remimds me of the time when i was child,
when i had hope that was bigger then
the world before pain and death shattered
my hope that there was still good left in
this world. everyone tells me that i feel deeply
about everything i do and for everyone i
meet, thay say that whan someone hurts
me my world crashes and they say that there
is no light or hope left in me eyes, no laughter
in me voice, and no smile on me face.
spring is the time of the year that
brings healing to frost bitten hearts
and replaces it with firery feelings
20:54 Apr 06 2010
you write beautifully please keep on...
i wish i could,thank goodness for copy and paste.lol
00:10 May 30 2010
i love it
21:12 Jun 12 2010
i love everything that you wrote