Dakotah's Journal


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19:02 Jul 15 2018
Times Read: 1,033

What a game!!!! Congrats France. Well played.



10:00 Jul 16 2018

Well played indeed.
3 goals in the second time on the first 20 mins if I remember well

17:39 Jul 16 2018

The score flattered France because Croatia really did dominate the game, they just couldn't get their shots to go in.


03:10 Jul 14 2018
Times Read: 1,061


This is hilarious:

Non-Indigenous residents of Ontario City terrified after SKODEN message appears on water tower

A giant spray-painted message that simply reads SKODEN has appeared on a water tower in Sudbury, Ont., leaving non-Indigenous residents terrified.

“I just know those Indigenouses [sic] are behind this,” said Peter Model, who glared suspiciously at the message from his front yard. “If you ask me, it means they are planning some sort of uprising.”
In another part of the city, Joan Chamber echoed those fears.

“Bunch of Native people were laughing their heads off and shouting ‘stoodis’ when they saw it,” Chamber said. “I don’t understand it but it’s scary and it just sounds offensive.”

A spokesperson from Ontario police urged residents to be calm and said the force has requested extra resources from the province for what is estimated to be the largest investigation in the city’s history.


So one of my favorite Author, Frank, had to explain what Skoden and Stoodis meant to some folks. He is the author of the book Grey Eyes. A good read by the way.

“How do I explain...so, if you are going to get into a fight on the Rez, it’s usually because you have been “talking shit”, or someone has been “talking shit” about you. Either way, the victim of the shit talking (the accuser) would confront the shit talker (the accused, who is innocent until proven guilty) and ask something like “I heard yer talking’ shit about me?” The accused could deny the allegations by saying “not even, boi.” in which case the accuser must provide evidence, usually in the form of eye witness accounts. Witnesses in these cases have more credibility the closer they are related to the accuser (a friend is less credible than a cousin, but a sibling or parent is more credible than a cousin). Conversely, the accused could accept the charges by saying “So? Whatcha gonna do about it anywayz?” in an aggressive manner. In any event, if the charges are accepted or plausible deniability cannot be established, the situation can be escalated to a physical confrontation by either party by stating “Skoden” which roughly translates to “Let’s go, then” which is widely regarded as a challenge to engage in fisticuffs (like dropping your gloves in hockey). The party that is challenged to a pugilistic competition may accept by saying “Stoodis” which roughly translates to “Let’s do this”. Pugilism ensues, usually monitored by cousins of either party for fairness, Marquis of Queensbury rules preferred. Once a winner can be declared by either side, the matter is usually considered resolved. In the rare event when a winner is not clearly established, cousins of both parties can either match up to resolve on behalf of the family or they can pull their respective family members out and state “okden” which roughly translates to “okay then”.



14:59 Jul 17 2018


20:32 Jul 12 2018
Times Read: 1,103

FFS Day.

Sean's Journal

So, I was up early, like 5'ish Am because I could have slept in till 9 am but oh no. My body decides time to get up. Alright, that is cool. I get a cup of coffee and go back to my Man Cave ( My bedroom ) and I am sitting at my desk looking out upon my backyard to see if the Mommy deer is out with her new born. I do love watching them early in the morning as they like to graze the tender grass back there. I notice all the beautiful flowers my mother and I planted. Well mine are springs up from last year. I get wildflower seed pac's like 500 and randomly toss them around and see what comes up. My mother on the other hand cares for the flower beds and plants flowers that draw butterflies.

As I am enjoying my first cup of coffee of the day and taking in Mother Nature this beautiful yellow/orange/black butterfly lands on this bright yellow flower just gently moving its wings and partaking of some yellow pollen dust. Along comes this beautiful bright red bird landing a flower over. How peaceful and what a site to behold. Then the bright red bird grabs the beautiful butterfly and.... gobbles it up! Mother Nature why oh why? I sigh and inform my mother she has created 'The Killing Fields' as I inform her what happen. Which of course she lectures me on how nature is just nature and for me to get over it.

Reason I did have to get up early, my alarm was set for 9 am was having an appointment with my doctor who recently operated on my right knee. Best part of my morning is waking up Lily and telling her about 'The Killing Fields' and the poor butterfly. Lily is always the best part of my mornings... afternoons and evenings.

So back from the doctor's and I am tired as I head to my room, chat with Lily some and she planning to take her son to see the Trans Movie- Vacation. We chat some and I tell her I am going to lay down.

I get my pillows all arranged and my room temp is at 72... perfect napping zone. I lay down and start dozing when I hear a Bzzzz around my head. FFS there is a fly in my room. Now, there 12 OTHER rooms in this house for this Fly to explore... but Oh No! He has to choose MY room. Ugh. So I hobble out of bed find the fly killer swatter and then of course the Fly is NO where in site. I wait. I watch. I am on the hunt. Show yourself Fly! And I wait a good ten minutes. No Fly. I think maybe he flew into my bathroom so I shut the door. Ha! Lock you up in there! I lay back down. Get that comfty sweet spot when I feel something crawling on my leg.... He has returned! Oh and he knows I just had knee surgery and that I move slowly then a sloth. I love sloth's by the way. They are the coolest!

Alright, I declare all out war! One of us is going down! I slide out of bed. Got my fly killer and hobble into place and I wait... no fly. Bastard! Show yourself! He must of herd me because he uncloaks onto my window! I slowly hobble closer. I lift my weapon... and WHAM! POW! *other batman emotes* Smack! And.... and.... wait for it... I think I got him.... I look on the floor for the body... and... FFS! Where is the body! Bastard gone into his super cloak mode using all his super fly powers. So, I am sitting in my chair with my war weapon in hand and..... I wait....and wait... and ...

To Be Con't



21:07 Jul 12 2018

I could so picture your mom telling you abou the murdering fields and the bad red bird that ate the buterfly lol
You are my best thing at mornings noon evening and night and ohh gods i so could see you laughing with us n the movies. And its the Transylvania Hoel 3. Haha the monsters were dancing macareno. No more spoilers.
The nght was warm the open cinema theater calm and the movie awesome. It was a nice beautiful summer night and the laughter of the kids was precious.
I have to tell again and again that i admire you SOOOOO much. You are amazing because no matter what you always smile and try to focus on the day with a funny amazing day. You make me happy and my heart beat fast only with the "goodmorning hun" you tell me. You are amazing sooooo amazing. Strong stuborn precious. i love you so much. i LOVE you.
"walks around spreying perfum on the room so the fly gets dizzy and fall' You shall not passss you damn fly. hehe

21:19 Jul 12 2018

Words being herd from my Man Cave: “da-na-na-na-na-na-na-na” ZLOPP! THUNK!

I need Mogy to come in my room and blow some smoke around so Super Fly will get a contact high and I can win this battle. But then I couldn't kill it... I would confine it in a glass and free it outside so maybe the Red Bird would crunch-n-munch it like the poor butterfly.

22:30 Jul 12 2018

I feel for the poor fly. They have such short life spans anyway.

04:17 Jul 14 2018

To the rescue

10:00 Jul 14 2018



00:22 Jul 12 2018
Times Read: 1,126

Anyone watching the FIFA World Cup? Man if Croatia pulls this out, they are going to be the walking dead this weekend... FFS, 3 extra time matches in a row?



10:49 Jul 12 2018

They made military show planes over england saying "Its coming home" lol

12:18 Jul 12 2018

sorry sweets, England lost.

21:07 Jul 12 2018

"swallow chocolates sad" lol

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