Dakotah's Journal


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10 entries this month

19:36 Oct 31 2019
Times Read: 754

What is your favorite halloween candy you liked to get when you were a kid?

Mine was the houses that gave FULL size candy bars! We would try to hit those houses at least twice. Yeah, we were bad. Also, candy corn. To this day I love GOOD candy corn.



19:45 Oct 31 2019

Favorite candy? Jelly Beans. Halloween or not.

20:12 Oct 31 2019

20:27 Oct 31 2019

Oh, I am a Jelly Belly addict.


23:13 Oct 29 2019
Times Read: 778

My story below is NOT real. That is why my last sentence is : Oh and Happy Halloween! I apologize to those who message me thinking it was a real story. I made it up in my head just for Vr as a Happy Halloween from me.




14:29 Oct 29 2019
Times Read: 804

One October Many Years Ago

When I was eleven years old my parents took me to a Pow Wow in October. It was going to start at sunset and I was very excited. All my friends would be there. There would be dancing, story-telling, drumming on the POW Wow drums and food. It was within the Rez so it was safe and we kids could run all over. We arrived right at sunset and out we poured from my Dad’s truck. Now the area we had these events was a big opening with woods all around. That night the moon was full and air had that fall crisps to it. The drums were beating. There was a huge fire-pit and tables were set up with all kinds of foods. I met up with my friends and right away we started playing games.

We liked to play stick ball which is actual you use big sticks and you hit this small ball. It’s a game my ancestors even played as boys. We had been playing for about an hour when the ball got hit into the woods. I volunteered to go fetch it. So off I ran looking for the small ball. I began to step into the edge of the woods and I saw it about 10 feet ahead. Then out of the woods stepped this girl about my age and she stooped to pick up the ball.

I had not seen her before. She was my age. She seemed Cree, too. She had long black hair down past her waist. I had long hair too. She was dressed in Native festival costume. Though her costume seemed really old to me. Like native wear I had seen in pictures taken in the 1800. I even told her I really liked it. I asked her if she wanted to come play stick ball with us. She smiled at me. I have to tell you that year was the year my hormones woke up and I started to notice girls. So when she smiled at me, well, I did not mind being in the woods alone with her.

I am not sure what happen. I remember she reached the ball out to me. I remember stepping forward slowly, I was shy. Her fingertips touched mine and next I knew was I was on the ground and I was hearing people calling my name. I stood up and brushed leaves off me. I looked around for the girl but she was gone. My parents ran up to me and my Mom as Mom’s do checked me over and saw some drops of blood on my shirt collar. She pulled some tissues and began wiping my neck yelling that I was hurt. I rolled my eyes and told my Mom I was fine. I just wanted to find that girl. I wanted to get back to the Pow Wow so I could search for her.

I assured my Mom that I was fine and that I must have ran into a tree branch and scratched my neck and fallen down. Once back at the main grounds I began my search. I looked all over. I went inside the Council Hall where the bathrooms are thinking maybe she was in there. As I was walked inside the pictures on the wall caught my attention. It was the clothing, the old, old pictures. Dresses made of deer hides and the beading, they cloth dyed from plant dyes. Then I saw her. In a picture dated from 1821 was the girl I had just met in the woods. The picture was yellow from age. How could this be? I looked closer and it was her. It gave her name as Wondering Deer daughter of Chief Black Bear, age 11. No one was looking so I unpinned the picture and slipped it in my pocket.

I did not tell anyone. I mean what would I say? Oh Mom by the way I saw a girl in the woods who had lived 100 years ago. Here is a picture of her that I stole from the Council Hall to prove it. I went to bed that night with that picture under my pillow.
The years passed as I had almost forgotten about that girl. I had placed her picture in a wooden box my Grandfather made for me when I turned 10 to keep things in. My Grandfather said every boy needed a box. He had carved my name on it and painted it. It even had a lock on it. I kept my most valuable things from my youth in that box; a real eagle feather a Chief presented to me on my name day. My first love letter from a girl in 7th grade. A real gemstone my grandmother gave to me called Apache’s Tear with a handwritten letter from my grandmother about that stone. Underneath everything was that picture.

