Considering how bad the U.S. economy and job outlook is these days, I am grateful to have a job to go to each day. I adore working with the children at my licensed day care center. HOWEVER......
Some of the adults and young adults I have to interface with daily have much to be desired! The gossiping, ignoring the children, the drama, negative attitudes etc. etc. have much to be desired. I'm trying very hard to ignore, avoid and do my job. At times it can be mentally draining for me. Watching other workers favoring one child and acting cruel to some others. Employees walking out of the classroom I am in and leaving me out of ratio with one teacher to over 16 children at times. The clicks and favorites of the manager and assistant manager, etc.
I am so looking forward to going back to school full-term in the Spring. I feel the need to improve my life and eventually find a more positive and mature working environment. In the meantime, any helpful words of encouragement would be most greatly appreciated!!! I'm feeling a tad down and depressed right now.
17:27 Nov 11 2008
I think you have a great positive attitude toward life. You'll be fine, besides, tomorrow is Thursday! LOL
17:27 Nov 11 2008
WTF...tomorrows Wednesday .. lol
13:52 Nov 14 2008
buck up!
it's no use. i too have been the only "indian" left behind to do all the work while the "cheifs" go on a smoke break. it stinks. all i can offer is approach the these people rung by rung until you are heard and action is taken.