1 out of 1200 people, at least that's what her mother told us. She's thoroughly pissed and has said that this is going to be showing people the problems with the system regarding people who have this problem.

Anyway, I hope my friend is doing better, she's really worrying her friends for not coming onto her usual LJ and telling us what's happening.




COUNT DOWN! 1 day till Wasabi

03:10 Mar 08 2012
Times Read: 403

Yeah, I'm working on panels, and considering that Vampires of Anime, Sailor Moon, and Japanese Mythology will be ready.

For those coming to Wasabi, yeah, its this weekend and I can't wait.

I'm not sure how people will approach it, but considering the problems some of the people have...I'm done with it.

Wish me luck people, so please come to Wasabi, pay the front door fee at least for Saturday because it will be fun. If you are coming for Sunday, my panel on Vampires of Anime will be at 1pm.

I'm so excited, one more day to go!



03:26 Mar 08 2012

Post pics if you can. Will CrunchyRoll be there?


The Nerves are shot....

04:01 Mar 06 2012
Times Read: 406

Okay, I'm running three panels, one with friends and the other two solo. I'm a nervous wreck because a certian guest at the con is making a special appearance and I"m scared half out of my wits end.

Dang you, KT Gray, voice of Seras! Then again if it was Nigel Bennett, I would be hiding under a table whispering about how I must respect my elders.

So if I seem a bit on edge, that's why




Interesting thoughts, and the anime nerd comes out

06:17 Mar 03 2012
Times Read: 412

I was sitting around thinking, again this a dangerous thing to do for me. Because I end up doing something that could otherwise damage the world of thoughts.

I was thinking about with as dark as Lucien LaCroix is from Forever Knight what would his opinion of Alucard would be...then I shook my head, went back to work and continued to consider the idea.

I am starting to think that I'm fanning again over Forever Knight as some way to remember how I was back in those days. Geez I was such a dork, then again, I was dressing in dark clothing looking at all things dark and horror. Then realizing that my world as a dark minion of some kind meant something funny.

Then again, I was back to the thought later this evening. what was my opinion of LaCroix and Alucard?

LaCroix would avoid Alucard and not attempt to taunt him. He would observe and wonder if insanity such as this was a good thing. Then again, LaCroix is just that type of person, he would mention it in his radio show and then taunt Nick Knight on the issue of Alucard and him and the comparison.

Though I wouldn't want Alucard and Nick Knight to meet, that would end quite badly.




Panels at a convention

18:15 Mar 01 2012
Times Read: 419

I'm busy these past few days, working on a few panels for an Anime Convention called Animeland Wasabi, which is March 9-11.

Yeah, still into anime, but not so much as a busy little person about it. I will watch on some days, though I have limited my time with some of series that I like.

Mostly, I am into High School of the Dead, Code Geass, Wofl's Rain, Ghost in the Shell, Slayers, Dance on the Vampire Bund, and a few other series that are various.

My fiance is more into the big robots, which is fine, that's kind of cool to.

Anyway, the panels I am working on are Sailor Moon: 20 years of Moon Power, this is with my friends, sort of a main event. The other two are guilty pleasures of mine. Japanese Mythology and how it affects anime, and also the newest, Vampires of Anime.

That research was huge, though Lee and I are part of a group of vampire costuming called The Vampires Den, mostly just a group of cosplayers who do mostly vampire cosplays. You know, Hellsing, and such, not something I'm too proud of.



19:08 Mar 01 2012

Sounds awesome! I love anime of all genre.

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