It was the year I turned 18 when I was to see her again. The Fall Pow Wow came around and I rode there with one of my friends and his Dad. We no longer played the games we did at 11. No, now we danced, beat the drums and tried to sneak a beer for about 5 of us to share. Oh, and we did our fair share of girl watching. That night again it was a full Moon. It was so big and bright that even far from any city hardly any stars could be seen. It was a harvest moon. We were watching the younger boys playing stick ball and remembering our youth at that age; debated who the best amongst us was at that age when one of the younger boys hit the ball and wham! Into the woods the ball went. The boys were trying to decide which one who venture into the woods to retrieve it when I told them I would go fetch it for them.

For a moment after the words came out of my mouth I paused. See, I had after that night many years ago, decided that the incident was just something my mind had created when I had surly been hit by a low branch and knocked myself out. I must have seen that old picture before on the wall and while I was out dreamed about the girl. Yes, just something my mind created. These were my thoughts as I walked deeper into the woods. I turned around, pushed some leaves on the ground looking for that silly ball.

This time she was older. Again she was my age. She was beautiful and she was wearing a deer skin dress with beading that caught the light of the moon. They looked like tiny stars shinning. Her hair was long, she had those big brown doe like eyes. She held her hand out; holding the ball. This time I did not walk to her. I stood there wondering had I knocked myself out again on a low branch? Am I dreaming? She walked up to me and placed the ball in my hand.

My fingertips touched her fingertips and I felt the emotions run from the top of my head down to the tips of my toes. She smiled and put her arms around me. I took a deep breath as her lips came close to mine. Oh I had kissed girls before but none as pretty as she was. “Are you real?” I whispered to her. “As you want me to be.” Her words were soft and seemed to linger on the cool fall air. I no longer herd all the noises from the Pow Wow. It seemed even the birds had gone silent. All I heard was her words to me. I closed my eyes ready for the kiss. Her lips touched mine. My arms went around her. I did not even feel the drop of blood that ran down my chin.

She lifted a finger and scooped up the blood drop. She placed her finger between her pink lips; then mine. I do not know why but I kissed the blood from her finger. She stepped away from me. Reality started flooding back into my mind as the music, the drums, the laughter came pouring back. “Please do not leave me.” I begged of her. “It’s not time yet.” She whispered. Her voice as soft as anything I had ever heard before. I felt sad. “When can I see you again? How do I know you are even real?” She slipped a picture into my hand and said to me, “Meet me here again when you can and I will show you I am real.” I glanced down at the picture of her and as I looked up she was gone. The taste of her blood was still on my lips.

When I got home I pulled that box from under my bed. I blew the dust off of it, unlocked it and added the new photo to my box.

Years have passed and I have missed quite a few of the Fall Pow Wow’s though it is this weekend. My thoughts have been on that box under my bed and those two picture’s in it. I wonder if I go this weekend will I be adding a new picture to my box my Grandfather made for me...

Oh and Happy Halloween.



17:37 Oct 29 2019

Are you sure this isn't a skinwalker

17:48 Oct 29 2019

Yes I am sure.

23:10 Oct 29 2019

Ok let me say this... The last sentence I thought would be a clue and I am sorry Caperucita if you thought this story was real. It's not. It's 100% made up for just a spooky Halloween story. That is why I am sure itis not a skinwalker.

00:54 Oct 30 2019

it was a good story. :)

02:57 Oct 30 2019

Great story !!

12:07 Oct 30 2019

Great story though


19:41 Oct 21 2019
Times Read: 857

Baby Lily Kitten's Story

As most if you know Baby Lily was found in a box in front of our local Market. She was in bad shape. The vet was not sure how old she was. She still had her cord attached. After a full exam she was weeks older then what she appeared but due to her condition and poor health she appeared to be about 2 weeks old but was really 4 weeks old.

Baby Lily had to battle chronic GI distress, and after having her on two dewormers, an antibiotic, a probiotic, and digestive supplements, my favorite Vet found the remaining culprits: clostridium and cryptosporidium. Poor little girl was full of bacteria and parasites. The vet said the fleas had almost sucked her dry of blood. Right away she was given blood. She had to stay in the ICU unit for a few days before we could bring her home. She had to be bottle feed every 2 hours. There were some days it was touch and go.

