Just what future the Designer of the universe has provided for the souls of people I do not know, I cannot prove. But I find that the whole order of Nature confirms my confidence that, if it is not like our noblest hopes and dreams, it will transcend them for the future.
I once had a decision to make: I came to this river and I could either go around it or just go threw it to get to where I needed to go. My decision was to go threw it because if I went around it that would mean I was avoiding all the problems. You may not like your decision right after you make it, but in the long run it will come back to prove to you that you made the right decision. You may fall down trying to go through it but always remember to get back up, brush yourself off and try again. Nine times out of ten when you get back up after falling you will accomplish what you set out to do.
If you put it to your mind, heart and soul to it you can do it. You are capable to do anything you put your mind to.
I always liked to read your journals..your posts are realistic and always with inspirational thoughts..thank you
To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time: the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation. This creates an endless preoccupation with past and future and an unwillingness to honor and acknowledge the present moment and allow it to be. The compulsion arises because the past gives you an identity and the future holds the promise of salvation, of fulfillment in whatever form. Both are illusions
Interesting..i usually do that before i meditate..but never thought about doing it the way your mom did..daily...i like that thought
Each day is a lifetime in miniature. To awaken each morning is to be born again, to fall asleep at night is to die to the day. In between waking and sleeping are the golden hours of the day. What we cannot do for a lifetime we can do for a daytime.
And as I have found in the past two years, paradise can be both a day and for a lifetime. Depending on whom you wake up to, wrapped in your arms each day....and in whose arms you fall asleep in the night...think about it. I can only wish this good fortune upon others...and hope for all it eventually comes true.
In a time when the world needs wisdom, we forget where it comes from. Wisdom comes from the light as well as the darkness; it gives us depth of insight,
The perception that comes only from experiencing our numerous struggles. All of this dwells in those of us who have seen the light and the darkness, and for those who have learned from their Struggles. It is not too late to seek them out.
The great teachings unanimously emphasize that all the peace, wisdom, and joy in the universe are already within us; we don't have to gain, develop, or attain them. We're like a child standing in a beautiful park with his eyes shut tight. We don't need to imagine trees, flowers, deer, birds, and sky; we merely need to open our eyes and realize what is already here and who we really are.
Beautiful words Dakotah. I should take advice from you brother wolf, for Im brother snake. Lol.
Thanks bro.
How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong. Because someday in life you will have been all of these:
Very wise and so true...
The Circle of Life...
Thank you for your posts Dakotah. They inspire me daily.