Have you ever wanted something or someone so bad that you would risk anything to have them?
Even reveal yourself to the world?
Show your true nature ... who ... what ...
you really are?
I want him like that. I desire him ... I crave him like no other - my equal. My one. My only. My love.
He is my weakness and my strength. My distraction, my inspiration, my driving force ... with the power to make me or break me.
What path have I chosen? Does it lead to my destruction or is he my saving grace?
Would you risk it all?
Your morals, or values, your heart?
Your soul?
He brings light to my dark heart, but what is illuminated there? Is all of me to be revealed or am I nothing?
Nothing but shadows of a former self ... something already dead and gone.
WHY is it that no matter how much someone gives me it is never enough?
I always want more...
and more and more
And there nothing wrong with wanting more and more from the right person
04:22 Sep 13 2010
I have always loved what you write