Today I felt the razor. It edged my face as I tried to displace nature. I walked next to other beings yet I was a stranger. A stranger even among neighbor. Among neighbor I still feel in danger. One of them's a raper. Another a hanger. Trying to hang themselves, but every attempt is unfelt. Welts marked on their kids legs, thats why everyday they wake up they feel pain. Strange, isn't it?, how hurting someone else really hurts yourself. How hurting yourself hurts others? We aren't all brothers or cousings. We are all ugly. At are best we are not helpfull but helpless. Living is are worst sin.
Does the mass of lives lost from school shooting equal the amount of lives lost to students commiting suicide, because of jocks and bullies taunting them? Is it a sad day when hundreds of white lives or lost in a sindle day, but not when black lives are lost daily? Are the upper class white students and jocks the only lives we worry about? Does it not matter that they have been asking for it? Instigation is a one way situation. Damn this world wide nation. The Colarado shootings is a statement. The freaks and geeks arent' going to allow themselves to be beat anymore. Peal Jam's jearmy is finaly starting to unleash. No more jokes. No more the hoax. 'Come on folks push them buttons some more. There is no question who will have the final score. People think this massacre will be lost in lore. No sir. No man. It needs to be addressed. The students want to be carressed. Equal rights doesn't happen anywhere. Especialy not in school. Favortism, it's not a hard decision. If you're good looking and where the lates clothes, minus any holes, then shit you're in, you're cool, you belong to school.
But FUCK those Manson fans, fuck them skaters, fuck those geeks, fuck those freaks. They don't have school spirit! They're not "into it." They must not care about themselves or others, or especialy me! "Well shit!" some say"eveyone should give a damn about me. I'm cool. I'm fashoniable. I'm in school. I rule!"
Conceited little minds. Not in the least bit devine. Altered by media and trends they're afraid to lose their cool friends. Why do most adults like the jocks, preps, and everyone who's cool? What's wrong with being different? Trying to be an individual? Not trying to be cool? Trying to make it through school? Is it a crime to be yourself?
Are we neo-nazis; looking the same, dressing the same, being the same, in your file will it stain- your reputaion- your precious name, if you are different and not the same? Well it sure would be a shame to screw up your precious fucking fame.