Dakotah's Journal


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12 entries this month

05:01 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 1,157

We natives got some talent. This is a real life friend of mine. He is grandson of Chief Standing Bear. Got to support my native brothers.





04:49 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 1,158

Had a good day today. Went to a sweat this morning which felt so good! Made my spirit a bit stronger time to get back to my sweats and ceremonies. I've missed them so much, there's no better feeling. Another sweat next weekend. Quiet movie night at home.




04:46 Jun 23 2014
Times Read: 1,159

The U.S. Patent Office ruled Wednesday that the Washington Redskins nickname is "disparaging of Native Americans" and that the team's federal trademarks for the name must be cancelled.





Game of Thrones

23:24 Jun 15 2014
Times Read: 1,172

PSA: tonight's episode is 66 minutes long.

Predictions: most people are going to miss the ending.




01:05 Jun 14 2014
Times Read: 1,187

It's one of those days where I don't even wanna wear pants lmao. I wish I had a pool. Someone take me swimming before I fill up the tub with cold water and just lounge hard like Tony Montanna, minus the big ass tub.



05:08 Jun 14 2014

Even a lake would work or go white water kayaking .

haha Dakotah go to Wally world and get you one of those big kid pools you cant swim and you can't stand up in it but its better than a tub haha , just get your spit wads and straw out because the neighbors will be heading to your house for a pool party.

17:31 Jun 14 2014

I might go get one of those kiddie pools and put it in the back yard. One reason I got this apartment was we all have a nice backyard. I would even get a bigger one but when I move back home that thing would be difficult to pack up.

01:13 Jun 16 2014

well just drain it hook it to your car and drag that sucker home with you ha you might have no bottom left but stick it deep in the ground . haha see we have creative minds and the damn government stuck us on a Rez . just think where the world would be with minds like yours and mine Dakotah .. Just saying haha



19:33 Jun 12 2014
Times Read: 1,203

I just made this and its delicious. I will be making lots of this over the summer.

Mixed Berry and Citrus Sparking Tea

2 cups of water

4 regular size teabags

1 1/2 cups of mixed berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries) I love berries so I pushed it up to 2 cups.

1 cup of orange juice

2 cups of chilled ginger-ale or club soda

Place the water and tea bags into a small saucepan over high heat and bring to a boil. Remove from heat and allow to steep for 6 minutes.

Meanwhile, place the berries and juice into a blender. Blend until smooth and transfer into a serving pitcher.

Squeeze and discard tea bags and add tea to the serving pitcher. Cover and chill for at least 1 hour. When ready to serve, stir in the ginger ale or club soda. ( I used ginger ale) and pour into ice-filled glasses.




Court Tomorrow.

22:10 Jun 10 2014
Times Read: 1,225

Some of you know about my stupid day when I got in a fight. I had 3 felonies I was facing. I did not know it was against the law to threaten to kill someone when you hit them. But it is. 2 of the charges were tossed out. One was left. I plead guilty because I was. My sentencing is tomorrow and my case looks pretty good. My lawyer is solid lol I don't think I have to do "time". You know what they do to handsome guys like me in jail?! Lmfao jk but I can't wait to get this done and dealt with finally so I can move on. My lawyer claims I will get community service which is fine with me. This happended on a Rez so I face a tribal. I was out drinking (have not touched a drop since) on a double date. This guy bumps into the girl I was with and almost pushed her down the steps. I told him to apolozise to my date which his response was... he pushed her again. I do not tolerate any guy to push a lady rather she my date or not. I picked up a board and I hit him. My reaction was the wrong reaction. I busted the guys head open. I have since paid his medical bills and apologized for my behavor. They guy accepted my apology and even offered one in return. He shared with me too he was drunk that night and was being a idiot.



22:28 Jun 10 2014


Good luck!

22:52 Jun 10 2014

Thank you Isis.

02:51 Jun 12 2014

I got 3 months community service and find $250. When I complete the 3 months Tribune will close the file on and seal it. My service is to clean the lodge for the weekend gatherings areas where the sweats are done and to clean them after each sweat on the weekends.

00:05 Jun 13 2014

Aww sorry u get yourself in this situations... U really look a nice guy i can't imagine u being mad like this ...well guy deserve it..

Haha lol ummm wish i had a jail for handsome guys.. Haha lol.. Anyway sick joke.. but it was funny to read lol


19:24 Jun 08 2014
Times Read: 1,248

Got a beaver on my fishing trip yesterday....first time killing one. Did it for the spring feast in NWA33. And Yes the kinda of beaver you see in ponds...lol...busy day today...should be interesting cuz the beaver is hanging in a tree in my back yard.

