* Get 5 long white candles
* 2 Incense (any kind) If you use sticks then get 2 holders
* A personal belonging or hair from the person
* A small mirror
* Ink pen and white plan paper
Start with placing the candles like a 5 edge star
* *
* *
Place the mirror in the middle of all candles. On the mirror place the hair or personal belonging.
Make 5 small pieces out of the paper. Write a wish in each with an ink pen. Make sure its as small as possible as you
will burn the pieces during the ritual.
1. Light the candles, start with any candle, then light it clockwise, one by one.
2. light one of the Incense and place into the 5 edge star made out of the candles. Anywhere.
3. Now chant:
"Blessed be light, Blessed be love
Dreams become reality
I will be with you!"
4. Burn one of the wishes on one of the candles. Place the piece of paper into the mirror you have placed in the middle.
And let it burn there. Now chant:
"Blessed be light, Make my dream reality!"
5. Continue with the rest of the wishes. NOTE: Don't use the same candle for burning all the wishes. Use the candle one time on one wish,
then take the next candle until you burnt all wishes.
6. By now you have burnt all pieces of paper with your wishes written on. Now you sit for 5 minutes with your gaze on the mirror and the burnt pieces of paper. Repeat the words silently: With love and light, I pull you too me, (Say the persons name) your love will forever be connected with mine. We will be as one. Repeat this slowly for 5 minutes.
7. When you done for approximately 5 minutes, you chant out (not loud):
"Blessed be light, Blessed be love
Dreams become reality
I will be with you!"
8. Blow out the candles, discard all candles and the incense. Let the personal belonging and mirror stay. Now light the second incense.
Let it burn out. When you come back and see the incense burnt out. Chant one last time:
"Blessed be light, Blessed be love
Dreams become reality
I will be with you!"
The ritual is now complete. If all went well you will have results in 5-7 days.
NOTES: You don't have to speak out loud when you chant, you can almost whisper it. Discard all BUT the personal belonging
(if that is what you used) and the mirror, anywhere that is fit. The ceremony length can differ but just take it easy and stay focused while you perform the ritual. That is the important thing! There will be no bad side-effects with this spell and the subject will not be a
zombie or a robot for you. The spell will awaken true powerful love-emotions.