DarkFuneral666's Journal


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8 entries this month

In Defiance

15:29 Apr 21 2006
Times Read: 526

In defiance to you

Your nightmares are coming true

Gain at the expense of me

Nothing in your life will ever come free

Parasite who is full of praise

Fuck your deceptive ways

The beliefs that you hold

Help you accomplish useless, futile goals

You cannot be trusted

I watch your plans unfold

How long will it be before you sell away my soul

In defiance we will take you away

To a place where you never

See the light of the day

Victims of your senseless greed

We must all take heed

We are not slaves to your world

Your ideas of life are nothing but absurd




Praise Of Death

07:21 Apr 16 2006
Times Read: 529

Running and hunting and slashing

and crushing and searching

and seeing and stabbing and shooting

and thrashing and smashing and

burning destroying and killing

and bleeding and pleading then Death




Pull The Plug

16:15 Apr 14 2006
Times Read: 536

Memories is all that’s left behind

As I lay and wait to die

Little do they know

That I hear their choice of life

End it now, it is the only way

Too cruel, that is what they say

Release me from this lonely world

There is no hope - why don’t you

Pull the plug

Let me pass away

Pull the plug

Don’t wanna live this way

Once I had full control of my life

I now behold a machine decides my fate

End it now it’s all too late

What has now been days, it seems like years

To stay like this is what I fear

Life ends so fast, so take your chance

And make it last

End it now, it is the only way

Too cruel, that is what they say

Release me from this lonely world

There is no hope - why don’t you

Pull the plug

Let me pass away

Pull the plug

Don’t wanna




Suffering In Ecstasy

23:14 Apr 13 2006
Times Read: 540

Suffer inside myself there is no hope

In this grave bottomless

The deepest depths an empty pit

No way to live... dead

It’s killing me this deadly plague

Poisoned blood runs through my veins

Finding pleasure within the pain

I’m suffering a step away

From the edge one more rush

All I need is a harder push

There is no cure my infection is self inflicted

I’m suffering in ecstasy

Slowly dying inside my body

Locked away with no escape

Finding pleasure within the pain

A step away from the edge

All I need is a harder push

There is no cure my infection is self inflicted

It’s killing me this deadly plague

Poisoned blood runs through my veins

Finding pleasure within the pain

I’m suffering

Suffer inside myself there is no hope

In this grave bottomless

The deepest depths an empty pit

No way to live dead

A step away from the edge

One more rush all I need is

A harder push there is no cure

My infection is self inflicted

I’m suffering in ecstasy

Slowly dying inside my body

Locked away with no escape

Finding pleasure within the pain




Dismembered And Molested

22:59 Apr 01 2006
Times Read: 551

Sever the limbs


Yank out the teeth

Then masturbate

Pounding the face


My darkest needs

I satiate

Bathe in blood

Wallow in bile

Tear out the heart

Victim defiled

Sever the limbs


Yank out the teeth

Then masturbate

Pounding the face


Entrails slip through my fingers

As I sift through her innards

My body rigid with goose bumps

My erection growing stronger

I put my cock into the carcass

My climax can wait no longer

Expectorate my seed of hate

Onto her mutilated corpse

Bathe in blood

Wallow in bile

Tear out the heart

Victim defiled




I Cum Blood

22:51 Apr 01 2006
Times Read: 553

Swollen with liquid

Ready to burst

A load of my lymph

Will quench this dead body's thirst

One month in the grave

twisted and half decayed

She turned a putrid yellow

I pissed in her maggot filled asshole

Fucking the rotting

My semen is bleeding

The smell of decay

Seeps from her genital cavity

The smell was unbearable

As I unburied her

I cum blood from my erection

I feel it run

down her throat, swallow

Eyes glassy and vacant

body dug up to play with

Skin greasy and naked

tounguing her rotted anus

I need a live woman

to fill with my fluid

A delicate girl, to mutilate, fuck and kill

her body exceptional

she thought I was normal

but I wanted more

I came blood inside of her

chocking on the clot

gagging on the snot

gushing blood, from her mouth

bloody gel leaking out

Body buried in a shallow grave

Unmarked for none to find

The sickness I have left behind

Undetected go my crimes

The greatest thrill of my life

To slit my own cock with a knife

Violent, climax

Serging serum

on my skin

Back from the dead

I am resurrected

to spew, putrefaction




Fucked With A Knife

22:47 Apr 01 2006
Times Read: 554

No escape from your fate

Destined to be mine

Every night I want to see

In the night, watching

Stalking your every move

I know when you're alone

All alone

Tied tight to the bed

Legs spread open

Bruised flesh, lacerations

Skin stained with blood

I'm the only one you love

I feel her heart beating

my knife deep inside

Her crotch is bleeding

She liked the way it felt inside her

Fucking her, harder, harder

She liked the way it felt inside her

Fucking her, harder, harder

Stick it in

Rip the skin

Carve and twist

Torn flesh

From behind

I cut her crotch

In her ass I stuck my cock

Killing as I cum





22:45 Apr 01 2006
Times Read: 555

There is something inside me

It's coming out

I feel like killing you

Let loose of the anger, held back too long

My blood runs cold

Through my anatomy, dwells another being

Rooted in my cortex, a servant to its bidding

Brutality becomes my appetite

Violence is now a way of life

The sledge my tool to torture

As it pounds down on your forehead

Eyes bulging from the sockets

With every swing of my mallet

I smash your fucking head in, until brains seep in

Through the crack

Blood does leak distorted beauty,

Catastrophe steaming slop.

Splattered all over me

Lifeless body, slouching dead

Lecherous abcess.

Where you once had a head

Avoiding the prophecy of

My new found lust

You will never live again,

Soon your life will end

I'll see you die at my feet, eternally I smash your face

Facial bones collapse as I crack your skull in half

Crushing, cranal, contents

Draining the snot, I rip out the eyes

Squeezing them in my hands nerves are incised

Peeling the flesh off the bottom of my weapon

Involuntarily pulpifying facil region

Suffer, and then you die

Torture, pulverised

At one with my sixth sense, I feel free

To kill as I please, No one can stop me

Created to kill, the carnage continues

Violently reshaping human facial tissue

Brutality becomes my appetite

Violence is now the way of life

The sledge my tool to torture

As it pounds down on your forehead



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