We have been in the Foster Pet Program for years and even have had training. It’s not easy Fostering an infant kitten or puppy. You really have to know how to bottle feed, how to get them to use their bowls. A mother cat or dog will lick their little area to get them to pee. So what does a human do? You use a baby wet wipe. A mother dog or cat will keep their babies clean with their tongues, again baby wet wipes. And the getting up every two hours at first, then every 4 hours, then introducing solids. And the hardest part is letting that little one go to their forever home. You’re so happy yet sad at the same time. We have fostered about 50 cats, about 30 dogs, 15 horses, two pigs, 12 goats and a cow.

We knew from the start we would be keeping Baby Lily. We paid all her vet bills which to date have come to over $1500. I always believe if you decide to open your home to one then you must decide can you provide all that they need and as most know sometimes it can be costly. I look at them as brothers and sisters and they become Family members. If we were to foster a human child it would be our responsibility to provide good medical care for that child. Now, when we Foster sometimes we can pull from a donation Fund for their medical however, we are financial stable enough that we donate to the Foster Care Fund and cover all the expenses of the Foster’s ourselves and have never taken from it. Point I am trying to make is just like a human child it takes more than love alone to care for them.

Today Baby Lily Kitten had her last Vet check physical till she needs to be fixed. Here is her story in pictures some taken her first few days at the Vet and last one’s with us.

Starting to get all sassy and Feein' Good

Then and now:

Dad I got my shoes on! Lets go to the Vet for my Bath!

Why Do Humans insist on doing this! Though, I look bad ass in this hat! (The Vet did this Picture. They have a whole wall devoted to just Oprhan's that found forever homes.

While we were at the Vet the call came in from the Local Shelter. They had a baby that needs a Foster. Of course, we said yes:
This is Tetley. He was dropped off at the Shelter in a Tea Box. So he got the name Tetley, like Tetley Tea! During Halloween the Shelter will not allow Black Cats to be adopted due to some people will adopt them just to have a black cat for Halloween then dump them at the shelter or put them on the streets after Halloween. Tetley will stay with us till he is found a Forever Home. Yeah that is what I mean about the hard part but Tetley's Forever Home will have to go though 2 home visit and a application proccess first!



19:52 Oct 21 2019

20:00 Oct 21 2019

Baby Lily Kitten has a little brother for while! Two kittens, clearly we are crazy.


14:11 Oct 21 2019
Times Read: 876

Happy Monday VR!!!!

Here let me pour us some coffee...

Oh and a Monday song

Baby Lily is going to the Vet today to get her claws trimmed, a kitty spa day ( a bath), shots and a check-up.

And from me and Liliancat

Hugs to you all! Have a Blessed day and go out and live your best lives!



15:37 Oct 21 2019

17:20 Oct 21 2019

happy monday


15:33 Oct 19 2019
Times Read: 905

What Cruise Ships will look like in 2020.

The Canopée: Ariane 6's future carrier / stage-transport vessels. With sails!

#Ariane6 hybrid motor, sailing-assisted carrier vessel Canopée built by French startup Zéphyr & Borée and Jifmar Offshore Services. 4 x 363㎡ sails for a total of 1452㎡, dual engine diesel+LNG motors, 121m beam.
To be delivered 2022.

Trés cool!

This company also builds spaceships.



15:49 Oct 19 2019

I told Liliancat I order a 32 footer for us with all the bells and whistle for 1/2 a mil. I bet the full size version is about 800 mil.

01:14 Oct 20 2019

wowza now this looks amazing! I wanna book a cruise then LOL


02:32 Oct 18 2019
Times Read: 938

My Challenge #4. I did not finish due to having to go in hospital for lung funk.

