I ask myself over and over how I managed to meet and marry such a selfish man???!!! Love is so blind when you are young and 24 years old, really!
My daughter has 1 more full week of summer camp left and her tuition is $91. I asked Allan to help me split this cost. He hands me a $20 bill, stating "that's the best he can do." Mind you, this X-prick makes over 64 G's a year, and I make 9 bucks an HOUR, ok? I had to scramble to cough up the additional $71, getting one of those payday loans. I reamed him over the phone with my anger, pain and frustration. THIS IS WHY I DIVORCED YOU!!!! To me $71 pays quite a few bills and makes a big difference to ME. He obviously doesn't understand, becaus he HAS MORE MONEY.
I get so angry at times I want to make this bastard of a man MISERABLE!!!!!
Ok journal, thanks for letting me VENT. I'm done with my rant and bitter tears. Time to pick myself up once again and move on.......
In the scheme of my life's drama these past 6 months, loosing my house keys and being temporarily locked out is just a mild and annoying inconvenience! Hoping I can recover them as well as get a spare set made. A good waste of my free time this morning! GRRR!!!!
15:50 Jul 16 2008
Blind, deaf and dumb sometimes hon.