Well, it's the end to another long day here. The wind blew hard today pushing a lot of dust through for a while. As I crossed the desert through the haze I couldn't help but to let my imagination go. My mind wondered off to a world of fantasy that only exists in the movies or in books. 25 years old and I still daydream. I really enjoyed the gloom for a change. Usually the sun is so bright, it burns my eyes as much as it does my skin. But as I walked to my shop I thought of post-apocalyptic movies and some fantasy video games. A tumbleweed blew by, some trash, lots of sand, and no one else was moving about anywhere near me. The sky had darkened and turned an orangeish brown. I could hear the wind howl with ferrocity. Sadly though I soon entered my shop and began the drudgery of my same as always daily routine, working on our trucks. If only I could have stopped time for just a moment and held on to that just a little longer. I worked hard and long. Tiring myself to an almost exhaustion. But finally the day is done so now I sit in my bunk and relax. Tomorow starts the same thing all over again. The only things I look forward to any more is when I get to call my son, my morning chats with my love, and the end of the day.
Today is my day off. I only get one day off a week and work no less than 13 hrs a day on my work days. So I try to make the most of this day. Buy some supplies at the local PX, run errands(if any), wash my laundry, and catch up on e-mails. Today is also my day to treat myself. Instead of eating at the chow hall today I'll go to one of the resaurants here on base. Also my Starbucks day. I deffinately needed this day. Yesterday was like living in hell. I'm having anger management issues and now my motor chief wants me to go to the psych. He thinks all my stress is damaging myself. Maybe he's right, I am suffering terrible headaches. The doc calls them daily tension headaches. Says they're caused by stress and anxiety. A lot is going on in my life right now. Not just here, but back home too. I don't feel like going that deep into my life though. Maybe if I get to know some of you good enough and start feeling comfortable with you I'll tell you all that's causing my stress and anxiety. For now I'll keep that to myself. But today I get to relax. I'll iether read a book or watch a movie later. Right now I'm waiting for my love to wake up and get online. velvet101 as you all will know her. I'm 8 hrs ahead of my home state right now, so she's still sleeping. Later I'll call my son and talk to him. Smart little boy for only 3. I only hope that someday he'll be proud to say I was his father. He and velvet101 are the only two people in this world who's opinions of me matter so much. I do miss my friends and familly. But today I get to call and e-mail them all. Which is good cause if I don't they start to worry about me. Can't imagine why anyone would worry about me on this deployment...lol. That really was only a joke. Oh no, my frapiccino is gone now. Lol. Today is a good day. :-))
If anyone reading this has any questions about some of the words and phrases I use frequently, feel free to ask. I use a lot of Army phrases, words, and accronyms.
21:55 May 02 2009
How much longer are you over there bro?