Well there's nothing quite like having to take a few days off work due to a serious illness that is completely beyond my control only for the company to literally punish me for getting sick by taking away almost all of my scheduled hours on the weeks going forward. This is so frustrating.
Why is it that so many parents let their kids do whatever just to get them out of their hair momentarily? We see an epidemic of bullying lately yet no one wants to adress the systemic pattern of parenting lapses. We always here how the young generation is so disrespectful yet not a word is uttered about those who raised the supposed disrespectful generation. Bullying sucks and so does the parenting skills of many.
My sister in law is a 6th-grade teacher. There was this little boy who would bully a lot of kids at lunch. They take bully's very serioes at the school she teaches at and calls the parents in for a meeting. So she calls the parents in and it became clear where he learned this behavior at. The mom would tell the dad to STFU when he would try to speak. The Mom clearly bullied the dad thus that is where the kid learned it. My sister in law had to inform the parents they had to go counsel and she had to report the parents to Child Services. These days there more to child abuse than just the typical but now it's the total home life of the child they have to address. Also, some parents let computers now raise children and they do not monitor what the kids are doing on those devices. It's really sad. Bullying starts at home for these kids. Neglect, how each parent treats the other.