My 4th person is my good friend ABHORASH. First time we spoke we just hit it off. You know that person in your life when you first met it seems like you have been friends with them your whole life. That is my friendship with Henry. He was griefing that brought him back to VR after taking a long break. So yeah we became instant friends. Henry is like me in the way that he hates seeing anyone upset. Where he loaths drama he will inject himself into it trying his best to settle both sides at his own cost of peace of mind. Henry thus puts others and thier problem way above his own. He is always there for me when I need that male Bro to explode all my feelings and issues onto and his advice as always been spot on. Thank you Brother for always being there for me an letting me ramble on about my issue. You and two other bro's here are my male soulmates. *rasies a glass of burbon* To you my friend and my male soulmate. Thank you for everthing. Thank you for being there for me. You are an amazing person, caring, loyal. I know I can tell you anything and it stays with you. Tpnight I feel like I stumble over my words and what is in my soul the words won't come out right but know this Brother.... So, here is to a lonnnnng term friendship. Blood Brothers to the End!!!



12:40 Oct 18 2019

I am glad that I was able to help you. I, truly, didn't do much but listen. You're a good man, My friend. You are strong enough to handle whatever comes your way. You know how to reach Me, should you ever need.

Thank you for your kind words.

Anyhow..... I don't want people going and thinking I'm a nice guy. lmao I am sure there are some people calling B.S. but that's cool.

Be well, My friend.


12:56 Oct 17 2019
Times Read: 968

Warning: Cuteness Overload

These babies where boxed dropped off like Baby Lily Kitty



13:01 Oct 17 2019

Baby Lily Kitten is off the bottle now and on goats milk and baby kitty food. Next weeks she goes for her check-up and last of her shots till she a year old. Also going to get her nails trimmed because she likes to get up back of my neck and suck on my hair and make nursing paws so I have tiny holds in my neck. She will get a bath too, so a vet spa day for her. A little lady has to look good. I can not wait to see how much she weighs.

13:02 Oct 17 2019


02:40 Oct 18 2019

they are so cute


22:38 Oct 16 2019
Times Read: 1,000

Attention PC Nerds: I need some advice. I keep going back and forth with parts.

Few months ago my old pc passed away. Condolences appreciated. So its that time for the new one. A friend of mine is going help me build it. He is VERY good. So, some feed back.

Please critique:

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 8 Core Processor - YD270XBGAFBOX
CPU Ryzen 5 3600X

( I can not decide between those too anyone have either one of these?)

Motherboard *

2x Corsair Vengeance RGB PRO 32GB (2x 32GB) DDR4 3200Mhz Desktop RAM - Black

Storage Device *
Samsung 970 EVO Plus 1TB NVMe PCIe SSD - MZ-V7S1T0BW
2x Seagate IronWolf 6TB 3.5" NAS Hard Drive - ST6000VN0033

Case *
Fractal Design Define R6 USB-C TG Mid-Tower E-ATX Case - Black

Power Supply
Corsair HX850M 850W 80 Plus Platinum Modular Power Supply

Optical Drive
Pioneer (BDR-209DBKS) - 15x Internal BD/DVD/CD Burner - OEM

Graphic Card
Gigabyte GeForce RTX 2080 Ti OC 11GB Graphics Card

This build is $1733 dollarydoos so far. I feel like I could go to $3-3.5k if needed since I intend to get a long time worth out of the thing.



02:13 Oct 17 2019

to what i see, you like amd.... and the ponder i did when i built mine was, what was the gold to what was in mind for the pc build.... meaning what is on your mind for what you want the pc to be doing..... will it be for gaming??? some of the parts seem to aiming for this why i ask/aka/pondered.

850 watt power pack... i ended up with a 750 myself.....and i only put 32 total rams in my rig.... same idea optical drive in mine as well....and only a 2t. ssd in my rig.....

i will have to dig out paper work for more details on what all i did get... lol but kinda too lazy to do so LOL

12:24 Oct 17 2019


00:56 Oct 18 2019

ok, cool... then just take the time and re look your list..... see what each has... and do. and best i can say is go with the ones you feel best with. took me alot of time to settle with what i ended up with. and i am happy with what i gotten.


20:40 Oct 14 2019
Times Read: 1,043

I live!!!!!!!!!

That is all....

And thank you to all those sending get well wishes!



22:43 Oct 14 2019

I am so glad you are better!

00:08 Oct 15 2019

02:44 Oct 15 2019


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