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Another Weird Thought

05:14 Apr 17 2012
Times Read: 364

I was hoping that Lee and I were going to StarFest, didn't happen. Oh well, so far it costs too much for anyone to go these days. I don't mind waiting another year to see anything. Aside from that nothing really changes at those conventions. StarFest is like the most laid back of the conventions I have been to, sure there is House Vampyre which is a Klingon group, 501st Legion, and Order of the Grey, all of them great people.

Personally, I have nothing against the Sci-fi/Fantasy/Horror crowd, they're pretty much pretty quiet and don't really do much other than talk to others nicely. They think that most people are immature in the Anime Community, which is partially true, there are mature anime fans, yes, but not many anymore.

Lee calls it the junior high to high school mentality that seems to follow. I don't know how it looks to anyone else, but it is not totally an insult to anyone who likes anime. It is the mentality of some of the crowd that gets on everyone's nerves. I'm sorry, but as a person who is 12 years in, I would like the older fans to remain.

Then agian, there are also the Furs, come on, don't think I won't talk about those guys. I have never seen a crowd more stuck in a rut than them. It is said that for 32 years the fandom has tried to make themselves look good, sadly, that can be failed considering the bad press, the stupid shows on HBO, and other things that started to cause problems. The problem with some of it is still mentality, though there are some furs that are mature and treat it like another other social group thing. Though if you are going to talk to fandoms, Furs are pretty much the easy going and friendly group to go to, but not all of them are willing to share much of anything. They will invite you to meets, they will have you come and talk, but other than that, don't expect too much else. They are pretty much still living with the stigma from HBO and sometimes having their dirty laundry trailed behind them doesn't always work.

There are furs who might work next to you and you don't realize it, same with anime fans too. Just know this, some of them do like to talk about it, while others will keep it on the down low. Don't be too offended if they aren't going to open up right away. It is like trying to open an old fashioned can without a pop-top.

Anyway, this is just me saying, if anyone wants to talk to me about Anime and Furs, I am willing, but no bashing and no slandering these guys, I talk to them a near daily basis.




Why are fans of anime drama?

03:00 Apr 02 2012
Times Read: 371

I have no idea how this happens, I like anime, but I got out of the community for one huge reason, the DRAMA.

There is a guy who we called Sheetz, we have nastier names for the guy. He's awful, he lied about me and then said I hated my fiance and I don't. He also said some other things I did not like nor were they even the least bit true. He lies and said I was cheating on my fiance, which I did not nor would I ever.

Now that I understand the anime fans, I'm not going to be much help. There are a few anime fans that are amazing and nice people, but this guy made me really hate going out of the conventions and wish never to help anyone. I haven't said much about how I felt about it to many people, Lee knows, but truth is an I will warn anyone in the Vampire Rave, the drama will follow if you get too close to the community.

Majority of it seems to circle around conventions, in my case two conventions. One is the oldest convention in Denver, Colorado, Nan Desu Kan, I don't even think the staff know what is going on 100%, they're pretty much good about staying out of it. The second, Animeland Wasabi has done the best to keep the community happy, but also trying to keep drama starters like Sheetz out of the picture.

If you are going to go to the conventions, just DO NOT get too involved with the crowd. I have been in the community for 12 years and things have gotten a lot worse over the years.

This is the real reason I returned to the vampire community, it is more for the fact we don't get involved. I'm glad we don't, we are quiet. there isn't any drama. I'm thankful that Sheetz does not know about this.



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