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19:41 Jun 08 2014

Are you going to shave it? Nothing like a shaved one. LOL!

20:31 Jun 08 2014

LOL Mogy.

The legend is there was this Giant beaver that would come ashore and devour the peoples, ( Natives). And he eat all the fish in the rivers leaving the people to starve. A pow-wow was held and Hobomock raised, who came to their relief. With a great stake in hand, he waded the river until he found the beaver, and so hotly chased him that he sought to escape by digging into the ground. Hobomock saw his plan and his whereabouts, and with his great stake jammed the beaver's head off. I used a bow, 2 arrows in the head as I did not want the animal to suffer. There are many stories/legends around the beaver. To kill one in spring is said to provide for a bountiful summer. It is all done with permission from Fresh Water and Game folks.


15:39 Jun 06 2014
Times Read: 1,268

Just got in a new stone it has fantastic healing properties do you know what it is and what it is for?

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15:44 Jun 06 2014


16:44 Jun 06 2014

SHUNGITE It is a mineral with healing power and properties to which nothing else in the world can be compared. Shungite cures, purifies, protects, normalizes, induces recovery and promotes growth in living organisms. Everything which takes a toll on us, is killed; and everything health-giving is concentrated and restored by this miracle rock. Every scientist investigating Shungite, declares it to be miraculous.

18:01 Jun 06 2014

Ohhhhhh I love it!!!!

Do you have nuummite as well? That is probably my favorite stone.

19:27 Jun 08 2014

I sure do Wicked. I started collecting stones when I was 8 with my Grandfather and he tell me stories about each type of stone.

00:11 Jun 13 2014

Awesome :)


17:59 Jun 05 2014
Times Read: 1,288

Hardships are what make people stronger and build your character. I'm going through one of the toughest times in my life right now it's hard to stay positive with this much struggle, even for me. But you have to embrace your pain because it will someday become a product of who you are. I'm not a person that is easily beaten, life hits hard sometimes and you can either lay there and cry about it or get up and hit life back with your strength and hunger to succeed. Nothing will get in the way of my future.



18:47 Jun 05 2014

You have the perfect attitude. All else but the present is an illusionary burden. Hope things get better for you. Actually I know they will.

19:06 Jun 05 2014

Thank you Vloth.

22:12 Jun 05 2014

See, more people need this mentality! Im glad to hear you have that fight in you! I sure as hell did when I was going through a lot of shit in my life, and now Im at the point where I can relax and do what ever the hell I want! Well, keep at it, live strong, reach for that goal, and never give up! :)

07:07 Jun 06 2014

Thank you randicloudbead. One of my scholarships fell though as I am going back for my masters this fall so its back to filling out all these papers again... nothing will stop me from my goals. But sometimes I swear the wall I hit in life I hit hard. I just got hit life back as hard sometimes as it hits me. Struggle... struggle...

07:43 Jun 06 2014

Prayers are in my heart for you Dakotah , I sincerely hope things work out . It is hard to stay positive but you have to keep your head up . Seems each time you get your life on track here comes something to try to pull you down. I try my best to find something good out of bad most of the time you can. If you need someone to turn to please message me, you have been there for me and would love to be there for you. friend hug for you brother

15:32 Jun 06 2014

Thank you brother XDrakkar. I think you can relate to this struggle trying to get educated by grants and scholarships when your poor. Red tape, forms... deadlines....


17:18 Jun 04 2014
Times Read: 1,310

Mind is everything, if you don't believe you can do something then you can't. If you believe that your father was a bum and he left you or your mother wasn't any good, if you believe that your upbringing was so substandard and therefore you have to walk around as a refugee from that crisis situation for the rest of your life forever bearing the burden of that experience then that will be your life, it's like you have to save your own life, because no one's gonna save it for you, so we have to do what we have to do no matter what it is.



17:23 Jun 04 2014

This is so true..

Watch your thoughts they become words

Watch your words they become actions

Watch your actions they become habits

Watch your habits they become character

Watch your character it becomes your Destiny

Love this quote

18:00 Jun 04 2014

I was just thinking about this very thing.

21:06 Jun 04 2014

True, I can agree with this. Only you can change you. But I am sure people around you can also effect you in a positive or negative way, but in the end it all comes down on you.


04:24 Jun 02 2014
Times Read: 1,319

What a great weekend. Went to show some support for our native two spirited brothers and sister today. Gay dudes are cool but lesbians rule! hahaha. Never seen so many gorgeous lesbians in my life I had to pace myself "sup? 1, 2, 3, sup?"



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