In my culture we have many legends and myths that have been passed down though generations. Some of you know of these such as Skin Waker's, a skin-walker is a person with the supernatural ability to turn into any creature he or she desires. They are native Witche's who do a secret ceremony. It's is so secret that the chants spoken during the ceromony have never been found recorded on paper; never written down. Though, the chants are known to exist. Skinwalkers are purely evil in intent. I do not even like talking about them:
One legend myth many do not know about is the story/legend of the Little People:
After nightfall, the call of the Whip-poor-will signals their arrival. They are good spirits, but they must be treated with respect, according to tradition. It is important to leave baskets of food, such as corn cakes and berries, or even meat in the woods for them. Wearing moccasin flowers for shoes, they gather the gifts at night.
They have their own rules of etiquette. Those who see the Little People should not look directly at them, they think it's rude. If they catch you staring, they might point a finger at you, rooting you to the ground, while they take your belongings. Another rule is don't speak of them in the summer, when they are most active.
But in return for kindness, they taught the people how to grow corn and use healing plants. They keep the earth well and grant favors for those who honor their ways.
When the English settlers came and disrupted the traditional way of Native life, many forgot to help the Little People. As a result, many fell ill. At this time of Bad Spirits, there lived a medicine woman. One night, during a terrible storm, she heard the whip-poor-will. When she looked outside, the bird wasn't to be found, but a small boy stood in the rain on her doorstep. It turned out he was a grown boy named Weegun, who told her to come help someone who was sick. Though the storm was fierce, he led her through the woods a long way.
Suddenly, the storm seemed to stop as they began to descend into the ground. They were in the realm of the Little People. Weegun led her to a beehive shaped chamber of rocks. Inside, a very old woman lay in bed, very ill. The Little People told the medicine woman that this was Granny Squannit, who must be made well. Granny Squannit is very powerful, and she is known to cause storms when she argues with her husband. Her illness was the reason for this storm. Worse, healers often look to Granny Squannit when the need is dire for help in healing, and here she was the one who was sick. The medicine woman treated Granny Squannit for nearly a moon before she got better. In return for restoring Granny Squannit's health, the Makiawisug gave the medicine woman a basket of gifts and told her to remember them. She was blindfolded and taken back home.
Only when she returned did she open the basket. Inside were quartz crystals, painted skins and bunches of herbs.
The legend has revolved that with Mother Earth being sick the Little People have all become Spirits and they still watch over us. Yesterday I went for a walk with my dad. I was looking down careful where I stepped because I recover from my knee. My Dad tells me, Stop, Do not move. He takes a picture. He shows it to me. Now I am the most non-believe you will ever met in my area we live... Ghost, Spirits, legends... blah. But, this has me going. At first I only saw sticks and then he outlined her form, her shape. Do You see her?
I have thought long and hard about this. I have taken my own inventory. I have started on a tarot journey of self discovery and there is an area of my life I need work on: To Forgive. I am making this post public. I tend to hold onto wrongs. Who does that harm? Me. I am not that important that the person who I feel angry at is spending there time thinking of me. Yet, here I am holding onto stuff. That is on me. I want to take the tarot journey and it had started out great. Today I allowed negative energy in. Today I did not go near my cards. So, in order to pick them up again there is something I must do.
The forgiver does not excuse the unfair behavior but offers goodness in the face of the unfairness. The forgiver should not think in "either/or" terms, either forgiving and abandoning a quest for justice, or seeking justice alone without forgiving. The two moral virtues of forgiveness and justice can and should be applied together.
Forgive Impaler. Yes, it is here, public. I am not doing this for you. I am doing this for me.
I am Cri, in English it is Cree. All around me I am blessed to live the dream of freedom and the right to pratice my spirituality and the right to be who I am down to my long hair. The reason I grow my hair and never cut it is my Grandfather was sent to school, taken from his parents as a child, and sent 6 hours away to an English school. His hair was shaved. Any time he spoke one word of our native language the Nuns would beat him. Many children died he attened this school with. When the school was finally torn down the found body after body of children buried like you would roadkill. I need to honor him and be a good person.
I am blessed to have an amazing woman in my life, Liliancat, who those here who know her, know she is the most gentle kindest women you will ever meet.
I do ths for her too, my Liliancat. SO I can be the man this wonderful, amazing women deserves.
Creator, help me meditate on each instance of my past
that I may see the truth.
Creator, I pray for each and every relation
I must approach at this time.
Great Spirit, my Sacred Hoop is broken.
Please guide me in healing other Hoops that I have broken.
Creator, help me to focus on my part
in these weakest links of my life.
So, no more negative journal comments on that subject.
What I need to put into practice:
Amends has two parts:
Apologizing for our own hurtful behaviors.
Asking what we can do to restore harmony and balance.
I see a mother on TV saying she forgives the man who killed her son.
The forgiver does not excuse the unfair behavior but offers goodness in the face of the unfairness.
When I forgive, I do so:
1. to become emotionally healthier. Forgiving can reduce unhealthy anger.
2. to repair relationships as it helps me to see the other’s worth.
3. to grow in character because it can help me to become a better person.
4. to be of assistance, within reason, toward the one who acted unjustly. Forgiveness extends the hand of friendship even though the other may reject this.
5. to help me to assist other family members to see that forgiveness is a path to peace. Forgiveness for peace, in other words, can be passed through the generations.
6. to motivate me to contribute to a better world as anger does not dominate.
7. to help me to more consistently live out my own philosophy of life or faith tradition if that worldview honors forgiveness.
8. to exercise goodness as an end in and of itself regardless of how others react to my offer of forgiving.
I am not perfect. I have flaws. I want peace in my life. I want joy. I want fun. Thus, I have to do this.
You are a good man. A better man than I. I am proud to call you brother. I am proud of what you are doing here.
Forgiveness snt something easy. I know. It wasnt easy for me too. I am very proud of you that you opened your heart and let everyting behind
You are trully amazing and the most sweetest and caring
I love you so very much
You are a good man. Opening your heart to the creator and let him heal your soul. I had to forgive many times in my life in order to go on and forgive myself for letting negative things even enter my own world. It is written forgive those who trespass on us, for the power and the glory amen.
My sacred hoop has cracks in it. I need to fix it.
15:42 Jul 23 2019
I see a face. I enjoyed the story very much.